Chapter five


The investor meeting was scheduled for 10 a.m., and the atmosphere at the conglomerate was electric. The conference room was meticulously prepared, with a sleek glass table, plush chairs, and a large screen for presentations. Fresh flowers adorned the center of the table, and trays of gourmet pastries and coffee were set up along the side.

As the clock ticked closer to ten, representatives from various prestigious firms began to arrive. There was Amanda Cheng from Lotus Lingerie, a sharp and stylish woman known for her business acumen. Next was Victor Hernandez, the CFO of Velvet Couture, a rival company with a reputation for aggressive expansion. Finally, Emma King from Seduction Silks, whose brand was synonymous with luxury and elegance, took her seat.

Malika entered the room with her siren presence, wearing a tailored pant suit which was all revealing her chest line and exuded feminine power. She nodded curtly to the investors, her expression a perfect blend of confidence and authority.

"Good morning, everyone," Malika began, her voice crisp and clear. "Thank you for joining us today. We have some exciting developments to discuss, as well as some pressing matters that need immediate attention."

The room quieted as Malika took her seat at the head of the table. Mustafa sat to her right, his eyes scanning the room with a watchful intensity. I took a seat at the far end, ready to assist with any tasks that might come up.

"We'll start with our latest quarterly results," Malika said, nodding to me. I quickly pulled up the presentation on the screen, detailing the company's financial performance, market share growth, and future projections.

Amanda Cheng was the first to speak. "Your revenue growth is impressive, Malika. But I'm curious about your plans for international expansion."

Malika smiled, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "We're in the process of finalizing partnerships in Europe and Asia. Our goal is to increase our global footprint by 20% over the next fiscal year."

Victor Hernandez leaned forward, his expression skeptical. "And what about your production capacity? Can you handle such a significant increase?"

"We've invested heavily in new manufacturing facilities," Malika replied smoothly. "Our capacity has doubled in the past six months, and we're on track to meet the demand."

Emma King chimed in, her tone more conciliatory. "I'm impressed, Malika. But I'd like to hear more about your marketing strategy. How do you plan to differentiate your brand in such a competitive market?"

"We're focusing on exclusive designs and limited editions," Malika explained. "Our marketing campaigns will emphasize the unique craftsmanship and luxury of our products. Additionally, we're increasing our presence on social media to engage directly with our customers."

The investors nodded, seemingly satisfied with Malika's answers. The meeting continued with detailed discussions on various aspects of the business, from supply chain management to customer satisfaction metrics.

Just as the conversation was wrapping up, Mustafa cleared his throat. "There's another issue we need to address. The recent security breach."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Malika. She remained unfazed, her expression hardening.

"Yes, the breach," she said, her voice cold. "As you all know, there was an attempt to access our confidential data last week. We're still investigating the extent of the breach and its potential impact."

Victor Hernandez's eyes narrowed. "Do you have any suspects?"

Malika glanced at Mustafa, who nodded slightly before speaking. "We've identified a few potential suspects, both internal and external. Our IT team is working around the clock to trace the source."

Amanda Cheng crossed her arms, her expression stern. "This is a serious concern, Malika. How can we be sure our investments are secure?"

"We take this matter very seriously," Malika responded, her tone authoritative. "We've implemented additional security protocols and are conducting a thorough audit of our systems. Rest assured, we will find those responsible and take appropriate action."

Emma King leaned back in her chair, her gaze thoughtful. "Have there been any indications of insider involvement?"

"That's one of the angles we're exploring," Mustafa said. "We've already interviewed several employees and are monitoring for any unusual activity."

The tension in the room was palpable, but Malika's unwavering confidence seemed to reassure the investors.

"We appreciate your concern," Malika said, her voice softening slightly. "And we are committed to ensuring the security and integrity of our operations. Your investments are safe with us."

The meeting concluded with a round of polite handshakes and reassurances. As the investors filed out, I noticed Malika's demeanor shift once more. She turned to me, her expression hard.

"Derek, I need you to assist with the internal investigation," she ordered. "Report any suspicious behavior directly to Mustafa."

"Yes, Ms. Badu," I replied, feeling the weight of the responsibility.

As I left the conference room, my mind was racing. The stakes were higher than ever, and the breach was just the tip of the iceberg. The conglomerate's polished exterior concealed a web of intrigue and danger, and I was caught right in the middle of it.

My thoughts drifted to Yen, whose presence had been a source of comfort in the storm. I needed to find a way to protect her from the chaos that was unfolding, and perhaps, together, we could uncover the truth behind the breach.

The coming days would test my resolve, but I was determined to navigate the treacherous waters of the conglomerate and find a way to bring stability to my life—and maybe even find love in the process.


After the investor meeting, the tension in the office was almost tangible. Malika's authoritative display had reassured the investors, but the looming threat of the breach hung over us like a dark cloud. The stakes were higher than ever, and I knew that any mistake could be catastrophic.

