That night, for the Grichys it was a time to be merry and celebrate. Kindicles, their biggest business, had signed a deal with Top Notch Group. This great milestone achieved by the Grichys will be heard far and near.

Making the celebration more elaborate was the eldest member of the family, Senior Grichy. He was turning 70.

The guests, who were mainly prominent and wealthy people, were present at Grichy Villa for the celebration.

“This is a cash gift of one hundred million dollars.” The Ariels gave their gift and wished him prosperity and good health.

“On behalf of the Swelvys, here is a diamond wristwatch.” It is worth fifteen million dollars and they wish the Grichys many happy returns.

Sitting in the foyer, Senior Grichy was dressed in a black suit. Yes, he was 70, but his age had nothing on his appearance, he looked strong and fit. Looking at all the gifts presented, Senior Grichy was filled with joy. The reply he gave was, “Thank you so much.!”

In a corner of the villa, a man wearing a black eye patch on one eye and a face cap stood, holding a gun.

The gun was black in color.

It was Noah.

Since he and Rieka are legally married, he can't afford to see her get into trouble because of him. So, he had to use a black eye patch and a face cap to disguise.


Taking a few steps forward, he shot the gun. The bullet landed on the floor before Senior Grichy.

Each person present fidgeted and widened their eyes in shock.


“What's happening?”

It was a time for the Grichy's to celebrate their achievement and Senior Grichy's 70th birthday meant a lot. Who disturbs their happy moment?

Senior was exchanging pleasantries with those who came to drop gifts before him. His cheeks flushed red with anger and he yelled. “What's this for? This shouldn't be here, take it out.”

“That's also your birthday gift. After this, you won't get another gift to be happy about. In a few minutes, everyone here will be mourning your demise.”

A man wearing an eye patch spoke authoritatively from behind.

“What do you mean? How did you get in here?” Senior Grichy tightened his face at Noah. Who dares disrupt the Grichy’s happy moment? “Who are you?”

“I'm someone who is here to collect what you easily take from others, and that is your life.”

The stern voice rang out. Fiddling with the gun in his hand, Noah took a step forward to Senior Grichy.

“What effrontery!” Two security guards stood before Noah. “You must leave now before your lifeless body is sent to your family.” One said.

Then the other guard grabbed Noah's hand tightly in an attempt to pull off his eye patch. Mockingly he said, “Real men don't disguise themselves to carry out an attack. Let's see your face “

Noah grabbed the guard's hand and pressed it hard before kicking him hard.


The guard landed on a table, making the glasses shatter. It pierced him in several places, making blood gush out of his body.


The guard groaned in pain.

Everyone, including the Grichys, was surprised and scared. They had only seen such an act in movies. Some hid their face under the tables.

Senior Grichy bent down, his hand picking up his phone, ready to dial the police line.

Noah stood directly at the entrance door, his heartbeat increased, portraying hurt and pain.

“Don't bother!”

Noah's voice rang out.

Noah gave a commanding aura. It's a result of being a well-grounded soldier and a supreme ruler.

Senior Grichy lost his focus for a second. He was confused, but he stood up gently to fight back. His phone fell to the ground.


At that moment, the guests were eager to see what would unfold next.

Senior Grichy, the eldest of the Grichys stood to confront the unknown intruder.

“Senior Grichy, are you ready to confess your sins?”

He stretched his hand backward, intending to grab a weapon but he couldn't touch anything.

“What are you talking about? Even though he fidgeted, Senior Grichy did not want to look like a weakling before the guests. “I dare you to remove your face cap and eye patch.”

“I'll help you do the talking. Five years ago, the members of a family were tortured to death daily. It's payback time.

His emotionless voice echoed in the villa.

Noah positioned his gun. At the speed of light, the bullet pierced Senior Grichy's chest.

Blood gushed out, he fell to the ground and died instantly.


The guests covered their mouths with their hands to suppress their screams so as not to fall the next victim. Seeing Senior Grichy's lifeless body, the Grichy's widened their eyes with no idea of what to do.

An hour later after he had left, the guests hurriedly left Grichy’s villa, fleeing for their dear lives. The Grichy's villa had a pin-drop silence.

When he returned to his house, he headed straight to his room.

Noah sat on the bed and pulled out a picture from the drawer. He stared at it.

“Father, I promise I'll get justice for all of you, then you can finally rest in peace. I'll get all that belongs to us back.”

Then, he went to the bathroom and freshened up.

At Grichy's villa.

Therein, Senior Grichy's corpse lay on the ground with the bullet still in his chest.

All the women in Xavier's family knelt beside the corpse while the men stood with their arms folded.

Among the women was Fiona. Looking beautiful and elegant, she was Senior Grichy's last child and only daughter.

Fiona, the woman behind the misfortune that befell the Kendricks.

She was furious.

“Who was that man?”

Her yell disrupted the silence in the villa.

“He can't go unpunished. He can't have the opportunity of moving about freely after committing this atrocity.”

A jeep halted at the Grichy's villa.

A soldier came out first and saluted the man who came out afterward.

When he entered the villa, he stared at everyone. He saw Senior Grichy's lifeless body with a bullet pierced through his chest.

“How did this happen? None of you could call me. Wondering how I got to know? The news is all over National TV.”

His voice was filled with disappointment as he knelt before the corpse.

“I was about to call you when you stepped in, Silas,” Fiona spoke.

Silas was Senior Grichy's third son.

“Dad, I must get justice for you. The culprit must be brought to book.”

He roared, his voice echoing through the villa.

“You need to act fast!” Fiona advised.

Silas’ expression tightened, his fist clenched. “I need the surveillance video of all that happened.”

“There’ll be no need for that. I have all that happened recorded on my phone.” Fiona gave her phone to him.

Silas pulled the bullet out of the corpse's chest before watching the video. He saw how his dad was killed by Noah.

Calmly he said, he wore a black eye patch and a face cap. His face can't be seen.

“Y-yeah!” Someone whispered.

Sternly he said, “his gun didn't miss the target. What were his words before killing Dad?”

“Senior Grichy, are you ready to confess your sins?”

Five years ago, the members of a family were tortured to death daily. It's payback time. Fiona said.

Silas widened his eyes upon hearing this and he sighed. “A member of the Kendrick family?”

“That can't be. The one who escaped was traced and killed.”

Silas ran his hand through his head and gave an order. “Give Dad a simple but befitting burial. I have some inquiries to make about the person responsible for this.”

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