The dimly lit room, once a den of gambling and illicit pleasure, was now a battleground painted in crimson and laced with the groans of the fallen. Xander, a whirlwind of fury and determination, moved through the chaos with the grace of a predator. His movements, a blur of fists and feet, were a symphony of violence, each strike delivered with the precision of a well-oiled machine. He fought like a man possessed, fueled by a primal rage that defied description.

His opponents, initially a horde of thugs, were now a scattered, demoralized mob. Their bravado had evaporated like mist under the unforgiving glare of the sun. They stood frozen, their faces etched with a mixture of terror and disbelief. Some lay sprawled on the floor, their bodies contorted in ungodly positions, silent testaments to Xander's relentless assault. He danced around them, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light, his muscles taut with coiled energy, a predator circling its prey.

The air crackled with an electric t
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