Not only Gary’s body was strengthened significantly, he also gained many skills.

One of those was the camouflage skill. It was an excellent grade skill, but as long as Gary stopped moving, he would blend with nature and become invisible to others.

And the second skill was the Little Immunity skill which gave him immunity to many diseases and contaminating things. This meant that he could now drink dirty water and quench his thirst and not fall sick. Even eating dirty, poisoned food wouldn’t affect him that much.

And the third skill was the Enhancer skill, which enhanced his stats as well as his senses. Even his stealth and punching and biting powers were enhanced. Yes, even his biting force was enhanced now with this passive skill.

And the fourth skill, the handiest skill of all, was the Hyper Climbing skill, with which he could climb trees or steep mountains with ease.

However, Gary also inherited a negative trait, and this skill was a curse called ‘Fear of Cats.’ Gary’s stats would
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