A group of humanoid spider monsters were sniffing and searching everywhere as they roamed the streets.

Through two small holes in a wall, a young lady was observing what was happening outside. She had a long thick brown braid that reached all the way below her bum. “These spider monsters are everywhere. They are in dozens,” she looked at the people behind her, most of whom were injured.

“Can’t we escape without being seen?” an elderly man asked. “If we leave this city, then maybe, we’ll get to a safe place. There’s a mountain in the west. The monsters probably won’t get there.”

“Unfortunately… these monsters are not that easy to fool,” she said. “They are leaving tiny threads everywhere. Those threads will probably send them signals if we touch them. Even I will have a difficult time crossing these roads without alerting them. Once I get spotted, I’m done for.”

Her words didn’t help them at all. “You’re level 34, aren’t you? Even you can’t do anything, Sesi?”

The brown-haired woman Sesi frowned. She was only able to reach level 34 because she selectively targeted higher level monsters that were already dying from in-fighting. Normally, she wouldn’t have cared to lead a group of weaklings in this turbulent time, but after her own family members turned into trees in her own house, she didn’t know what else to live for.

There were twelve people in that building, including her. They had been stuck in this building for more than eight hours now. And they didn’t eat, bath, or do anything other than perhaps get a little bit of sleep every other hour.

Two of them were children who lost their parents. Four of them were elders past sixties and seventies. The remaining five were all males in their thirties and forties, and all they had been doing was trying to stick to Sesi so they could survive. Sesi hated these men for their shamelessness.

“I just received a warning from the system. My sense-reduction skill will disappear in a few minutes,” Sesi told everyone. “So, prepare yourselves.”

Sesi had the skill to block off all sounds, smells, or any signals from coming in or going out around her up to a certain distance. This was the reason why the monsters didn’t enter the building Sesi and others were in.

One of the men called Sesi to the side and talked with her, “Let’s leave the others and escape together. If we stick with those people, we both will also die.” He was level 4, the highest after her in that house. The humanoid spider monsters roaming outside were all leveled over twenty, so he had no hope of escaping even alone.

“If your family was among them, would you have said the same thing?” Sesi asked, making him frown. “I know you have seen death, but there’s no point in clinging to life when you can’t even live like a human.” She then came to the center of the room and told everyone. “I’m going to attract the attention of the spiders, so you all should split up and take different routes. That’s the only way to survive. Don’t roam in a large group anymore, or you’re not going to survive!”

Her words made everyone chatter among themselves.

Sesi looked at the children who were siblings. The brother and sisters were both six and seven years old. “You two should stay in this house’s basement. Shut yourselves in for the time being. Come out when you think the time is right.” There was food in the basement, so she believed that they could survive in the basement for a while if it was just the two of them.

Nobody could refuse her words because they didn’t know any better.

“Then… I wish everyone good luck. Be careful,” saying that, Sesi rushed out of the house through the back door.

“Is she really going to be the decoy?” an elder wondered.

“She abandoned us with sweet talk. Don’t you see that?” another elder responded. “We’re on our own now. The spiders are going to come here soon. We’ll all die.”

The words of the elders made the children sad because they believed what Sesi said.

Soon, the spiders all began to run toward east in groups as if they had seen a prize. This surprised everyone in the house.

“S-She really got the attention of the spiders!”

“W-We must hurry!”

Meanwhile, Sesi, the young girl in her early twenties, was walking alone on the street, and her long, flaming braid kept the spiders away. Some spiders jumped at her, but her braid whipped at the spider and sent it crashing down.

One of her skills was Angry Braid. The more she moved the braid, the stronger its attack power got, and the braid would even get caught on flames. She attained this skill after defeating a hairy rabbit monster. As handy as the skill might be, the spiders kept shooting webs from their mouths and managed to completely wrap the braid with the web and erase the flames in the process.

Sesi used the strongest skill she got. “Siren’s Scream!” A loud scream saw multiple spiders get their heads split. It affected the other spiders as well, but not as much. It was a strong attack, but it wasn’t omni directional, so the spiders jumped at her from the rear, ready to tear her body to shreds and feast on her.

She closed her eyes because she had nothing else to offer. This was her end, or so she believed.

Just then, she felt something come down from the sky and pick her up.

“Kya!” she screamed at once, but when she opened her eyes, she was held by a man who jumped onto the nearest rooftop. After dropping her, both of them kept looking at each other. He was tall and handsome, so Sesi was mesmerized by him. No male had ever grabbed her waist, and this was the first time this happened. Naturally, her heart was racing for different reasons.

The man was none other than Gary who was also looking at the young lady happily because this was the first living human he met after the heavenly gate opened. As cute and charming Sesi maybe, Gary did not think about her beauty at all right now.

“How can a level 34 easily give up like that?” he asked her.

She was startled. “H-How did you know?”

The spider monsters climbed up the building from every direction.

“We should run away!” she yelled in fright.

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