The target's torso was in the exact center of the reticle.Although this wasn't exactly where I would aim when I fired the shot, it served as a useful point of reference until I was ready.Using the mil dots on the reticle, I had calculated the distance.It wasn't necessary because I had used the range finder to choose this location, and the scope was set to the six hundred meter range. However, I always liked to use both methods just in case something happened.Cut only once, measure twice.Since the sight had dialed in the range, I didn't have to change my vertical aiming position.I only needed to think about the wind.With a flick of my eye to the left, I could see the small flag I had put on top of a nearby building.I estimated the wind's direction from left to right at 8 mph from the silk's slight ripple.I knew it was equivalent to four MOA, or minutes of angle, at this level and range.I shifted my aiming point just over a mil to the left to accommodate the 3.375 MOA in a mil on the reticle.
The CheyTac Intervention M300 was spread out in front of me on a bipod as I lay prone.It was the ideal weapon for this range.My right elbow rested on the mat I had laid on the ground to make things more comfortable, and my cheek rested on the stock.I had my left arm collapsed before me with my left hand on my right shoulder in an exemplary sharpshooter position for a rifle with a bipod.Naturally, it wasn't like the movies, where the sniper typically holds the hand guard under the barrel.After taking two inhalations, I allowed my body to relax.I didn't need to be nervous because I had a solid foundation from which to aim.
The time was right.As I applied tension to the trigger, I exhaled slowly after taking a final inhale.
As if it were the beginning of a headache, pressure slowly built up on my temple.It wasn't a jab that caused me to jerk away; rather, it was an ever-increasing force.Then it was, then it wasn't.However, it shouldn't have been there.It stood out even though it seemed out of place.A gun barrel had been pressed against my side of the head by someone.
As I slowed my breathing, a calmness came over me like a cool shower on a hot day.I needed to come up with a way to get some control back.When I was lying on the floor with a gun to my head, that wasn't easy.
I said, "That's impressive."to get this close to me and not let me hear you.
I made sure not to move and kept my cheek close to the stock.Despite automatically returning the target to the center of the reticle as I continued to look through the Steiner M5Xi scope, I was still very focused on the room.My head was under constant pressure.
"I like to be impressive," I say.
I grinned.A woman surprised me.She sounded very English in her accent.either from the Home Counties or the upper middle class.Usually, I can't tell the difference.To be honest with myself, I doubt there was one.
But why not a woman, I questioned to myself?A woman would be a much better assassin than a man.In general, women were more subtle.Simply put, there weren't many female assassins and this wasn't a large community.Was the industry sexist?Most likely not.It's more likely that women avoided such a short-lived industry because they were far more sensible than men.
I continued to look through the scope at the target while remaining relaxed.
I responded, "I'm not sure which is more impressive."capturing me, or finding me in the first place."
“Like I said...” The voice sounded a little bit Tara Palmer-Tomkinson and had a slight smoky undertone.It probably would be sexy in other situations.Hell, in these circumstances, some men might find it sexy.However, not me; TPT was not my kind, and these circumstances were definitely not motivating.
"Why didn't you go ahead and cock your gun to let me know you were here?"It would have been so much better.
Yes, racking the slide to eject the chambered perfectly good round is the coolest thing ever.I have experience;This is not like the films.In any case, I didn't think the dramatic entrance would be necessary.
I had tried unsuccessfully to upset her.She was, on the contrary, making fun of me.She wouldn't have found me or put me in this situation, with a gun to my head and me completely at her mercy, if she hadn't been a professional, which I already knew.I was fortunate to have obtained the data from her.Although it was a start, I still lacked complete control.I had to keep talking to her.
"So, now what?"I pressed.
"Maybe I'll just shoot you and leave here," I thought.The tone of her voice was somewhat mocking.
"I don't believe so."
Why might that be the case?Despite being a challenge, it was friendly.
You would have already completed it if that were all you were going to do.Your risk is increasing every second you spend talking to me, which goes against your incredible professionalism.I responded with interest to the teasing.That's what I thought.There may be more to this, but I'm having trouble figuring it out.However, you ought to proceed with it.I'm getting sick of it.
I might just be taking in the moment.Nobody has ever seen or heard of the assassin.She sneered once more, "right here, under my gun."However, for someone with a gun to their head, you are extremely salty."
I grinned once more.She gave as much as she received.In fact, I believe she was winning this conversation.I was hardly making any headway.
