All Chapters of HIS COME BACK : Chapter 1 - Chapter 7
7 chapters
Chapter OneDEREK The last tendrils of sleep clung to me like cobwebs as the insistent shriek of the alarm ripped through the sterile silence of my apartment. I swatted at it blindly, the plastic casing clattering to the floor.It was the umpteenth time I have had to knock out my alarm in just a week and there was guilt lurking at me just for the act.I rolled on my bed weakly wishing I could be bedridden even for a minute but nothing was working.Then the sound of my phone jolted me fully awake.My hands danced to the bedside, groping for the flat misery Jenna, my cousin got for me on her bat mitzvah ceremony. I couldn't care less. My hands stumbled upon a smooth surface. I picked it and brought it close to my face.Five missed calls.I tapped on the call log and realized I was going to be needed at work in barely an hour time and the Chief of Staff would not spare me a moment of bliss without her incessant reminders.Women. My life turns out to be hit by a ladies truck. I manage
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Chapter two
CHAPTER TWOI stepped into the conglomerate, my footsteps cautious on the glass floor that always made me anxious. The fragility of glass seemed out of place for such a bustling business, where wood or marble would have been a safer, more solid choice.Workers moved in a flurry of activity, a hive of industry oblivious to my presence. I kept my gaze low, lacking the confidence to meet anyone's eyes."That's Derek!" someone called out behind me, freezing me in my tracks.What did I do this time?Then it hit me – I was the coffee guy, and maybe I had left everyone waiting for their caffeine fix."A cup of coffee latte," a hurried voice demanded."Two cups of green tea, no milk," another voice added.The orders kept coming, one after another, until I escaped to the coffee room, my sanctuary.I jabbed at the elevator buttons, but the doors didn’t budge. My hands shook, making it harder to balance the tray loaded with coffee cups. A white towel draped over my arm, a constant reminder of th
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Chapter three
CHAPTER THREEI couldn't shake the events of the previous day as I walked into the office. The fire alarm incident, Yen's anger, and Malika's stern reprimand all weighed heavily on my mind. But what truly surprised me was Malika's unexpected kindness when we were alone later that day.She had invited me to her office, her tone soft and inviting. I had expected another reprimand but instead found myself in an entirely different situation."You seem tense, Derek," Malika had said, her voice a soothing contrast to her usual sharpness. "Sit down."I had complied, bewildered by her sudden change in demeanor. She had leaned in, her perfume intoxicating, and before I knew it, we were entangled in a moment of passion I never saw coming.Now, as I stepped into the office, I couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and guilt. How could she switch from being so harsh to so tender? And why did it feel like there was more to her kindness than met the eye?My thoughts were interrupted by Mustafa.
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Chapter four
CHAPTER FOURThe morning started as usual, with the familiar routine of brewing coffee for the workers in the lingerie conglomerate. The aroma of freshly ground beans filled the air as I prepared the orders, trying to push the chaotic events of the past few days out of my mind."One espresso, two lattes, and a green tea," I called out, placing the cups on the counter for the waiting employees.The routine tasks helped calm my nerves, but the uneasy feeling from yesterday's breach lingered. As I handed out the last cup, I heard Malika's voice behind me."Derek, my office. Now."Her tone was sharp, almost angry. I turned to see her standing in the doorway, her eyes flashing with a mix of frustration and something else I couldn't quite place."Yes, Ms. Badu," I said, wiping my hands on my apron and following her.As soon as we were inside her office, she closed the door with a slam and rounded on me."Do you know what this breach could mean for us?" she snapped, her voice icy."I underst
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Chapter five
CHAPTER FIVEThe investor meeting was scheduled for 10 a.m., and the atmosphere at the conglomerate was electric. The conference room was meticulously prepared, with a sleek glass table, plush chairs, and a large screen for presentations. Fresh flowers adorned the center of the table, and trays of gourmet pastries and coffee were set up along the side.As the clock ticked closer to ten, representatives from various prestigious firms began to arrive. There was Amanda Cheng from Lotus Lingerie, a sharp and stylish woman known for her business acumen. Next was Victor Hernandez, the CFO of Velvet Couture, a rival company with a reputation for aggressive expansion. Finally, Emma King from Seduction Silks, whose brand was synonymous with luxury and elegance, took her seat.Malika entered the room with her siren presence, wearing a tailored pant suit which was all revealing her chest line and exuded feminine power. She nodded curtly to the investors, her expression a perfect blend of confide
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Chapter six
CHAPTER SIXThe next morning, the office was unusually quiet. The usual buzz of activity was replaced by a tense, almost eerie silence. I sensed that something was off as soon as I walked in, but it wasn’t until I saw the expressions on my coworkers' faces that I knew something serious had happened."Hey, Derek," one of the junior staff members whispered as I passed by. "Did you see the news?""What news?" I asked, feeling a pang of dread.She handed me her phone, and my heart sank as I read the headline: "Major Security Breach at Malwear Lingerie Conglomerate: Sensitive Data Exposed." The article detailed the breach, revealing that confidential information had been leaked, and speculated about the potential fallout. It was already being reported on TV and radio.I quickly made my way to Malika's office, my mind racing. This was worse than I had imagined. As I approached, I could hear raised voices from inside. I hesitated for a moment, then knocked softly."Come in," Malika's voice s
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Chapter seven
CHAPTER SEVENThe pressure in the office was relentless. The fallout from the security breach had put everyone on edge, and Malika's parents' presence only heightened the tension. Their demands for swift action and accountability were growing more desperate by the day.One morning, Malika's mother, a sharp-eyed woman with an air of icy authority, called her into a private meeting. I watched as Malika walked into the conference room, her posture stiff with tension."You need to find a scapegoat," her mother said coldly, not bothering with pleasantries. "This scandal is ruining us. We cannot afford for the public or our investors to know about our... other business ventures."Malika's hands trembled slightly as she tried to respond. "Mother, it's not that simple. We don't even know who leaked the information yet. I actually don't know what to do now “.Her mother leaned forward, her eyes boring into Malika's. "I don't care. Accuse someone—anyone. The blame must be shifted away from the
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