“And here you see our stocks in the market drop drastically over the last few weeks,” David said pointing at the chart that was being projected.

Roman rolled his eyes at that. It was thirty minutes into the meeting and he was already exhausted. When he had woken up this morning to an emergency meeting text, he knew that his whole day would be slow. The only thing that kept him going was the fact that David was the one presenting. He could barely hide his amusement as he watched the man who had come into his office a few weeks ago threaten to try to convince him to pump more money into the company.

The other shareholders which occupied the remaining seats in the table seemed to be paying more attention to David than Roman was. He had a lot on his mind. Like how he was going to convince the remaining shareholders to sell him their shares. With David trying to convince them to add more and reassure them that it was only a temporary issue, it would make it a bit hard to do that. But Rom
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