Chapter. 145 crystal hunting

Edgar looked at the back of Fenrir's body who began to walk away from the smithy after he told him to hunt for the best crystals tonight, he certainly didn't just believe the words of Fenrir who claimed to be Silya's disciple.

''It's highly unlikely that Silya would accept a rank B adventurer to be her disciple, Silya is not someone who would accept someone to be her disciple just like that with her selfish attitude.''

Given Silya's childish and selfish behavior, Edgar was still not sure the great mage would accept a disciple.

''But if it is true that the child is Silya's disciple, then that means there is something special about that child.''

Edgar kept thinking what was different and special about Fenrir that Silya would accept him as a disciple, Edgar obviously knew very well how Silya's attitude of not wanting to teach someone and being so selfish and stubborn.

Then how could Fenrir who in Edgar's eyes was just a rank B adventurer be able to get training from that Silya?

''I thin
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