More than thirty monsters with upper bodies of humans and lower bodies of spiders came climbing the building from every direction.

Naturally, Sesi screamed in fright. “We should go!” Though she said that she had no way of escaping them because even though she was at a higher level than the spiders, the spiders were faster than her!

However, Gary didn’t look the least bit interested in running away.

He grabbed Sesi’s hand and picked her up into his arms, startling her.

“W-What are you…” Sesi’s face flustered.

He threw her up high into the air. “Kyaa!” Sesi let out a cute scream because she really wasn’t expecting that. She thought he was going to run while carrying her in his arms, but not this!

The spider monsters did not care about Sesi right now because Gary was right in front of them, and they shot webs from every direction. But none of their webs hit Gary, for he turned into a blur and utterly destroyed the bodies of the spider monsters with his punches. One punch was all it took to turn them into chunks of meat. After he killed more than a dozen monsters in a couple of seconds, the other spiders ran for their lives.

Gary still chased after them and killed as many as he could before returning to the spot and catching Sesi in his arms.

This time, Sesi ended up blushing because this posture was too much for her to take, especially when she looked into his eyes from that angle. “P-Put me down.”

“Yes,” Gary didn’t refuse and gently put her down. If not for Sesi’s height and chest size, Gary would have thought Sesi was sixteen or seventeen. Also, he was able to see her stats, so he could see that her age was 22.

[Her skills are quite unique. I think you should take her with you.] Ai suggested. [She’s going to make a good teammate.]

“That’s not up to me to decide,” Gary ended up speaking outside.

“What?” Sesi looked at him. “What's not up to you to decide?”

“N-Nothing,” Gary quickly said. “I was just talking to myself.”

“But, Man…” she looked around and saw the corpses of the spider monsters. “You really did something I’ve only seen in games done by overpowered characters.” She eventually shifted her gaze to Gary. “Just what level are you at? 50 or something?” Judging by the speed and power he displayed, he should at least be at level 40 and must also have put more points into strength and speed stats, she thought.

“I’m over level 100.”

“Ha-ha,” she laughed out loud, thinking he was joking. But she didn’t laugh too long. “Ahem, anyway, thanks for saving me, and… uh… what are your plans? Where are you going? Oh, wait! We’re on top of a building, so more of the monsters are going to spot us! Let’s go to a safer place. C’mon. I know a nearby building where there are other people.”

“Oh…” he followed her.

Together, they soon reached the small building where the eleven people were supposed to be, but before they even got to the house, they could smell blood. This made Sesi hurry up. When she broke the door and entered the house, she was shocked to see everyone dead, except for the level 4 guy, and blood was painted all over his clothes.

“W-What have you done!” Sesi couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She was stunned.

 “Do you know that we can level up even by killing fellow humans? I’m now level 5!” he proudly said.

She felt disgusted and looked at Gary, “Can you kill him?” She believed that a man like him shouldn’t be kept alive.

“You think I’m a killer or what? I only kill monsters. But…” Gary stepped forth.

The level 4 guy raised the knife in his hand. “You want to fight me? Fine. You’re just going to end up boosting my stats!” he lunged forth and recklessly slashed his knife.

Gary caught the knife bare-handed, shocking not just the level 5 guy but also Sesi.

“Too slow and too weak,” Gary pulled the knife then kicked in that man’s knee, breaking it. “This should be enough punishment. Unless the heavens help him, he’s not going to survive another day.”

Sesi was still not satisfied with that, but she was not a killer, either, so she had to be okay with this. She went to where the kids’ bodies were and felt bad for him. “They must have experienced terror when he shut the door and started attacking everyone. They didn’t deserve this.” She gritted her teeth. “None of us deserve this.”

“You are right,” Gary said. “Do you want to change this?” His words made her turn toward him. “I know of a way to stop the portal that’s still running up in the sky.”

Sesi was highly skeptical about his words at first, but the look on his face somewhat convinced her that he might be telling the truth. “W-What are you exactly talking about?”

“If we stop that gate that’s slowly opening up in the sky,” Gary added, “then the people that turned into trees ‘might’ turn back into humans.”

Sesi’s eyes widened. “A-Are you telling me the truth? H-How do you know all this?”

Gary put his hand forward. “Will you help me achieve this?”

She didn’t know what to say. Why was a strong guy like him asking for her support? There were many reasons for her to doubt his motives, but if he really wanted to violate her, he could have already done so. “If I can bring my family back, and everyone else back, then I don’t see why I shouldn’t help you,” She grabbed his hand firmly. “But if it turns out that you’re lying about it just to get me to travel with you, then you’re going to regret it.”

Gary faintly smiled.

“I mean, I would have easily joined your team if you had asked me, so there’s no need to say something like ‘I want to save the world,’ or something along the lines,” Sesi added. “Anway, when are you going to let my hand go?”

“Ah, sorry,” Gary let go of her hand.

Sesi exhaled audibly. “So what are we going to do now? Where are we going to go?”

“We’re going to find my lover,” he replied.

Sesi blinked twice. “Huh?”

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