Aaron pressed the doorbell of the Troyes’s mansion and waited. He knew he shouldn’t be back here, but he couldn’t stay away. He had been invited to dinner by Lilian and he felt that she was willing to discuss the divorce. However, when he looked into her eyes, he felt that it was all over for him. But now, she was calling him over. That could only mean one thing.

The door swung open, revealing Lincoln who was smiling. When he saw Arron standing by the door, his smile quickly dissolved into a frown.

“Who invited you here?” He asked.

“Lilian did,” Aaron replied.

Lincoln arched his eyebrow at him in surprise.


Aaron was feeling sort of victorious. He nodded in response. Lincoln was looking for his words but nothing came forth. He couldn’t send Aaron away. Whatever Lilian was planning, he had no clue what it was.

“Come in,” he said.

Aaron flashed a smile and walked into the house. Lincoln closed the door behind him with confusion still written all over his face. Whatever his daughter was doing, it better be good. They were family members in the dining room. It was a family dinner meant to honor the death of his wife, Amelia. Lilian inviting Aaron who she had just gotten divorced from was strange.

“Right this way,” Lincoln said, showing him to the dining room like he didn’t know where it was.

The door of the dining room swung open and Lincoln stepped inside with Aaron. The large table which always looked scanty was filled with guests tonight. Some of them Aaron could barely recognize. Aaron’s eyes scanned the table and they came across Lilian’s. She was looking surprised to see him. It left him perplexed because she had been the one who had invited him here.

They hadn’t seen each other since the divorce, which was two weeks ago. Now they both were in the same room once again. A gentle hand landed on Aaron’s shoulder almost startling him to death. It was Lincoln.

“Why don’t you have a seat?” Lincoln offered, pointing to a seat facing Lilian.

Aaron gulped as he saw that, but he didn’t have a choice. Maybe Lilian was trying to communicate with him. There was hope that she would call off the divorce, though the chances of that happening with Lincoln in the room grew slimmer. Lincoln wasn’t a fan of him, and he knew he had orchestrated the divorce between them.

Aaron nodded and took the opposite Lilain who was eating a turkey leg. Lilian’s eyes fell to her plate when she saw him. Aaron shook his head in response.

“So Aaron. How have you been?” Lincoln asked.

“Good,” he replied with a nod.

Aaron didn’t understand why Lincoln was being nice to him. He had fired him a few weeks before the divorce.

“And how’s the divorce treating you?” He asked.

Aaron paused and glared at him. Lincoln had an innocent smile on. Lilian who had been staring at her plate since Aaron’s arrival looked up at her father tentatively.

“Divorce?” A woman said from the other side of the table.

“Lilian, darling. You’re divorced?” She asked.

Aaron recalled her. She was Lilian’s aunt. Her short black hair looked funny because of her plump face and puffy cheeks.

Lilian could only nod.

“Why?” Her aunt asked.

“Let me tell you why, Lana,” Lincoln said. “It is because Aaron here is a loser. He couldn't take care of her because he had no job, and worst of all they were living in my house.”

Lana’s eyes went to Aaron in shock.

“What?” She gasped in disgust.

“It’s true. I gave them the house they are living under as a wedding present for my sweet daughter here,” Lincoln revealed. “Aaron has been living off our privileges that was why Lilian got tired and ordered the divorce.”

Lilian was glaring at her father now. Aaron’s hands folded into fists at his side. He knew coming here was a bad idea. A wave of guilt washed him.

“Is this true, Lilian?” Lana asked.

Aaron looked up at Lilian and their eyes met. The cold look in her eyes returned. Aaron’s heart was thumping hard against his chest. He knew what was coming.

“Yes, Aunt Lana. It’s true.”

Lana shook her head. Lilian was staring into Aaron’s eyes as she said that.

“Aaron is no man. He is an embarrassment that I could no longer defend.”

That was all Aaron needed to hear. He knew coming here was a mistake. Lilian didn’t call him here to fix things. She called him here to heap more embarrassment on him. And this time, she had done it in front of her family. Her nefarious plot had succeeded. She had made him feel mortified and betrayed.

Lana was still in disbelief.

“And how the hell did you get married to this man in the first place?” She asked.

Lilian scoffed.

“I thought I loved him then,” she replied. “I didn’t know it would turn out to be my biggest mistake.”

That was enough for Aaron. He couldn’t keep listening to this. It was best he took his leave before things spiraled out of control. He was fed up. Lilian had sat here and made fun of him with the whole table watching him. They had spoken about him like he wasn’t here. Her words hurt like a dagger in his heart. The wounds wouldn’t get healed easily. He had to leave.

And so, rose from the table and made his way out of the room with the whole table laughing at him.

Aaron arrived at the porch and kicked the pillar countless times in frustration. He had bored the consequences of his actions. All this time, he had thought that Lillian had truly loved him, but it was a lie. Everything seemed to be.

He slammed his hand on the pillar in frustration. He was going to get back at the Troyes someday. And that was a promise.

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