[You fucked up! Run!]

“Where to?” Gary asked. As far as his eye could see, the streets and rooftops were full of monsters of all kinds. “Running away will not help me find Leah. Didn’t you say I shouldn’t run away if I want to think about saving the world?”

[That’s…] Ai couldn’t find words at the moment.

Gary turned around and walked to the center of the rooftop. It was a building with a little over 10,000 square feet in area, so there was plenty of space on the rooftop. It should be enough for a battleground.

Gary stood there and waited for the monsters to come to him. The first monster that came upstairs was a land bird that resembled both ostrich and kangaroo, but it looked very terrifying.

Gary instantly remembered the Terror Bird he saw in games. This was like a terror bird with arms as well. And its scream was ear-piercing.

[It’s level 31!] Ai hurriedly said. [If you get hit by its beak once, you’re dead!]

Gary clenched his fist as the monster bird furiously flapped its little wings as it ran toward him with long steps and at a great speed. Any normal person would have shat in their pants if such a bird were to come running at them, but Gary was far from being scared.

His clenched fist began to vibrate.

The ten-foot-tall monster bird closed in with its mouth open and tried to swallow Gary like a pelican would swallow a fish.

Gary punched it in its chin. His punch packed ethereal power and utterly broke the monster bird’s beak into bits. “Haaa!” he roared and threw his fist into its big chest.


A massive hole opened up in its body.

[This…] Ai went speechless as the monster bird pathetically collapsed to the side and perished. [Energy formation! You shouldn’t have been able to use it until you crossed level 100, but how did you…]

Gary looked at his fist, and he could see translucent energy covering it like a flame. “I thought of using the energy in my energy pot, and this thing came out. With this, I feel like I don’t have to run anymore.” He looked at his second fist, and this also now got covered with this translucent flaming energy.

He didn’t waste any time in absorbing the land bird’s energy and grew a little bit stronger.

One after another, zombies, ghouls, and monsters of all kinds kept coming up to the rooftop. Some came up the stairs, whereas some literally crawled up the entire building to get to the rooftop. Either way, it didn’t matter because Gary treated them all the same way. With both of his fists, he utterly punched through the monsters left and right.

They kept coming, and he kept destroying them as if they were mere punching bags.

The number kept increasing with every second. His stamina kept draining, but he also kept leveling up, so his stamina and health also recovered to an extent.

Seconds turned to minutes, and piles of monster corpses filled the rooftop.

Gary was fighting the last monster alone on top of a large pile of dead monsters This monster was a rather peculiar one in that it had six eyes in its face. Other than that, it very much looked like a ghoul with its flesh torn and body rotted.

Only this monster was able to bear the weight of Gary’s punches and pushed him to his limits.

In the end, when Gary combined both of his fists and threw a double-fisted punch, the resulting attack turned out to be much stronger than a single-handed punch, and it blasted the six-eyed monster’s torso to bits, sending its head and limbs flying in different directions.

Gary was still standing, but his body kept releasing vapors. His heart pounded at the rate of 1000 beats per second, for it had long surpassed the human limit.

Only after a few seconds passed and no other monster attacked, Gary asked, “Is it over?”

[Yeah. I think so.] Ai answered, sounding amazed with Gary’s achievement. [You can rest now.]

Gary loosened his fists and fell to his butt. His whole body felt utterly spent.

[You defeated 18,417 monsters in total within three hours.] Ai’s voice rang in his mind. [This is an epic level achievement! You’re the first to achieve this feat in this world!]

[Your energy pot has vastly increased in capacity!]

[Showing your stat window…]

[Name: Gary Lennon.

Title(s): Ghoul Hunter, Zombie Hunter, Monster Massacrer.

Age: 27.

Level: 131

XP: 1010/1310

HP: 1002/86460

STR(Strength): 21,891

STA(Stamina): 22,810

DEF(Defense): 11,430

SPD (Speed): 17,532

AGL(Agility): 15,001

AWR(Awareness): 9440

Available stat points: 35,820

Energy Pot: 213 species’ energy accessible.

Energy Echelon: Energy Formation Stage. ]

Seeing the stat window, Gary took a deep breath and uttered, “Scan for her.”

[I’m already on it.] Ai responded. [It’s dangerous, but after seeing your talent, I don’t think I should be holding you back.]

[Initiating Echo Energy Scan!]

A wave of energy swept all around Gary and spread for many miles, alerting more monsters in the process.

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