As the spine-chilling messages kept popping up, Gary’s heart began to race. “Everyone, run!” he shouted.

His team members never heard him shout like that. Even when they were escaping from Yves using the teleportation circle, he didn’t sound so anxious.

But before they could react, the level 589 centipede sprang off the tree branch and sprayed acid down at them.

Sesi reacted just in time by sending one of her hair strands upward. “Ice Shield!”

A spherical dome formed on top of them, blocking off all the acid.

“You idiot,” Leah hissed at her.

“Why are you yelling at me for blocking all that acid?” Sesi hissed back at her.

“You blocked off our exit, too,” Leah retorted. “I was about to repel that acid with my sword gust, but you did something that would put us in greater disadvantage.”

Just then, the ice shield began to melt away, and the centipede landed on the melting ice shield and drilled its way inside.

Even the giants that were in level surrounded the ice dome.

Gary started killin
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