[Flashback] Samurai

Yuan was outside of their house. He opened the door and saw his uncle.

"Hello, uncle! Shall we start?" Yuan asked while his hands were on the back of his head.

"Yes, we will start! Better prepare your self and I will train you to the fullest. I hope you can cope with me," Daisuke said.

"Yes, you can train me to the fullest. But I won't hold back a bit," Yuan said confidently. He was excited to test his mettle.

"Yeah, I like that! Don't hold back because it would not be even enough to surprise me. Your armor was colored brown.

"It was nice! Let's use a wooden sword. I will warn you, It will be hard to beat me with sword skills," Daisuke said.

"Uncle! You're a cheater! You are a samurai but you learned ninja skills. Well, I will be like you in the future but still, it was not enough to be a samurai? You are pretty strong being a samurai," Yuan asked.

"It was because your mother always beat me in sword skills. She was a monster when it comes to katana. Sadly, she was a girl so she could not become a samurai,"

"I was forced to learn ninja skills and surprisingly I beat her in ninja skills. So I think it was my forte and I became a full-fledged ninja. But don't underestimate me, I am still a master samurai," Daisuke said.

"I didn't know mom was great at swords. I will test her skills later on. So how about we start sparring?" Roan said, being hasty.

"Yeah! Equip your wooden sword and we will start," Daisuke said.

Yuan saw the sword and grabbed it. It was sheathed in a colored black sheath and Marlin puts it to his waist.


He draws the sword and holds it in his front.

"Hahaha! You've familiarized the wooden sword for years now! At least you've improved holding the sword. Okay okay, I will be ready," Daisuke said.

He grabbed the hilt of the sword and draws it slowly. They were in armor and were using wooden swords.

"Okay, I will be aggressive for now," Yuan said.

"Okay come!" said Daisuke.

Roan went too aggressive. He used the right rising slash from his right.


Daisuke sidesteps while parrying his strike. Yuan then slashed a horizontal slash from his left.


Daisuke then holds his sword vertically to block it.

"Your moves are sluggish. At least make it faster than a split second!" Daisuke said then he tripped him on the legs.


Yuan then slammed into the ground.

"He distracted me on his block. But aimed at my feet," Roan said in his mind.

"You need to strike faster! Judge your opponent's strike and immediately make a counter-attack! Be fast and cunning! You can use feigns but you need to be fast to strike!" said his uncle while parrying his attacks.

"Okay practice blocking first! I will strike but you block," Daisuke said.

"Okay!" Yuan shouted.

Daisuke dashed toward him and strikes with a predictable horizontal slash. Yuan then blocked it.


His strength was making his block to be moved a bit.

"It was heavy yet fast! My feet on the ground were moved a little," Yuan said in his mind.

"Here are my chained attacks! Prepare for it!" Daisuke said to him.

Daisuke then used a horizontal slash. Yuan blocked it but Daisuke didn't stop it. He switched to his left and slashed a left diagonal slash.

He then used random slashes and some landed on Yuan's armor. He used vertical slashes, diagonal slashes, and rising slashes with horizontal slashes.

Yuan was nearly destroyed even though he blocked it all, his block was destroyed and Daisuke's strikes were all landing in his armor.

"Okay, that's enough for now. Now parry my strikes!" Daisuke shouted.

"Okay!" Yuan shouted.

Yuan then held his sword tighter. He breathes in and breathes out. Relaxing his muscles then his uncle burst with his strikes.

He used all his strength to parry and It was all parried. From the left horizontal slash, he stepped back a bit and pushed his strike downwards.

The vertical slash was parried as he pushed it toward his side. The diagonal strikes and rising slashes were all pushed sideways.

"Good! You were getting better at parrying. The problem was your offense. But we will polish it in a slow but sure process. Let's practice feigns, counter, chain attacks, and evade,"

"Now your body is warmed up, we will proceed with our training. Let's start first with feigns.

"When using feigns, you need to be agile to make a fake strike or bait and then predict his strike. You can evade then strike. It was similar to counter," Daisuke said.

