[Flashback] Daimyo

Yuan together with his family was at the airport.

"We will just take a cab from here. Let's find a taxi that will take us to Subaru estate," said John.

"Yuan, when we arrive. Please speak Japanese to your grandfather Subaru. You have to be careful of what you speak or what you do," Tanaka said.

"Yes mom, I am very excited though. Can we eat Japanese food in there?" Yuan asked.

"Of course son, we will. And honey, please don't mention your martial arts to dad. He doesn't want his grandson to be tainted with other martial arts. So let's keep it a secret okay?" Tanaka said.

"Hmmm, I will surely make it a secret. This grandpa of yours was obsessed with him being the heir of the clan. Acting like a high-class person that was looking down on me,"

"I can't even say that I am prideful of multiple martial artists for his presence. Don't worry son I will endure this for you. Well, you can learn all you want from them. So good luck now," John said.

"Okay, dad. Grandpa was obsessed with preserving the culture of Japanese arts. I am half Japanese so I will be half obliged with preserving it. But I have known him for years.

"He was a kind person to me and wanted to spoil me a bit. Well, it excludes his strict nature when teaching me stuff.

"Yeah, he was a cool grandpa. You can say he was just obliged to do it as the elder of the clan," Yuan said.

"You have a point son! But still his attitude and temperament towards me. My hands are itching to teach him a lesson," John said.

"Oh really? And you are talking like that while I am here? You have great guts huh? How about I teach you a lesson?" Tanaka said while making her knuckles produce cracking sounds.

"No honey I was just letting out my feelings. Can you forgive my arrogance?" he said while pleading.

"Tsk I will break your neck If you will act like that at father," Tanaka said.

"Yeah sorry I was just bluffing but half of it was meant. Hahahaha!" John said.

"Sigh, you were such a hard-headed freak. I hope your son will not inherit it from you," Tanaka said.

"Well, his manliness came from me though," John said.

"Dad! At least let's find a cab," Yuan said.

"Hehehe just joking. I know you're a good boy," John said to him while patting his head.

"Let's find a cab as we exit. Make a call to your father to inform him we are here," John said.

Tanaka talked to his father and they exited the airport.

"Okay, father we are coming. Yes, we entered a cab at the airport. I am with my husband and my son," she said while holding the phone.

They found a cab and they were on their way. Yuan was excited again to see his grandpa.

"I will be coming grandpa. Just wait for me," Yuan said in his mind while looking out the window side.

They traveled to residences and passed through houses and estates. The residence of his grandfather was in the countryside and was a vast land.

They managed to arrive in just an hour and from afar stood walls and a big gate. It was an ancient residence of the Japanese and their houses were made of wood.

The floor was wood and the walls were made of wood while the roof was made of curved or hollow tiles that were arranged properly.

Yuan exited the door and his mother gave the fare for the cab. John grabbed his bag and Marlin knocked on the big door from the outside.

"Anybody home? Anyone?" Yuan shouted.

Immediately, the door opened with a creaking sound. It was a brown door with a tiger that was biting the handle of the door.

It was made of gold and was shining. It opened up and a maid has shown herself. She bowed to them while her eyes closed.

"The master was waiting for you. Please get inside and have tea with him," she said while her eyes closed.

Roan saw that her black hair was cut. Last year, her hair was longer than her shoulder. She was short-haired now.

They entered the garden and it was full of a century-old bonsai plant. Some gardeners were sprinkling it with water.

Yuan and his parents walk in bricks and head to their house. From the distance, stood at their Japanese house and the door was opened. His grandfather opened the door himself.

"Welcome to my house. Let's have tea shall we?" Said his grandfather in Japanese.

He was wearing a deep green yukata with white robes inside. His beard was hanging to his chest and his hair was white.

Yuan entered the house and they left their shoes outside and walks to the floor with bare feet.

John closed the sliding door and puts his bag on the floor. A maid entered from the other room and served them hot tea.

"My house was built long ago and still stood. It was still alive until now. I am aging and have little life on hand. Let me be straightforward.

"I am a Daimyo that has samurais on hand. I will train Yuan to be the future heir. The next heir has to be a boy and Tanaka is a girl.

"So it has to be him. Roan's uncle was the head of our ninja assassins and he will be the next heir. If he does not wed and has no offspring, then Yuan will be the future heir.

"So as you take a vacation here, Roan will train how to be a samurai and at the same time, how to be a ninja assassin. Are we clear?" Harutobi Subaru said in a clear voice.

"Yes!" they shouted.

"Um, can I eat?" Yuan asked.

"Yuan!" Tanaka shouted.

"Hahahaha! Of course! I've prepared food beforehand. Let's eat first." Harutobi said.

They moved to the other room and it was already prepared. From there, they saw sushi, sashimi, unagi, tempura, soba, udon, onigiri, yakitori, sukiyaki, oden, and miso soup.

"Please eat to your heart's content!" Harutobi said.

'This is the best! I will eat it all!' Yuan said in his mind.

Roan was drooling from it all and was excited to eat.

"Let's eat!" Tanaka said.

Yuan grabbed the chopsticks and ate. Tasting each dish that was served to them.

"It was so long since I've eaten this. It was pretty hard to forget," Yuan said.

"Eat up and be full, your training will come afterward. Please enjoy! So Roan, how was your school?" Harutobi asked.

"It was good! I got a passing grade even though I was playing basketball every time I had the time," Yuan said.

"Oh, that's good. Well, see if you've improved your katana skills. Your uncle was more than willing to help you train with ninja skills. Be sure to become a master in a short time," Harutobi said.

"Yes of course! I will!" Yuan then bowed.

"These foods are good! It's delicious!" Yuan said while picking food.

"You can eat delicious foods while you're here. It's the least I can offer," Harutobi said in a deep cold voice.

"Thanks! That was reassuring!" Yuan said cheerfully.

"So I will be mastering samurai skills and ninja skills?" Yuan asked.

"Yeah! You have completed the first stages of being a samurai and ninja but I need you to be a master level," Harutobi said.

"Master level? Like Uncle Daisuke Subaru?" Yuan asked worriedly.

"Yes, you will train for the rest of the summer. You have to be a master. Based on your growth. You can defeat him someday,"

"Your father was useless and at least you will learn something from us samurais. We were the last family of samurais and our ninjas were also the last.

"It was in your blood to be a warrior and keep it in mind that you are the future heir," Harutobi said.

'Did he just call me useless!?' John said in his mind while holding back his feelings.

They finished eating and they opened the door to the training ground. Many warriors were sparring with each other. Some were doing archery and some were swords.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Shouted their warriors.

"Grandpa, I will get changed into a samurai uniform," Yuan said.

"Of course! Of course! I will get you your uniform. Our maid will prepare it," Harutobi said.

Yuan then went to his room which was guided by a maid. He changed his clothes to a yukata and the maid puts on his samurai armor.

He went to the training ground and Daisuke was waiting for him. He opened the sliding door and saw the samurais in the backyard.

He saw his uncle wearing full-plate armor It was red and has the image of an ogre.

"Hello, uncle! Shall we start?" Yuan said.

"Yes, we will start! Better prepare your self and I will train you to the fullest. I hope you can cope with me," Daisuke said to his nephew.

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