The stink of fear and dominance was evident in the room. They had offended someone that they shouldn't have been dear to.

"We will do anything ma'am. Just spare our lives." They continued to plead.

Lina's facial expression flinched, and her hands crawled inwards. They weren't worth wasting her time on. But that didn't mean that she was going to let them go.

"Mr. Williams." She called out and the boss shivered.

"Yes! Yes! Miss Lina." He stuttered.

"Is there any vacation in the cleaning department?" She emphasized and he nodded his head rapidly.

Even though there was none, okay would be created immediately just because she was the one who requested it.

"That's good." Lina smiled slightly walking over to the two couples that were clinging to the floor, their faces washed up with fear.

"I'm being generous today, how will you like the job of a cleaner?" Lina directed her questions towards Mr. Welson.

The drop of sweat on his face soon coupled into a large stream as he shivered at the breath of Mr. Welson.

"We will gladly accept any offer that you have for us, ma'am." He fidgeted as he spoke and Lina rose slowly from the floor with a smirk.

"That would be great."

Turned over to Mr. Williams.

"Please Williams, do transfer them to the cleaning department and replace them with more competent people. Emphasizing your own risk."

"I will do exactly as you have said, ma'am." He replied.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience that we have caused you, ma'am.

Please let me repay you by treating you today ma'am." Mr. Williams was trying every possible means in his power to get on her good side but Lina was not giving in.

"There would be no need for that. Just serve me as a welcome guest." She replied.

Mr. Williams made sure that he attended to Lina and Xander himself, making sure that they had everything that was needed.

Xander sat facing each other as they ate. Xander had the odd feeling to gulp down the meal, it's been such a long time since he had something this good before.

But he was able to control himself. Lina smiled seeing how much effort he was putting in just to please her.

"Thanks again for saving my life the other day." She appreciated him.

While they continued to eat, she received a strange phone call from her father. Lina was that close to Mr. Klev and leaned towards her grandfather instead.

"Why would she be calling?" She growled in her head.

She could not point out what was wrong but she could tell that he was up to no good.

"Are you okay?" Xander inquired, seeing the sudden flinch in her facial expression but she acknowledged that she was fine.

She nodded her head. She just got to know Xander and could not overburden him with their family issues.

Xander could see all the expressions on her face and decided not to push the matter any further.

Afterward, Lina gulped the wine that was leaning on the table. Even though it was strong, her anger and frustration would not let her stop.

"Won't you have a drink?" She inquired thinking that he was shy but it was due to some other reasons. In the real sense, he could sense that the drink was alcoholic from afar.

"I'm having a light stomach, I don't think that Alcohol is going to be good for me." He replied.

The words made her eyes bulge out from her eye sockets. For over ten years now, she had not tasted alcohol because of the negative effects that it usually had on her from stomach cramps to getting drunk easily.

They were in a VIP room where they had their privacy. Lina's heart raced.

She was soon going to start misbehaving from getting drunk. Who was a celeb like her could be seen in the street drunk.

Xander could see the fright on her face, one unlike anything that he had noticed before.

"Is something wrong, Miss. Lina?" He inquired once again but she could hardly speak this time.

Her vision was beginning to blur and she was beginning to see things that didn't exist. But at least, she was able to make out words.

"I.. didn't know that the fruit juice was alcohol." She replied.

It was obvious that the man there had some other motives. The looks on his face were sprinkled with so much jealousy seeing the Almighty Lina dine with someone like Xander while he was made to serve the tables.

"That punk." He growled with his hands clutched but he could tell that was not the main focus at the moment, he had to get Lina out of the place as soon as possible without anyone noticing but how was he going to do that? He thought again.

First, we have to get you out of this place. He was sure that Mr. Welson would think that the both of them were drunk already, that would be more than enough time that they needed.

Xander held Lina, their hands crawling into each other and was able to get her into the car without anyone noticing.

He whipped down the sweat from his face. She wasn't that drunk so she was about to direct him over to her house.

Xander stood before the gate stunned at what lay before her. The magnificent structure of the Ken family Villa was enough to fit his eyes for days.

Once they saw that he was with Xander, the guards made way for him to walk into the place without any form of questioning.

He could feel his heart racing fast as he got her into the living room and tried to help her walk properly but instead, she hit him.

Her soft flesh created an electric sensation, unlike anything that he had felt before.

For a while, Xander was lost in her stare but he quickly pulled his eyes away from her.

Memories from the past seemed to launch through his head. He could already tell how to make an age-long herb that had gone extinct. It was going to help her get herself once again.

When he found the kitchen, he prepared the ingredients and fed her with the tea.

It was as though it was magical, she could gradually feel her head now and at least make out a few objects before her.

As the minute went by, the effects of the alcohol seemed to have washed away faster.

Xander held her hands and even though she could not see his face, she could already tell who he was.

"I should have your rest now, Miss. Lina, I am sure that you are very tired." He said once again.

Her weight was heavy on him as he tried to help her out to the sofa and boom, she kissed him on the helps and he was trying to drop her.

# His heart seemed to freeze and he shivered, but with fear and the sweat sensation that passed through his vines. He had never felt anything like that before.

He tried to move but she held him tightly, still speaking in her lolow-rangelcohol-influenced voice.

"Don't leave me now." She pleaded.

Just then, the door jacked open and someone jerked into the place. Xander quickly pulled away from her, already sensing that he was in trouble.

He paired at the door and noticed that it was a lady in her mid-twenties and immediately their eyes locked up against each other, she frowned.

"So it's true." He muttered out aloud.

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