"Okay! But you will play along with that you don't know that I'm gonna feign right?" Yuan said.

"Yeah!" Daisuke said.

"So shall we start?" Roan said it out loud.

"Okay!" Daisuke said.

Yuan then prepared his stance and Yuan attacked. He used a vertical slash. Daisuke then prepared to block it but in an instant.

Yuan swings his sword downwards in a curve. Evading his block and Yuan slashed him with a left-rising slash.


Daisuke was surprised that Yuan was able to land a strike in a flash.

"Hahahaha! Next was the counter! Prepare yourself!" Daisuke said.

"Yuan prepared and his uncle slashed at him with a downward diagonal slash. Yuan saw it and he ducked while side steps. He evaded his uncle and he used left to right rising slash.


It landed on his uncle.

"How was that huh?" Yuan said.

"It was passable but not enough. It was pretty dangerous to execute but you pulled it off thus I congratulate you. You are still far from me. Next was chain attacks. Are you ready?" Daisuke said.

"Yeah!" Yuan shouted.

From the door, his mother was looking and she smiled.

"Your son was a genius! She inherited it from you." Harutobi said to Tanaka.

"Nah, he was more talented than me. It was his talent called passion. When he was interested in one talent, he was easy to learn and was surpassing his generation of kids,"

"Maybe it was not proper to say that he was like me. No, he was greater than me," Tanaka said.

"Yeah! He sure is," Harutobi said.

"Here I come!" Yuan shouted.

He used diagonal slash then rising slash and vertical slash. He used it randomly but it was all blocked.

"You looked distracted, where is your speed lately? You need to focus to attack! Make your slash faster than before! Faster and faster!" Daisuke said.

"Yeah! Here I come!" Yuan shouted.

In a flash, he strikes three slashes. A diagonal, rising, and horizontal. He then stopped his strikes. He felt his hands numbed.

"Three strikes were my limit," Yuan said.

"I am surprised that you can do it. But still not enough to be passable," Daisuke said.

"Next was evading right?" Yuan asked.

"Yes, it is! Are you ready? I will use chain attacks! So that you will be learning faster," Daisuke said.

"Okay!" Yuan shouted.

"I will be evading chain attacks. The fastest attacks are called the deadly simultaneous strikes, Yuan said as he gulped his saliva.

"Here I come!" Daisuke said.

He attacked with fast attacks and Yuan evades the first strike.

"His strike is predictable. I can do this and evade it all!" Roan said in his mind.

It was when Daisuke attacks faster and faster. His strikes were evaded in hair's breadth. His armor was scraped a bit.

"Darn! He was faster than before! I can't keep up!" Roan said as he evades them.


It sent Yuan flying when a rising slash landed on his body.

Tak! Tak!

He landed on the ground and he wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth.

"Again!" Yuan said.

"Come here and we will resume where we left off. Heheheh!" Daisuke said.

'I can't keep up with his strikes. If it was only normal strikes, then I can already evade it. But the problem was he was using chain attacks. It was strenuous to make sudden movements to the body. Well, the solution was to try and try,' Yuan said in his mind.

"You can rest a bit if you want. We can rest a bit," Daisuke said.

"No, I can still go on," Yuan said.

"Okay let's resume then!" Said Daisuke.

"Yeah!" Yuan shouted.

His uncle then used his fastest strikes in chain attacks. Yuan was hit sometimes but was able to dodge others.

"I can see it! His trajectory, his flow, his power, his footing, his movements! It was all seen by my eyes! I will aim to be the fastest and the strongest!" Yuan said.

Tanaka and Harutobi were looking at them on the floor outside the house.

"Daisuke was using his fastest to hit Yuan. Even though Yuan was able to dodge some of it.

"While enduring the pain, he was learning to evade at a very fast pace," Harutobi said to Tanaka.

"Can you see it?" Tanaka said.

"See what?" asked Harutobi.

"He is smiling," Tanaka said to him.

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