Back to Earth

Hazeed and his team continued their journey through the alien landscape, each step taken with caution and purpose. As they ventured deeper into this foreign world, they stumbled upon a peculiar structure that emitted a faint hum, reminiscent of the portal they had previously encountered.

"Could this be another portal?" Max wondered aloud, examining the structure's intricate designs and glowing symbols.

Hazeed nodded, his curiosity piqued. "It might be our way out. We need to investigate further."

With careful precision, they activated the structure, which began to pulse with energy. Suddenly, a bright light enveloped them, and they felt the familiar sensation of being pulled by an unseen force. The landscape around them blurred and distorted, as if they were being transported through a tunnel of light.

When the light subsided, Hazeed and his team found themselves in an entirely different setting. Instead of the alien landscape, they were now inside a dimly lit, moving train. The rhyth
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