The rage that had been simmering inside Xander since the first encounter with Scarface, the man with a face etched with cruel scars, bubbled over. The scene in the cellar replayed in his mind – the fear in Lina’s eyes, the taunts of Scarface, the taste of his own blood, the desperate fight against the Dragon Group. But then, the words of the old man, his mentor, echoed in his mind. The old man had said, 'Sometimes, forgiveness is the hardest choice, yet the strongest. It lets the poison go, not just for them, but for you too.'

Xander turned to Lina, who was still trembling, her eyes wide with fear and disbelief. He knelt before her, his gaze lingering on the bruises that dotted her arms and the scratch on her cheek, his heart a knot of anger and concern. He wanted to tear Scarface limb from limb, to punish him for the pain he had inflicted on her, on him. Yet, the old man’s words resonated, a soothing balm on his burning rage.

“I’ll let him live,” Xander said, his voice hoarse with th
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