Chapter 23
Author: Riddhi
last update2023-02-22 01:37:51

“I think you forgot who started it all?” Lucifer said in anger. “Just let her go!” He further commanded.

Gong smirked and with his sword at Lily’s neck he smirked and touched the edge of sword to her delicate skin leading to appearance of a drop of blood.

Lucifer went all crazy and took one foot forward but he stopped listening to Lily’s light shriek due to pain as Gong warned, “One step and she is gone forever.”

Lucifer could feel his heart sinking..he could never see Lily getting hurt it’s like he is watching his wife Lilith being held captive by Gong. Her moist, swollen, almost red eyes were giving an ache to his already wounded heart.

“Ok ok…I’m not moving. Just leave her.” Lucifer said in much polite way.

At this point Gong felt a different kind of satisfaction, he had finally got hold of his weakness.

“Bring Tom to me. You will get this girl.” Gong said.

“Not happening. I know what you want from him.” Lucifer said.

“Ohh like you were just helping him on humanitarian grounds?” Gong taunted.

“Am I just a prop for you both? Whom you can use as per your convenience?” Said Tom who heard it. He came there following the darkest cloud as hinted by Lucifer.

“Fuc* you shouldn’t have come here boy!” Maze and Lucifer shouted out in unisons.

“Now you are finally here…won’t you come and meet your dad?” Gong said politely but with an evil smile.

Tom actually started moving towards Gong and Lucifer knew he wasn’t going there to meet him but in anger or this young blood can even think of punching Gong on face.

Gong got distracted towards Tom and Lily noticed it.

She pushed him away by hitting him on stomach with her elbow.. “No way you are going to hurt a kid.”

Gong was pushed back as Lily ran towards Tom and took him to opposite direction. Maze took this opportunity and picked up Lucifer’s sword that fell from Gong’s hand and Lucifer ran towards Gong and pounced upon him pinning him to the ground.

He punched him on face and was going for another when Gong kicked Lucifer on stomach to push him away.

The blow was so hard that Lucifer flew back and fell on ground, he whimpered in pain as the sword in his chest hurt him even more. And presence of Gong nearby intensified the power of sword.

Lucifer groaned in pain, he wanted to get rid of this pain. Yes it was his stubbornness that he didn’t removed the sword at first but later one day, around 150 years ago, he decided to remove the sword and got to know that it could either be done by someone with a pure, selfless heart or by the owner of sword himself.

Lily saw Lucifer lying on ground and saw the sword shining bright that passed through his chest. Maze witnessed Lily walking towards the sword with not a single expression of amazement instead her walk was a walk of a queen. She walked with confidence and determination in her eyes.

Maze for the very first time asked himself “Is she our queen?”

But then he saw Gang moving towards them so he ran and grabbed him from behind and tossed him to one side. Gong and Maze got into an intense battle while Tom was hell scared seeing all these things. He tried to get away but alas he fell down after his foot hit on a stone.

Lily sat on her knees on the ground near Lucifer, who for that moment got week. He looked at her beautiful eyes that were moist and passed on a faint smile, “I’m sorry you have to go through all this.”

Lily softly said , “No. It’s me who is sorry.”

“Why?” Lucifer asked and in next moment Lily pulled out Gong’s sword leading to a loud groan from Lucifer that shocked everyone around him.

Gong and Maze were surprised at this turn of events and Tom hid behind the shrub.

Lucifer’s eyes grew wide, he was panting with sweat dripping from his forehead. Lily simply patted on his forehead with her stole and bowed near to his ears to whisper “Get up my king! It’s time to fight.”

“My king! And that also with so much can only be Lilith.” He thought to himself and gave out a smile to lily who replied with a small giggle.

This raised so many questions in Lucifer’s mind but instead of questioning he got up to focus on Gong first.

“Gong” he shouted.

Maze looked at him and was about to push Gong away but a loud noise caught their attention. A whole army of dark souls that was founded by Gong came running from behind.

“Fu*k.” Lily murmured to herself.

Lucifer glanced at Maze and in a quick action both of them folded their hands and murmured something that elevated Lucifer from the ground.

Lucifer stretched his arms wide and then came a loud sound as of a bird spreading it’s wings…and appeared magnificent wings of the Lucifer.

The all black devil flying with his large wings made Lily feel goosebumps.

It was Tom’s first time as a human to witness such a scene all he could say from behind the bushes was, “who are those people running towards Lucifer? And what kind of sorcery is this man doing?”

While Tom was busy analysing the ongoing things he felt a shiver when he saw a large pack of wolves coming to the battle field accompanied by some extraordinary humans who were running at the speed not less then a sports car.

“Who the hell are those people now? Hope they are on our side!” He murmured.

Lucifer opened his palm to summon his sword, he couldn’t do that earlier just because two powerful swords can never be with a single person at same time.

So he summoned his sword that Maze let go off and it went upto him while Gong called for his, that was lying on ground.

Maze looked towards Lily and asked, “you have and weapon?”

Lily smirked and said “of course I have.” And murmured something showing her palm to Maze.

Within seconds a large dagger with gold and black colour carving along with red stud on it appeared in front of her. Maze felt his heart beating like drum as he saw the dagger of Queen in Lily’s hand.

“What in the name of god is happening? Even she isn’t a normal human?” Tom pointed out from behind the bushes.

Maze’s eyes became moist for a second but before he could say anything Lily said, “I promise we will talk about this later.”

Maze smiled and nodded. Both of them took position with their daggers in hands and they were all set for the fight.


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    “I can’t believe those two beings were standing tall together.” Maze exclaimed while he entered in Mansion with Lucifer and Tom after dropping Lily at her place.“Yeah. The plan worked well. I told you before that there will come a day when these two mortal enemies will share a very strong bond.” Lucifer said with a smile.He was finally smiling after a tough time that he had to go through. Although the wound on his chest was healed but it was still hurting a bit.“So you guys means that those wild beasts and those extra white lifeless beings were enemies?” Tom asked trying to explain whom he was talking about as he forgot their names.“Kid those beasts are ware wolves and those white beings are vampires.” Maze corrected.“Yeah yeah The names just slipped from my mind..i know what they are, I have seen them in movies it’s just that they are more scary in real.” Tom commented.“So answering your previous questions, yes they were enemies ready to have each other’s blood.” Lucifer said.“

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    “I think you forgot who started it all?” Lucifer said in anger. “Just let her go!” He further commanded.Gong smirked and with his sword at Lily’s neck he smirked and touched the edge of sword to her delicate skin leading to appearance of a drop of blood.Lucifer went all crazy and took one foot forward but he stopped listening to Lily’s light shriek due to pain as Gong warned, “One step and she is gone forever.”Lucifer could feel his heart sinking..he could never see Lily getting hurt it’s like he is watching his wife Lilith being held captive by Gong. Her moist, swollen, almost red eyes were giving an ache to his already wounded heart.“Ok ok…I’m not moving. Just leave her.” Lucifer said in much polite way.At this point Gong felt a different kind of satisfaction, he had finally got hold of his weakness.“Bring Tom to me. You will get this girl.” Gong said.“Not happening. I know what you want from him.” Lucifer said.“Ohh like you were just helping him on humanitarian grounds?” Gon

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