Now everyone's direction was still focused on him. Their eyes were so keen that they had not moved their stares away for quite a while.

The Mayor was beginning to feel a really strange sensation going through his spine and he could not stand it anymore.

"Is someone going to tell me what went down here? Or do you guys just keep going to keep moping at me?" He inquired with a close-to-angry look on his face.

Their hearts raced as they didn't know where they were going to start from. Even though she was weak, Stacy stepped forward.

She also felt like she had a responsibility towards her sister since she was the eldest among the both of them.

Going over to her father, she turned her in a strange direction, and without spitting out another word from his mouth, he did the s

Waves of shock quickly ran through his head. His heart almost jumped out from his chest. That was one of the most gruesome sights that he had seen in a long time.

Who would have done such a thing?

The curiosity that wash
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