Being the one who receives it is the kind of thing that makes me bitter.Additionally, I must complete a task.Additionally, I detest having to press this button.
Between us, there was a silence.
“Button?Which switch?I can tell it's a scam.
I've made it this far.Numerous people would prefer that I die.I exercise caution.Don't you?"
She was unable to see my left hand because my left arm was folded underneath.
I have a button in my jacket's pocket that will activate the security measures I've set up.It won't go as planned.Naturally, she was correct; it was a ruse.I had never been approached before.I had no justification for taking this level of precaution.The lady was directly in that nobody knew what my identity was, what I resembled or anything about me.
So, should I just shoot you right now?
I wouldn't want that to end well.I needed to think quickly.
I responded, "Ah, I wouldn't do that either."It is, after all, a dead switch.It has now been activated, and if I let go, it will become noisy.She understood what I meant when I said I was implying a bomb.
She yelled, "I know what a dead man's switch is, fucktard," before recovering.It appears that we are at a dead end.a conflict with Mexico.We will both die if I kill you.You'll probably kill me if I don't.At this point, it appears that I will die regardless.
I took a chance.I cannot make any guarantees.So, as I mentioned, what now?I hoped it would be seen as a joke by her.She might just shoot me and hope my bluffed bomb didn't kill her if she didn't.
"Maybe you ought to simply take the shot."
My eyebrow started to rise.That was unexpected for me.I guess I had assumed she was the target's guardian.I hadn't even thought about it;I had just agreed to it.I assumed that she was detaining me.What's going on?
Despite my inability to move, I had not diverted my attention from the scope's image.All the while, I had been focused on the room and had made the minute adjustments to follow the target unconsciously.I refocused, made one last adjustment, and then pulled the trigger because it was pointless to delay.After all, that was why I was here.The rifle's and the.375 match grade round's maximum range of 2500 meters was well within the range.The round reached its target in less than a second.
“Hit?”She inquired.
That was simply offensive.I removed my eye from the extension and turned my head to gaze toward her.
She squatted in front of me, but as I turned, she pulled the gun away from my temple.It did not budge as it continued to point at me.Consistent as a stone.
She had a stunning beauty.Given the small population, I had assumed her identity, but this proved it.I had heard that she was attractive, but I wasn't sure what that meant in real life.It came as a surprise.
The pistol that was still pointing at me was an SP2022 Nitron polymer frame 9mm, which was not a burner but rather a very professional weapon.It probably belonged to her.I learned a little more about her from it.
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GUN MAN Chapter 2
She replied, "Just thought I'd check."No one can say for sure.I mean, I really don't know if you are who I think you are."It's clear that I am not, so you should just let me go right now."That might be a little risky for me, then.Additionally, I have not yet fulfilled my contract.“I see.Is this my contract?"Somebody is.""There is no one else in the vicinity that is within the range of that pistol, is there not?She smiled as she took a look at the gun.Yes, that exists.I seized the chance to slowly stand up.In order to ensure that I could not reach her, she stood and cautiously stepped back.I thought that was very wise, but my shift of position had covered the draw of my own pistol, which was now pointed at her."So, now what?"For the third time, I asked."I knew that button shit was a ruse," she said."You would have shot me if you had done that.""No, no, I still haven't decided if I'm going to."She had not once responded to my gun.She was talking like it wasn't there.It was cl
GUN MAN Chapter 3
The interesting thing is that I was unable to locate anything.Although there is nothing to track, I am able to guess which hits are yours.Offering the agreements, instead of ready to be reached is extremely shrewd.I never had time to find you because of this.If someone can get in touch with you, they can find you if they work hard enough, no matter how much security you use.However, no one can reach you.It's a great idea.""So, assuming I'm George, what do you expect from me?"George is not a nickname; rather, it is a title.Because it refers to an apparition or phantom, I understand why it is used.Because you are a ghost, it is clever.But it's just a name.Can't I refer to you by name?I can come up with one or you can give me one."Make one up, and let's keep the theme going."I smiled once more to encourage her.I didn't want to give anything away.Let's call you Fagin then, okay?Thus, you have a variety of skills.There is no pattern to your hits that I believe to be yours.by hand, guns
GUN MAN Chapter 4
