Chapter 26. Insanity in the Maze

Natasha goes to another place to fight the beasts, and Noah chooses to fight the beasts elsewhere.

Even though they fight separately, they still cooperate with each other to protect Kira and the others. Natasha and Noah had to survive until all the kidnap victims were fully evacuated.


Noah jumped violently forward, his long dragonlance staff with its sharp cone-shaped blade making every swing of his spear hit the beasts.

One strong cut on a beast goblin's body would make the wound difficult to close, causing their green blood to flow out unstoppably until they bled to death.

Beast goblins were not as difficult to deal with as one might think. If Noah had to compare with the beasts he fought in the forbidden forest, they were much more difficult than goblins.

Noah jumped backward, deactivating his first skill to bring up another skill in the Blood Manipulation talent. He planned to use his second and third skills to defeat the goblin and orc beasts.

[Blood Manipulation Talent]
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