Chapter 10: Discussion Session

The gate at the main castle wall immediately closed, followed by the castle door tightly shutting. No light entered the castle, plunging the room into complete darkness.

Moments later, a large torch, more like a bonfire, lit up in the middle of the podium. The players faced the torch, providing dim illumination.

[Discussion Session Begins]

The screen then displayed images of two different cards.

[Displaying missing cards]

[The Sun]



[Granting special rights to the holder of The Fool card to guess other players' cards]

[Note: Missing cards cannot be guessed until the next session]

[Time: 5 minutes]

Tension arose. However, the players' gazes fell on Leon.

There was no doubt, Leon would soon be disqualified. Even now, Leon seemed nervous. But not as much as his initial reaction when the game started.

Adam began to glance at each player to see any differences in behavior or the li
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