"Do your worst." Lina stood her ground, getting her even more angry than she was already.

The rate of their racing hearts seemed to increase, the silence an impending emblem of their rivalry.

Xander could already tell that there was going to be a way there for sure. One that they might not be able to control.

"Get me the manager." The lobby manager turned over to the guard.

She shuddered before going ahead with the message that he had been instructed to be. Besides, who wasn't going to be, he was the beginning of all the duels in the first place.

"Let's see what you are going to look like when coming out of jail." The lobby manager was jealous of her looks, getting her on the edge even more.

"The question should be who is going to go to that jail instead," Lina replied with a wicked smile on her face.

Soon, Mrs. Williams walked into the place and walked up to the lobby manager.

"Honey, is there a problem?" He said.

Lina's eyes bulged, this was certainly going to be interesting for sure.

"Can you imagine that I was trying to get those two beggars out of this place politely, taking note of all the professional ethics, and that scumbag had the guts to slap me?" Mrs. Williams said.

Even though she was not pointing at Lina, the manager could already tell that she was the one.

The lady deepened in the grass. He was surprised to see the very useless man standing before her.

"How come this beautiful lady was in the city and nobody knew where she was? Or could it be that they are regional beggars?" He thought again.

It took Mr. Williams all the self-control that he had in him to pull his eyes away from the rare gem that was before him.

Besides, if he didn't, that meant that he would be ready to face death by his wife nagging.

"Have you ascertained the facts that they are beggars?" He inquired further not wanting to make any rash decisions.

"Why would I lie against them, honey? Just take a good look at what she did to my face." She turned her face over so that he was going to see the fine lines.

Shockwaves went down his spine and it blew off his anger. No matter how beautiful she thought she was, she didn't have a right to lay a finger on his wife, especially when she was the one at fault.

"Do you acknowledge that you dare to touch the lobby manager?" Mr. Williams flared.

"Yes, and I am going to do it again," Lina replied nonchalantly

The words that she had just brewed flared up his anger even more.

He brought out his cell phone from his pocket and quickly placed a call. The caller from the other end quickly picked up the phone and he said.

"I want half of the security here right now. We have got a problem."

The voice from the other end seemed tense as the line soon went off. Their hearts raced, and Xander was a little bit worried but throughout the whole process, Lina was only smiling.

That company was going to be brought down to ruins if by any means steps her foot on anything called a step.

Soon, a group of people started walking into the place. Then numbered up to fifty, one hundred, until Xander eventually lost count of their numbers.

A man who seemed to be their leader stepped forward a few moments later and walked up to Mr. Williams.

"Good day, sir." He said with a bow.

"You said we had a problem."

Quickly, Mr. Williams pointed out to both Xander and Lina. There was a smile beneath his frown.

He had evil intentions that he wanted to reveal later. If Lina knew the thoughts that were running in his, she would have also given him a share of the slap.

"Those two beggars were there to molest the lobby manager. I want them handed over to the police and file a solid complaint against them." Mr. Williams said, the frown on his face deepening even more.

At first, the head of security didn't want to believe it but the viny lines on Mrs. William's face said it all.

The guard bowed and went over to Lina. Even a touch was enough to turn him on, trying as hard as he could to control his human urge.

Mr. Williams saw the looks on his face and frowned.

"Is there a problem Thompson or do you need someone else to do your job?" He said.

A large lump went down his throat as he went ahead to give a response to this question.

"No sir. I will carry on with your orders right away."

"You better do it."

But as they were about to take them out of the hall, someone with a familiar aura that made all of them pause stepped into the place.

He was Mr. Young, the highest stakeholder of the restaurant. He always had his meal in the restaurant so it wasn't a new thing.

But walking into the place today to see how disorganized it was even though he already knew that he was coming got him on the edge.

He frowned tightly but his face relaxed a few moments later. Maybe the situation was called for since from the last time he checked, this was the only time that he had noticed such a behavior.

"Mr. Williams, what's going on here?" He inquired, still trying to keep the disappointed look on his face.

Mr. Williams shivered a little, this was somebody that he wouldn't want to offend even in his next life.

He drew a really deep breath, trying to push forward a smile and compose himself at the same time.

"We just had a little bit of a situation, sir. But it's under control now since the culprits will soon be sent to jail." He further said,


Young turned around and was stunned to meet with the dazzling gaze of the lady who always pulled his thoughts into the third heavens.

During parties where he was opportune to attend and see the dazzling beauty, he had always wished for a day he would be able to talk to her.

Since he was not even Worthy enough to clean the dust off from his shoes.

"Miss. Lina." He called out to Lina who glanced at him with a weird expression on her face since she could not pick out his face.

She was a celebrity so it was difficult to pick out the faces of insignificant people.

"Do I Know you from somewhere?" She Inquired softly.

"I'm young from the Hopkins family. It's nice to meet you."

"You must have graced us with your presence to get a meal?" He inquired.

"Supposed to be getting a meal. But it turned out that the supposed most professional restaurant in the city is sending me to custody for a few hours." She said nonchalantly.

"What!!" He exclaimed, eyes bulging out from his head.

"How could they dare to do such a thing to the most successful heiress in the city?" He thundered.

Everyone in the room was stunned. Could it be that she was the most talked about Miss Lina?

Words went wrong in the place. Mrs Welson had always seen her as her idol. How could it be that they had made a mistake.

She shook her head, it had to be a mistake. Or maybe she heard wrong.

There was confusion in the room as their eyes widened. "How could that even be possible? I thought that they were beggars." Mrs. Welson fluttered.

The words filtered into Mr.. Williams here, screaming foreign to him. "Did she just call Lina a beggar?" He thought.

His eyes farrowed and he turned over to her, his eyes already screaming for an explanation even though he had not spat out any word from his mouth.

"Pardon? What did I just hear you say?" He inquired, still praying that he had heard wrong.

From the way that he shot a really strong stare at her, she was really frightened.

Mr. Welson opened her mouth to speak but her words trailed off like far whispers.

"Are you going to start speaking already!" Be thundered a glare at her, making her shiver even more.

"We thought that they were beggars." Mrs. Welson reaffirmed her words with a shiver.

After hearing these, even Mr. Williams shivered on the spot that he was standing.

He was going to get into a lot of trouble because words of what had happened went hard. He had to show Lina that he was among them.

"Slap." He slapped her hard on the face and her face ached with pain while he continued to stare at him..

"You fool. Do you realize the amount of trouble that you are getting us into offending the heiress like Lina?" He was trying as hard as he could to redeem himself.

Mr. Williams shivered. He could have not believed his wife, now he was going to be getting into a whole lot of trouble.

Without any one telling him what to do further, he fell to his knees to plead for mercy.

"Please Miss. Lina, we have made a terrible mistake. Please forgive us." He pleaded..

Soon, his wife joined in together with Mr. Williams to plead for her mercy.

"Please Miss. Lina, please forgive us." They begged her. But Instead, Lina scoffed.

"Just a while ago, you wanted to hand me over to the police unjustly, why do you feel that you deserve my mercy?" She glared.

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