In shock, my mother sat there with her mouth open.She did not yell.She simply sat there and alternated between me and her deceased husband.Her hands were all over.I focused on her.He was due this.He has raped me in my room weekly for the past six years.He then slapped me around because he was putting the blame on me and wanted to feel better.You were aware of the situation.You said you didn't believe me when I told you, but you knew.I'm sure you knew.She gave a violent head shake, but it wasn't a denial.I just knew, I don't know how I knew that."For what you allowed to happen, you deserve to die.He deserved it for what he did to me, so I killed him to stop him from doing it to anyone else.Living with it is your punishment.You can take your own life if you are a coward.I'm unconcerned.The only thing I require of you is that you notify me at least 24 hours in advance of reporting this.You will never see me again because I am leaving.I need some time to escape.You owe me this for all t
GUN MAN Chapter 5
The biggest smile she had so far was hers.But you wouldn't take it, wouldn't you?Remember, I saved your life."You've mentioned that once or twice, but that does not provide an answer to the question."It's possible, but highly unlikely.They are not in danger from me.She gave me a brief stare.What's the point?I gave it some thought.That was a question I frequently asked myself.When I was younger, I would respond to myself with idealistic notions of justice, world peace, and the like.I no longer had a reason to lie to her or myself.It wouldn't reveal anything about me to her.It pleases me.“Seriously?Is that it?Not even money? No purpose, no major motivation.The first time I hadn't lied to her or challenged me.All was well with this.Obviously, there was more to my motivation than that.My father and the priest were the ones who started it.At the Kung Fu camp, I had some time to consider my options and decided to become a vigilante.I wanted to assist others.But I decided to do somethin
GUN MAN Chapter 6
I closed my eyes and let the hotel's natural sounds and rhythm relax me as I imagined the various international security agencies.What had changed about each of them to the point where I could cause them embarrassment or difficulty?I would, of course, be embarrassed if my activities were revealed for the majority of them, but that had been the case for years.Not only did I protect myself, but also the organizations for which I worked.I couldn't shame them if I didn't exist.I was a legend.However, Simbine's activation had been triggered by something, so something specific must have occurred.In the worst case, I would have to go through all of my primary contacts one by one.Time would be required.I had been cultivating them for years.Naturally, they were unaware of my identity.Although simple, it had not been easy.As a civil servant, get a low-level, part-time job at a government agency.I would use my credentials to gain access to a more secure location and then just act like I worked
GUN MAN Chapter 7
"Listen, I don't have time for trivial matters.The general public is unaware of this rogue.The Yanks are looking for him, but it doesn't matter what they do.They are not at all subtle.versus me.They blew it right away and sent someone after him."How exactly?"was unable to approach him.Not in the slightest.They are now terrified, though.Had to keep this person out of George's sight in case he tried to find him.“George?”“George.Whoo-oooo-oooo.A terrifying figure."Hastings waved his arms around like a child playing ghost.The Uncertain"He shaken his head.They are concerned that he will locate them.Why are they so afraid of him?"The fool is aware.They need to make a pair and send someone decent after him rather than a jarhead.Because they are so afraid that Sing Sing will discover the person they sent after him, they stuck the liar in Sing Sing to keep him hidden.In real life, I would have put him to death to punish the thief.Hastings was beginning to stumble in his speech.After the
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Chapter 7
"Listen, I don't have time for trivial matters.The general public is unaware of this rogue.The Yanks are looking for him, but it doesn't matter what they do.They are not at all subtle.versus me.They blew it right away and sent someone after him."How exactly?"was unable to approach him.Not in the slightest.They are now terrified, though.Had to keep this person out of George's sight in case he tried to find him.“George?”“George.Whoo-oooo-oooo.A terrifying figure."Hastings waved his arms around like a child playing ghost.The Uncertain"He shaken his head.They are concerned that he will locate them.Why are they so afraid of him?"The fool is aware.They need to make a pair and send someone decent after him rather than a jarhead.Because they are so afraid that Sing Sing will discover the person they sent after him, they stuck the liar in Sing Sing to keep him hidden.In real life, I would have put him to death to punish the thief.Hastings was beginning to stumble in his speech.After the
Chapter 6
I closed my eyes and let the hotel's natural sounds and rhythm relax me as I imagined the various international security agencies.What had changed about each of them to the point where I could cause them embarrassment or difficulty?I would, of course, be embarrassed if my activities were revealed for the majority of them, but that had been the case for years.Not only did I protect myself, but also the organizations for which I worked.I couldn't shame them if I didn't exist.I was a legend.However, Simbine's activation had been triggered by something, so something specific must have occurred.In the worst case, I would have to go through all of my primary contacts one by one.Time would be required.I had been cultivating them for years.Naturally, they were unaware of my identity.Although simple, it had not been easy.As a civil servant, get a low-level, part-time job at a government agency.I would use my credentials to gain access to a more secure location and then just act like I worked
