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By: Geefty Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 103 views: 353

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Roman Lacroix formerly known as Aaron Warren in his early life seeks retribution after being humiliated by his wife and her family. He is back a few years later with substantial wealth to destroy his wife’s family legacy while also plotting to take control of the entire urban world.

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103 chapters
“What is this?” Aaron Warren asked, looking at the blue file on the desk before him. “It’s the divorce papers, Mr. Warren,” the woman standing behind the desk replied. Aaron’s eyes widened in shock. Divorce papers? All of a sudden, he looked lost. His eyes went to the woman who was now leaning towards him with both hands on the desk. Her eyebrows furrowed, intersecting at the beginning of her nose. She wore a black suit which complimented her black hair. Her blue eyes stared at him piercing his soul. Aaron was familiar with her. She was Lilian’s lawyer, Isabel Montero. He was suspicious when she had called him to the office. It was something that had never happened before. The infuriated look on her face meant that she wasn’t joking. Aaron’s eyes fell on the blue file before him. “Divorce papers?” He said out loud. “Just sign them so we can get this over with,” Isabel said, folding her arms. “We don’t have all day.”Aaron was still trying to digest this. His eyes were shaking as
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Aaron pressed the doorbell of the Troyes’s mansion and waited. He knew he shouldn’t be back here, but he couldn’t stay away. He had been invited to dinner by Lilian and he felt that she was willing to discuss the divorce. However, when he looked into her eyes, he felt that it was all over for him. But now, she was calling him over. That could only mean one thing. The door swung open, revealing Lincoln who was smiling. When he saw Arron standing by the door, his smile quickly dissolved into a frown. “Who invited you here?” He asked. “Lilian did,” Aaron replied. Lincoln arched his eyebrow at him in surprise. “Lilian?”Aaron was feeling sort of victorious. He nodded in response. Lincoln was looking for his words but nothing came forth. He couldn’t send Aaron away. Whatever Lilian was planning, he had no clue what it was. “Come in,” he said. Aaron flashed a smile and walked into the house. Lincoln closed the door behind him with confusion still written all over his face. Whatever h
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A black Audi pulled into the huge driveway of the Troyes’s estate, and a man stepped out of the car. It was Ben Rhys. He looked around the estate and nodded his head impressed. “Not bad,” he said to himself. His search for Aaron was almost over. Based on the information he had conjured, Aaron was likely living here. He had read all about him. After searching for him for over fifteen years, he was relieved to realize that he was still alive. And living well too. Ben walked up to the massive porch of the mansion before him and pressed the doorbell. He placed his hands behind him and waited. Inside the house, Lilian was rushing down the stairs. It seemed she was the only one at home presently. She arrived at the door and opened it in disinterest. It revealed a dirty blonde-haired man with a shaved beard who looked to be in his late forties. His brown eyes which looked slightly hazel gazed at her in surprise. She was stunned to find the unfamiliar man on her porch. Where were the guard
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“Are you kidding me?!” Aaron shrieked as he rose to his feet. Ben who was now in his apartment was seated on a futon with a calm expression on his face. He was trying to tell Aaron about his past, but Aaron seemed to be in disbelief. He didn’t expect him to believe him so soon. The Lacroixs had lost their son for over twenty years now, long before he began working with them. Aaron in that period must have gone through hell in foster homes. Ben understood the pain he had been through. He was always there with Aaron’s mother, Mrs. Amiri Lacroix through those turbulent times, especially when she had lost her husband, Darius too. He had been with her through all the pain, and now she was about to die. Ben knew he had to find her son. It was her dying wish to see him before she passed away. Ben had scavenged the whole country looking for Aaron, and now he had finally found him. Aaron looked at the blonde man in the black coat sitting on his futon. He seemed to have lost his mind. The lou
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Ben reached for the door and swung it open. On the porch stood a man dressed in a black suit. He was partially bald and had a pair of glasses on. Ben smiled as he recognized the man. “Come in, Mr. Meyer,” Ben said stepping aside. The man nodded and stepped into the house. Mr. Meyer was The Lacroixs’ lawyer. He had the documents for all the properties that The Lacroix owned. He was also their legal advisor and knew Ben for a while now. “Thank you, Ben,” Mr. Meyer said touching his glass. “I heard about Mrs. Lacroix.”A distraught look appeared on Ben’s face. He wasn’t particularly happy to be reminded of Amiri’s demise. “And I brought the documents you asked,” Mr. Meyer continued. “Though I think it's strange that you would ask for them. They are all perfectly safe with me.”Ben sighed and nodded his head. “I know that Mr. and Mrs. Lacroix trusted you with them, but he asked for them,” Ben said. Mr. Meyer sighed and touched his glasses again, this time pushing them to the bridg
