Episode 23



“Monday mornings suck.” Scarlet exclaimed as she sank into her chair. She rubbed her aching foot and relished the relief she felt. Monday’s were usually busy. She had had to fill in for Xavier in some meetings while he attended others.

She peeled into Xavier’s office to see if he was back too. He was in his office. He stood close to the widow, one hand in his pocket. He always took that posture when he answered the phone.

“Sure dad, I can come over for dinner. It’s been too busy at the office, I rarely eat dinner at home.” He said

“Then it’s settled then. I’ll ask Margaret to make something delicious. Bring scarlet along. I haven’t spoken to her in a while.”

“Umm..sure.” Xavier replied reluctantly.

“Whats with the reply? Do you not like her?” Alfredo asked.

“She’s good at her job, I give her that. She can be annoying sometimes though.” Xavier replied

Don Alfredo let out a laugh.

“Well I’m glad you both are getting along. See you at dinner then, both of you
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