Chapter 5
The biggest smile she had so far was hers.But you wouldn't take it, wouldn't you?Remember, I saved your life."You've mentioned that once or twice, but that does not provide an answer to the question."It's possible, but highly unlikely.They are not in danger from me.She gave me a brief stare.What's the point?I gave it some thought.That was a question I frequently asked myself.When I was younger, I would respond to myself with idealistic notions of justice, world peace, and the like.I no longer had a reason to lie to her or myself.It wouldn't reveal anything about me to her.It pleases me.“Seriously?Is that it?Not even money? No purpose, no major motivation.The first time I hadn't lied to her or challenged me.All was well with this.Obviously, there was more to my motivation than that.My father and the priest were the ones who started it.At the Kung Fu camp, I had some time to consider my options and decided to become a vigilante.I wanted to assist others.But I decided to do somethin
Chapter 4
In shock, my mother sat there with her mouth open.She did not yell.She simply sat there and alternated between me and her deceased husband.Her hands were all over.I focused on her.He was due this.He has raped me in my room weekly for the past six years.He then slapped me around because he was putting the blame on me and wanted to feel better.You were aware of the situation.You said you didn't believe me when I told you, but you knew.I'm sure you knew.She gave a violent head shake, but it wasn't a denial.I just knew, I don't know how I knew that."For what you allowed to happen, you deserve to die.He deserved it for what he did to me, so I killed him to stop him from doing it to anyone else.Living with it is your punishment.You can take your own life if you are a coward.I'm unconcerned.The only thing I require of you is that you notify me at least 24 hours in advance of reporting this.You will never see me again because I am leaving.I need some time to escape.You owe me this for all t
Chapter 3
The interesting thing is that I was unable to locate anything.Although there is nothing to track, I am able to guess which hits are yours.Offering the agreements, instead of ready to be reached is extremely shrewd.I never had time to find you because of this.If someone can get in touch with you, they can find you if they work hard enough, no matter how much security you use.However, no one can reach you.It's a great idea.""So, assuming I'm George, what do you expect from me?"George is not a nickname; rather, it is a title.Because it refers to an apparition or phantom, I understand why it is used.Because you are a ghost, it is clever.But it's just a name.Can't I refer to you by name?I can come up with one or you can give me one."Make one up, and let's keep the theme going."I smiled once more to encourage her.I didn't want to give anything away.Let's call you Fagin then, okay?Thus, you have a variety of skills.There is no pattern to your hits that I believe to be yours.by hand, guns
Chapter 2
She replied, "Just thought I'd check."No one can say for sure.I mean, I really don't know if you are who I think you are."It's clear that I am not, so you should just let me go right now."That might be a little risky for me, then.Additionally, I have not yet fulfilled my contract.“I see.Is this my contract?"Somebody is.""There is no one else in the vicinity that is within the range of that pistol, is there not?She smiled as she took a look at the gun.Yes, that exists.I seized the chance to slowly stand up.In order to ensure that I could not reach her, she stood and cautiously stepped back.I thought that was very wise, but my shift of position had covered the draw of my own pistol, which was now pointed at her."So, now what?"For the third time, I asked."I knew that button shit was a ruse," she said."You would have shot me if you had done that.""No, no, I still haven't decided if I'm going to."She had not once responded to my gun.She was talking like it wasn't there.It was cl
Chapter 1
The target's torso was in the exact center of the reticle.Although this wasn't exactly where I would aim when I fired the shot, it served as a useful point of reference until I was ready.Using the mil dots on the reticle, I had calculated the distance.It wasn't necessary because I had used the range finder to choose this location, and the scope was set to the six hundred meter range. However, I always liked to use both methods just in case something happened.Cut only once, measure twice.Since the sight had dialed in the range, I didn't have to change my vertical aiming position.I only needed to think about the wind.With a flick of my eye to the left, I could see the small flag I had put on top of a nearby building.I estimated the wind's direction from left to right at 8 mph from the silk's slight ripple.I knew it was equivalent to four MOA, or minutes of angle, at this level and range.I shifted my aiming point just over a mil to the left to accommodate the 3.375 MOA in a mil on the re