Ch 119. Claim Me

As she nears my location, I swiftly emerge from the sanctuary provided by the intricately carved marble pillar I've been concealed behind. With a sense of urgency, I hold up a hand, fingers splayed, to halt her advance.

"Bree, hold on a moment," I say, my voice firm yet tinged with a hint of frustration.

“Okay, but lower your voice. We don’t want to alert other possible guards of our presence.” She looks at me, her eyes wide with surprise, the moonlight dancing across her face. "What's wrong, David?"

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts and then continue in a hush tone. "I appreciate your quick thinking and your ability to handle any situation, but I need you to understand that resorting to such… means… isn't necessary. Next time let's find ways to work together without compromising our values."

“Values?” She chuckles, her hand waving dismissively in the air. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“You let that guard touch these.” Without thinking, I grab both her tits and
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