“Look, who is here?” someone said from behind. “Jack the errand boy.” Jesse made a mockery of him.

Jack tossed his gaze towards the direction he heard the voice; he clenched his jaw and then ignored Jesse Warren and Clara Grant as he held Anna’s hand while walking towards the counter.

They placed an order for two soft drinks, and the bartender handed them the drink, “Thank you,” he said as he took the drink from the counter.

Jesse stood in front of Jack, but Jack tried to move away.

“Where do you think you are going, Jack? I can see you now have wings, but no matter how big your wings are, you can’t fly higher with it.” He sneered.

Jack frowned his face, with his jaw clenched. He peered through Jesse’s shoulder, and behind him were Eric and Elvis Hilton, birds of the same feathers. “I wonder how you got the money to pay for the ticket, or did you steal from someone.”

Vivian stopped, as she hid at a spot glancing at them. She wouldn’t want to be seen by Jack or Jesse Warren.

“How I
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