Chapter four


The morning started as usual, with the familiar routine of brewing coffee for the workers in the lingerie conglomerate. The aroma of freshly ground beans filled the air as I prepared the orders, trying to push the chaotic events of the past few days out of my mind.

"One espresso, two lattes, and a green tea," I called out, placing the cups on the counter for the waiting employees.

The routine tasks helped calm my nerves, but the uneasy feeling from yesterday's breach lingered. As I handed out the last cup, I heard Malika's voice behind me.

"Derek, my office. Now."

Her tone was sharp, almost angry. I turned to see her standing in the doorway, her eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and something else I couldn't quite place.

"Yes, Ms. Badu," I said, wiping my hands on my apron and following her.

As soon as we were inside her office, she closed the door with a slam and rounded on me.

"Do you know what this breach could mean for us?" she snapped, her voice icy.

"I understand, Ms. Badu. It's a serious issue," I replied, trying to stay calm.

She stared at me for a moment, then her expression softened unexpectedly. "I'm sorry, Derek. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

I blinked, taken aback by the sudden change in her demeanor. "It's okay," I said cautiously.

"Listen," she continued, her tone now gentle. "I need someone I can trust. You've shown potential, and I'd like to give you more responsibilities. As my personal assistant."

"Really?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes," she said, smiling slightly. "But don't think this means you're off coffee duty. I need someone who can handle both."

I nodded, unsure of how to feel about this sudden promotion. "I'll do my best, Ms. Badu."

"Good," she said, her voice turning stern again. "Because I won't tolerate any mistakes."

Before I could respond, the door opened, and Mustafa walked in. His presence immediately changed the atmosphere in the room.

"Malika, we need to discuss the security measures for the breach," he said, barely glancing at me.

Malika nodded, her expression hardening. "Of course, Mustafa. Derek, you can go now."

I left the office, my mind racing. Malika's bipolar behavior was unsettling, and Mustafa's presence only added to the tension. It was clear that something was going on between them, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

As I returned to the break room, I tried to focus on my new responsibilities. Being Malika's PA was a significant step up, but it also meant navigating her unpredictable moods and the complex dynamics of the office.

The rest of the day was a blur of tasks, from organizing Malika's schedule to preparing reports for the investors. Her tone shifted constantly, from warm and encouraging to cold and demanding, keeping me on edge.

In the afternoon, Mustafa approached me in the break room. His expression was unreadable, but there was a hint of something in his eyes that made me uneasy.

"Derek, a word," he said, motioning for me to follow him.

We stepped into an empty conference room, and he closed the door behind us. "You need to be careful," he said, his voice low and serious.

"Careful?" I echoed, unsure of what he meant.

"Malika isn't someone you want to cross," he continued. "Her moods can change in an instant, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself on the wrong side."

I nodded, feeling a chill run down my spine. "I understand."

"Good," Mustafa said, his eyes narrowing. "And remember, trust is hard to come by in this place. Watch your back."

As he left, I couldn't shake the feeling that his words were both a warning and a threat. The web of intrigue was getting more tangled, and I was caught in the middle of it.

Returning to my duties, I couldn't help but think about the precarious position I was in. Malika's bipolar behavior, Mustafa's veiled warnings, and the recent security breach all pointed to a deeper problem within the company.

The day dragged on, filled with a constant sense of unease. By the time I finished my tasks and headed home, I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. The conglomerate's polished exterior hid a multitude of secrets, and I was only beginning to scratch the surface.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind raced with questions. What was really going on between Malika and Mustafa? How deep did the breach go? And where did I fit into all of this?

The answers were elusive, but one thing was clear: nothing at the conglomerate was as it seemed, and the more I learned, the more dangerous it became.

The next morning, I arrived at the office early, determined to get a head start on my new responsibilities. I was brewing a fresh pot of coffee when I saw Yen walk in. My heart lifted at the sight of her, a welcome distraction from the turmoil surrounding Malika and Mustafa.

"Hey, Derek," Yen greeted me with a warm smile. "How are you holding up?"

"Morning, Yen," I replied, trying to match her cheerfulness. "Just taking it one day at a time. How about you?"

"Same here," she said, chuckling softly. "This place has been a madhouse lately."

"Tell me about it," I said, shaking my head. "It's like we're always one step away from disaster."

Yen nodded, her expression turning serious. "I've heard some crazy rumors. Is it true that Malika made you her PA?"

