A black Cadillac drove into a huge estate and halted at the foot of a glamorous mansion. The door opened and a figure stepped out of it. It was Roman Lacroix. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a pair of black shades. Roman took off the shades and gazed at the surroundings. It was beautiful, hits like he had pictured it to be. After seven years of being away, he was finally back in New York. But there was something different about him. His jet-black hair was shorter than usual and his body’s physique was more impressive than it was before. He had an athletic build now and looked stunning in his white T-shirt.

The doors of the huge mansion spread open and Ben walked out of it briskly. He had a black shirt on and his hair which was usually dirty blonde now had white strands creeping in from the sides. His usual shaved chin had stubbles now. The trunk opened and he reached for the suitcases in there.

“Master Roman,” he greeted. “Welcome home.”

Roman nodded and walked to him.

“Thank you, Ben,” he replied.

Ben raked his eyes and he couldn’t be mine how much Roman had changed. His chest seemed to be glued to his white T-shirt which was stunning. He looked much bigger than when he had last seen him. That had been seven years ago. Roman looked like a different person. When Roman had first told him he was leaving, Ben had been confused. Ben had been made to sell off the mansion which they had been staying at then. He hadn’t been completely satisfied with the idea because that was the mansion that housed the Lacroixs for years now. Selling it off felt like a sin to him, but he had no choice. He had to stay committed to Roman like he had promised Amiri.

“Shall we go in?” He asked.

“Of course,” Roman replied with a chuckle.

Ben nodded and walked up to the porch with his suitcases. Roman sauntered to the porch and paused looking around his new home. The lawn was huge but not as big as the one he had stayed in before leaving. Roman didn’t want anything extravagant. He wanted to keep things simple, and he was glad that Ben understood him. Roman turned around and moved into the house. He met a huge living room with two chandeliers hanging above him. It was big, cold and beautiful. Roman had stayed so long in crampy rooms that he had forgotten what living large felt like.

The seven years he had been away, he had traveled around the world learning and acquiring knowledge. He had learned a lot about herbal medicine, and ancient technology and also acquired black belts in several martial arts. He was stacked, but that still didn’t seem enough for him. He was hungry for more. But being away for so long had prompted him to return to New York. He had to cut his journey and return. Forgetting his plan was the last thing he wanted. His retribution was the reason he had gone through all those disciplines. And now, he was back.

Roman was brought back to reality by the sound of Ben’s footsteps coming down the stairs. He was empty-handed which meant his suitcases were in his room. Ben had his eyes in New York while he was away. To be honest, he never thought that Ben was so smart and calculative. Ben was skilled. Roman felt mortified for degrading him. He had thought that Ben was just an ordinary butler, but it seems he had gone through the similar training he just returned from. This had amazed him. While he was traveling the world, Ben had helped him acquire shares in big companies, especially the ones that were connected to Troyes Inc. in some way. Judging from how smart Ben was, he knew he was aware of what was going on.

“You like it?” Ben asked coming closer.

Roman chuckled as he heard that.

“I knew you wouldn’t like something extravagant, so I got this instead,” he added.

Roman nodded impressively.

“You did a good job, Ben,” he appreciated. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, sir,” he said. “I’m just doing my job.”

Roman turned to him.

“Which is?” He asked.

“Serving you.”

Roman clenched his jaws at Ben’s words. He wasn’t pleased with that. He didn’t want anyone to serve him. He wasn’t a god.

“I don’t need a servant, Ben. You know this.”

“Sorry, sir,” Ben apologized. “You’ve been away for so long that I completely forgot about that.”

Roman had fired all the maids from the mansion after he had signed the documents. He had let them go telling them he would be better off without them. Ben had been scared that he would be sent packing too, but here he was to this day. It seemed Roman had grown fond of him. He talked to him as an acquaintance rather than as a master. It reminded him of his mother, Amiri.

Something popped into Ben’s head and his eyes lit up.

“I almost forgot!” Ben shrieked which startled Roman.

Ben rushed into what seemed to be the kitchen. Roman watched him confused. A few moments later, Ben returned to him with a brown envelope. He handed it over to Roman, who got it from him reluctantly.

“What is it?” Roman asked as he tore off the seal.

“It’s an invitation to a party hosted by one of the companies you own, sir,” Ben replied.

Roman looked at Ben as he brought out the letter. He was intrigued by this.

“Which company in particular?” He asked as he opened the letter.

“Troyes Inc.”

Roman’s eyes lit up as he heard that. That was brilliant. It had been quite difficult for him to get a share in their company. It had taken almost seven months, but it had been done. He didn’t know how Ben did it, but he had finally got it. That was about a year and a half ago. That had prompted Roman to come home. And now, he could finally begin his retribution.

“My lucky day.”

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