The orc territory was unlike any other territory.

This was not only the biggest territory among the underlings of Yves, but it was also where the most number of humans and animals were being held hostage at.

Though fighting the orcs could get risky as it would mean Gary would be alerting Yves of his presence, but Gary wanted to save those that were captured by the orcs.

The Orc Knight was leveled 299. And he was looking bored right now.

“Have you gathered enough humans, yet?” He asked his underlings.

“Sir Bror, we got 299. We only need one more,” they replied.

“One more, and then I can take them all to Lord Yves,” Orc Knight Bror laughed a little. “Good. quickly find another one before the night falls. We’ll be shifting the goods tonight and surprise Lord Yves first thing in the morning.”

“Yes, sir.” All the underlings quickly dispersed.

“There’s no one that can fight me and make me level up,” Bror thought. “I’ve been stuck in 290s for far too long. If I give these sacrifices to Lord
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