Later that afternoon, Malika called me into her office again. Her expression was unreadable as she gestured for me to sit down.

"Derek, we need to intensify our internal investigation," she said, her voice cold. "There’s too much at risk."

"Of course, Ms. Badu," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

She leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing. "Start with the IT department. They had the most access to our systems. Report anything suspicious directly to Mustafa."

"Yes, Ms. Badu," I said, rising to leave.

Before I could reach the door, she added, "And Derek, don’t forget who you work for. Loyalty is everything here."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. "Understood, Ms. Badu."

I spent the next few days interviewing various employees, focusing on the IT department. Everyone seemed on edge, and whispers of suspicion circulated through the office. Each conversation left me feeling more uneasy, as if I was tiptoeing through a minefield.

One evening, as I was gathering some files, I saw Yen working late at her desk. Her presence was a comforting sight amid the chaos.

"Hey, Yen," I said, approaching her. "How are you holding up?"

She looked up, her eyes tired but warm. "It's been tough, Derek. This whole breach thing has everyone on edge."

"I know," I sighed. "I've been tasked with investigating it. It's like walking on eggshells."

Yen frowned. "Be careful, Derek. Malika doesn't mess around. And Mustafa... well, there's something off about him."

"I've noticed," I said, lowering my voice. "I'm trying to keep my head down and do my job, but it's getting harder."

She reached out and touched my arm gently. "If you need anything, just let me know. We're in this together."

Her words gave me a sense of solace. "Thanks, Yen. That means a lot."

Just then, the door to Malika's office swung open, and Mustafa stepped out. His eyes flicked to Yen's hand on my arm, and a flicker of something dark crossed his face.

"Derek, a word," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

I followed him into his office, my heart pounding. Mustafa closed the door behind us and turned to face me.

"How's the investigation going?" he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

"I'm making progress," I replied, choosing my words carefully. "I've spoken to several members of the IT department, but nothing concrete yet."

He nodded, his gaze intense. "Keep digging. We need to find the culprit before things get worse."

"Of course," I said, feeling the pressure mounting.

"And Derek," Mustafa added, his voice lowering to a menacing whisper. "Remember, we have eyes everywhere. Don't even think about betraying Malika."

His threat was clear, and I knew I had to tread carefully. "I understand."

As I left Mustafa's office, I felt a surge of determination. The stakes were high, but I couldn't let fear control me. I had to find the truth, for my sake and for Yen's.

A few days later, while going through security footage with the IT team, I stumbled upon something unusual. Late at night, well after office hours, there was footage of someone entering the server room. The figure was obscured, but it was clear that they had access to secure areas.

I reported my findings to Mustafa, who seemed both intrigued and wary. "Good work, Derek. We'll need to analyze this footage further. Keep this between us."

"Of course," I said, though my instincts told me not to trust him completely.

That evening, as I was about to leave, I heard a commotion coming from Malika's office. Curiosity got the better of me, and I crept closer, peering through the slightly ajar door.

What I saw made my blood run cold. Malika was on the couch, engaged in a rough, passionate encounter with both a client and Mustafa. It was a raw, hideous display of power and debauchery. My stomach churned, and I quickly backed away, my mind racing.

I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. The breach, the manipulation, the twisted dynamics—all of it painted a dark picture of the company's inner workings. I needed to find a way to expose the truth, but I had to be careful. One wrong move could spell disaster.

Later that night, I met up with Yen outside the office. We sat in a quiet café, the weight of everything pressing down on me.

"Yen, there's something I need to tell you," I began, my voice shaking. "Things are worse than we thought. I saw Malika and Mustafa... with a client. It was bad."

Yen's eyes widened in shock. "What? Are you serious?"

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. "We need to be careful. If they find out I know, it could be dangerous."

She reached out and took my hand, her touch grounding me. "We'll figure this out, Derek. Together. We just have to be smart about it."

I squeezed her hand, grateful for her support. "Thank you, Yen. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As we left the café, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. 

The office buzzed with gossip and speculation, the tension palpable. My coworkers cast furtive glances my way, whispering about my connection to Malika and the ongoing investigation. It was clear that everyone was on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

One afternoon, as I was reviewing some documents, I received a call from the landlord. My heart sank as I listened to his terse words.

"Derek, this is your final notice. You have three days to vacate the premises."

I hung up, feeling a wave of despair. The eviction notice was a harsh reminder of the precariousness of my situation. I needed to find a solution, and fast.

I turned to Yen, who was working nearby. "Yen, I just got a call from my landlord. I have three days to find a new place."

Her eyes filled with concern. "Oh no, Derek. That's awful. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I admitted, feeling overwhelmed. "But I have to figure something out. I can't afford to be homeless on top of everything else."

"We'll find a way," Yen said, her determination shining through. "Let's start looking for options. Maybe there's a short-term rental or a friend you can stay with."

Her optimism was infectious, and I felt a glimmer of hope. "Thanks, Yen. Your support means everything to me."

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