Speculation Amidst Silence

Outer space.

In the ship’s control room, an air of tense silence prevailed as they awaited a response from the other side.

Half an hour passed without a reply. Then an hour, three hours, and finally five hours went by with no indication of contact from the Visitors.

“Is it possible that our assumption about their understanding of binary was flawed, or are they simply ignoring us?” the captain wondered aloud, his concern growing with each minute of silence.

“Should we consider shifting to another means of communication?” the vice captain inquired, glancing at the captain as the waiting game continued.

The empire, known for its meticulous planning and preparation, always ensured they had multiple backup plans when dealing with significant situations like first contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. In this case, they had more than just one method of communication, anticipating the possibility that their initial approach might not be effective.

“Not yet. We will continue monitoring
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