Chapter. 144 Master Edgar's first test

The old man and the smith stared at each other for a long time, as if they were communicating with each other's high energy.

Fenrir knew and could guess that right now the old man was trying to persuade the man holding the hammer to restrain his anger, trying to make the smith not continue to burn with anger which would only be bad for them later.

Especially if the adventurer died there because of the attack from the blacksmith using his weapon, there would definitely be many other adventurers who would not trust them and consider that place unsafe for forging the crystal they got from hunting at night.

Until slowly the blacksmith began to lower his hammer and began to adjust his breathing which had been ragged, as well as his eyes which slowly began to dim and were not as sharp as before.

''I apologize for the inconvenience you felt earlier, sir. But what my worker said is true, the crystal you brought is not a good quality crystal, hence you only get items that match the quality of
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