"Yeah," I confirmed, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension. "It's been... interesting."

Yen raised an eyebrow. "Interesting? That's one way to put it. How are you handling her mood swings?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "It's tough. One minute she's nice, and the next she's tearing me apart. I'm trying to keep up, but it's not easy."

"Be careful, Derek," Yen said, her tone earnest. "I've seen how she treats people. Just don't let her walk all over you."

"I'll try," I said, appreciating her concern. "Thanks, Yen."

She smiled again, and for a moment, the chaos of the office seemed to fade away. I felt a surge of affection for her, a longing that had been growing stronger each day. Yen was the one bright spot in this mess, and I couldn't help but hope that maybe, someday, we could be more than just colleagues.

The day passed in a flurry of tasks, with Malika alternating between icy commands and unnervingly personal comments. She seemed to enjoy keeping me off balance, and I was constantly on edge, never knowing what to expect next.

In the afternoon, Malika called me into her office again. As I walked in, I could feel the tension in the air.

"Derek, I need you to run some reports to the investors," she said, her tone businesslike. But as I turned to leave, she grabbed my arm, pulling me closer.

"You know, Derek," she whispered, her breath hot against my ear. "Last night was rough. I'm so hungry for it. Huh? "

I recoiled, trying to keep my composure. "Ms. Badu, not now." I half raised my voice, my eyes looking around to see if anyone was by the corner. 

She laughed, a cold, mocking sound. "Oh, don't be so uptight. You know you want it too."

Before I could respond, the door swung open, and Mustafa walked in. His eyes flicked to Malika's hand on my arm, then back to my face.

"Ms. Badu, the investors are waiting," he said, his voice tight.

Malika let go of me, her expression shifting back to professional indifference. "Thank you, Mustafa. Derek, you're dismissed."

I left the office, my mind reeling. The encounter had been more than unsettling, and Mustafa's presence had only added to my unease. I could feel the eyes of my coworkers on me, their whispers following me down the hall.

"Derek and Malika? Can you believe it?" one voice said.

"He's just her latest plaything," another added. "Poor guy doesn't know what he's in for."

I tried to block out the gossip, focusing instead on my work. But the tension continued to build, and I knew it was only a matter of time before something broke.

Later that evening, as I was finishing up for the day, I received an eviction notice. My heart sank as I read the letter, realizing that I had only a week to find a new place. It was the last thing I needed on top of everything else.

Desperate and overwhelmed, I sought out Yen. I found her in the break room, and she looked up, concern written all over her face.

"Derek, what's wrong?" she asked, standing up.

"I just got an eviction notice," I said, my voice strained. "I have a week to find a new place."

"Oh no," Yen said, her eyes widening. "That's terrible. Do you have any idea where you'll go?"

"Not yet," I admitted. "I was hoping... maybe you could help me figure something out?"

"Of course," she said without hesitation. "We'll figure this out together."

Her words were a balm to my frayed nerves. In that moment, I realized just how much I needed her, not just as a friend, but as someone I could truly rely on.

The next few days were a whirlwind. Malika's behavior grew more erratic, and the pressure at work intensified. One evening, after another long and stressful day, I decided to head back to the office to retrieve some forgotten files.

As I approached Malika's office, I heard noises that stopped me in my tracks. Moans and grunts, punctuated by sharp commands. My heart pounded as I inched closer, the door slightly ajar.

I peeked inside, my breath catching in my throat. Malika was on the couch, engaged in a rough, passionate encounter with both a client and Mustafa. The sight was shocking, a raw display of power and debauchery.

I quickly backed away, my mind racing. I had seen too much, and I knew that this knowledge could be dangerous. But as much as I wanted to run, I knew I had to stay calm and think carefully about my next move.

Returning to my desk, I tried to process what I had just witnessed. The web of intrigue was more tangled than I had ever imagined, and I was caught right in the middle of it. But amidst the chaos, one thing remained clear: my feelings for Yen were stronger than ever, and I would do whatever it took to protect her and find a way out of this mess.

The days that followed were a blur of tension and fear. Malika's unpredictable behavior continued, and Mustafa's veiled threats lingered in my mind. But through it all, Yen was my anchor, her presence a source of strength and hope.

As I faced the challenges ahead, I knew that I wasn't alone. With Yen by my side, I felt ready to confront whatever dangers lay ahead and find a way to break free from the darkness that surrounded the conglomerate.

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