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A black Cadillac drove into a huge estate and halted at the foot of a glamorous mansion. The door opened and a figure stepped out of it. It was Roman Lacroix. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a pair of black shades. Roman took off the shades and gazed at the surroundings. It was beautiful, hits like he had pictured it to be. After seven years of being away, he was finally back in New York. But there was something different about him. His jet-black hair was shorter than usual and his body’s physique was more impressive than it was before. He had an athletic build now and looked stunning in his white T-shirt. The doors of the huge mansion spread open and Ben walked out of it briskly. He had a black shirt on and his hair which was usually dirty blonde now had white strands creeping in from the sides. His usual shaved chin had stubbles now. The trunk opened and he reached for the suitcases in there. “Master Roman,” he greeted. “Welcome home.”Roman nodded and walked to him. “Thank y
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The crowd at the party was massive. There were flashes of paparazzi all over the red carpet. Many distinguished guests had arrived, and they were taken shots by the drooling paparazzi. The Troyes’ party seemed grand and something of a ball. It had been the talk of the town, and it had met its expectations with aplomb. Amid the ruckus, a black Porsche pulled over. The door opened and a figure stepped out of it. It was Roman Lacroix. He was stunning tonight and it caught the attention of the onlookers. His jet-black hair was combed neatly and his silver eyes showed at the lights. His black suit had a floral design and a shawl that was wrapped in the middle of it. His white undershirt sparkled and highlighted his olive skin. He was gorgeous. Roman didn’t want to catch the attention of everybody, but Ben had picked out this hit perfectly for him and had helped him dress up. Tonight was his big entrance, and so he needed to stand out. Roman straightened his suit and tugged at his bow tie.
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The sound of glass shattering startled Lilian. She was seated on the couch with her husband, watching her father live out his rage. Meeting Aaron at the party was the last thing either of them had scorched to happen. It felt like Aaron couldn’t go away no matter how hard they tried. She had divorced him, and for things not to get weirder, Lincoln had fired him from the company. That was supposed to be the end of Aaron Warren, but here he was back in New York with a new name and huge wealth. “How is this possible?” Lincoln asked rhetorically. Lilian clenched her jaws in fury. David seemed to be the only unfazed person in the room which boiled down to the fact that he hadn’t been around when Aaron was around. Lilian had met David a year later after she divorced. David never expected Aaron to have such an impact on the family. He was more confused than angry. Having his wife's ex-husband around wasn’t that appealing to him either. What if Lilian went back to him? At this point, that se
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Lincoln Troyes was running through some documents when his door swung open. He looked up at who barged into his office and it was David. Lincoln wasn’t pleased by this. He didn’t want to be disturbed as he sorted out these documents. With Roman around, he was trying to see how he could take him off his company. That wasn’t going to be an easy fest because the other shareholders knew of him now. And getting them to agree on selling off his share didn’t seem possible. Roman seemed to have won their hearts already, and this upset him. David Troyes stood before Lincoln’s desk with a laptop in his hand. His black hair was scattered across his forehead which was covered with sweat. He was in his white undershirt now with the sleeves folded. Lincoln wondered what would have brought him here. “What is it, David?” He questioned. “Lincoln. I think you may want to have a look at this,” he replied, moving closer to the desk. Lincoln cringed hard when David called his name. He had warned him s
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Roman gazed out the glass wall in his office as he stared down at the busy streets of New York. The morning sun in all its glory bathed his office making Roman look like a god made of gold. Everything was going according to plan. Troyes Inc. was going to go down soon, and he would watch it burn to the ground. It was a brilliant idea to sell his shares to random investors. He knew that if the supply became greater than the demand, the company’s stocks would drop drastically. He had been banking on it, and it had worked impeccably. Now all he had to do was wait for Lincoln to come begging. But it didn't seem likely. Roman knew Lincoln was a stubborn man with pride and he would find another way to try and revive his company. But that didn’t seem likely. The one solution that Lincoln currently would be to bring more investors, and that would even make his stocks depreciate. The true only solution was to buy back the stocks from all the investors, and Roman knew there was only one person
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