Chapter 2: Pleasing them

“Why the hell did you bring me here?” Jessica asked, her tone sharp and unforgiving as she glared at Harper. The man leaned back in his chair, casually sipping on his cigarette, his posture exuding an air of apathy.

"Tsk," Harper muttered, his eyes darkening with contempt as he shifted his gaze towards his sister. As Jessica watched, the stripper who had been entertaining Harper stood up, obediently leaving at his command.

“So disrespectful,” Harper scolded with a disapproving frown.

Tears welled in Jessica’s eyes as she pleaded, "How could you do this to me?” Her voice trembled with anguish.

“No princess, you did this to yourself.” Harper’s chuckle dripped with mockery. “You chose your delusions over reality.”

“Why can’t you just support me?” Jessica cried out, her voice wavering with disbelief.

Before she could finish, Harper’s hand struck her cheek, the force of the slap jarring her. Her face stung, her skin reddening as tears welled in her eyes and dripped down her cheeks.

“You are nothing but a burden to me,” Harper spat, his tone dripping with venomous malice.

“Harper…” Jessica whispered, her hand trembling as it touched her reddened cheek.

“You and your husband are nothing but pathetic strays,” Harper sneered, his gaze sweeping over the unsavory characters surrounding them. “You’d be better off sold as mutts.”

“What have I done to deserve this?” Jessica’s voice shook with anguish. “How can you say these things to me, your own sister?”

Harper’s eyes hardened into dark pools of disdain as he leaned close, his whisper a venomous hiss.

“You are a fucking disgrace,” he spat.

“Look around,” he commanded, his voice a low growl.

Jessica’s gaze took in the leering, predatory stares of the men around her, their eyes gleaming with lustful intent. She could tell they were rich heirs or CEOs.

Harper’s mouth curled into a twisted grin.

“You’ll be a good plaything for these animals,” he taunted, his voice dripping with sick amusement. “You might even enjoy it.”

Jessica’s stomach lurched in revulsion, a wave of dread washing over her. She tried to pull away, her limbs trembling with fear.

“Please, don’t do this,” she begged, her voice breaking with desperation.

Harper’s sneer only grew wider. “You should have thought about that before hitching your wagon to a deadbeat loser.”

“You will regret this…” Jessica choked out, her voice laced with desperation.

Harper cackled, his laughter devoid of warmth. “I doubt that,” he sneered. “Have fun.”

With a sharp shove, Jessica tumbled onto the couch, her heart shattering as she watched Harper and his goons disappear into the night.

“Harper,” she whimpered, her voice heavy with disbelief and despair.

Jessica’s trembling was interrupted by a gruff voice, the source looming over her like a vulture circling its prey.

“Are you gonna entertain us or what?” The words reeked of alcohol and cigarettes, the stench overpowering the stuffy air of the room.

“Please don’t do anything to me, I’m begging you,” Jessica pleaded, her eyes wide with terror as she shrank back. But the men only stared, their expressions cold and ruthless.

“Save your strength,” the man rasped, his footsteps slow and calculated as he closed in on Jessica.

“Please, my daughter is very sick,” she pleaded, her voice quivering with fear. “She’s at the point of dying. Please, leave me alone.”

With sudden brutality, the man grabbed Jessica’s hair, wrenching her head back and eliciting a gasp of shock.

“If you want your daughter to get better,” the man hissed, his voice dripping with malice, “you better make each and every one of us very happy.”

“What do you mean?” Jessica asked, her voice trembling.

The man’s eyes narrowed, his lip curling into a sinister sneer. “You are going to dance for us.”

As he spoke, he released her hair, only to seize her hand in a ruthless grip and drag her to the strip podium. She watched, her heart sinking as the men around the room fanned out money bills on their tables, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

“You have to make each of us happy,” the man leered, his voice dripping with mockery. “If you do, all this money will be yours, to use for your daughter’s treatment.”

Jessica shook her head fiercely, her desperation palpable as she tried to pull her hand free. “No, please let me go,” she cried. “Leave me alone!”

“Or what?” another man scoffed. “Are you going to dance, or do we have to make you?”

“Get your ass on that fucking stage and entertain us!” the first man bellowed, his command dripping with malice.

“I’m a married woman, a mother!” Jessica pleaded.

“We don’t give a damn!” the man spat. “Start dancing, ‘cause no one’s coming to save you. Not even your precious husband.”

Meanwhile, as Jessica was being forced to dance, another powerful figure entered the hotel.

Miles stood in the doorway, his gaze as cold and hard as coke ice, his voice even and controlled.

“Inform the guards to surround the hotel,” he ordered. “No one enters, no one leaves.”

“Yes, boss,” the guards replied, their voices firm and unwavering.

Miles’ jaw tightened, his eyes glittering with murderous intent

Miles gave a curt nod, the guards dispersing to carry out his orders. With deliberate steps, he strode towards the hotel club area.

Jessica continued to fight against the men who held her captive, her resistance unrelenting. “Don’t talk about my husband like that!”

“If your husband was worth a damn, you wouldn’t be here,” the man mocked, his laughter accompanied by the other men’s cackling.

The man’s hand clamped around Jessica’s chin, forcing her to look into his malicious eyes.

“Harper brought you here to please us,” he growled. “You have until the count of three to get up there and entertain us, or I’ll make you.”

“Please,” Jessica whispered, her voice shaking.

“One,” the man began the countdown, but Jessica’s feet remained rooted to the floor.


“Three!” He was about to grab her hand harshly when a commanding voice was heard.

“Lay your filthy hands on her again and I’ll make sure to behead you!”

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