Chapter 3: Humiliating him

As the words left Miles' lips, the once-bustling club fell into an eerie silence. Heads turned in unison, all eyes riveted on the man who had uttered those words with a chilling malice.

In the corner, Jessica's breath hitched, her eyes widening at the sight of Miles' cold, unyielding gaze. 'Miles?' she thought, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of the sudden tension in the air.

“Or what? I will fucking tou…”

Before the man could even finish his sentence, Miles' fist connected with his jaw, the sound of bone crunching echoing through the club. The man crumpled to the floor, stunned and humiliated as Jessica took a step back, a relieved sigh escaping her lips.

“How dare you?” The man roared, spitting blood onto the club floor as he rose to his feet. But Miles, ever the picture of nonchalance, simply shrugged, a wry smirk playing on his lips.

The man struggled to his feet, his pride more bruised than his face as he glowered at Miles.

“How dare you punch me?” the man yelled, blood trickling from his nose. Miles simply shrugged, an amused grin on his face.

"What can I say? You asked for it," he chuckled. The men in the club gawked at the scene unfolding before them.

"Guards! Beat this idiot to death!" the man bellowed, his rage consuming him. Miles merely raised an eyebrow, a smirk still dancing on his lips as he watched the security personnel approach.

As the men closed in on him, their hulking figures casting menacing shadows across the club, Miles stood firm, unyielding. Jessica, shock evident on her face, pressed herself against his back, seeking shelter from the chaos unfolding around them.

As the man's guards advanced, Miles' own men emerged, their fists flying in a flurry of violence. Anyone who dared approach Miles was swiftly dealt with, a testament to his untouchable status within the club.

As the man groveled at his feet, Miles released him with a contemptuous sneer. Turning to Jessica, he spoke in a voice that exuded confidence and authority.

"Honey, why don't you take our daughter and wait outside? I'm sure we could use some fresh air," he suggested, his tone gentle yet firm.

Jessica, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, blinked in confusion. "Huh?" she mumbled, her mind struggling to catch up with the situation.

Miles smiled, his expression warm and reassuring.

"It would be best if you waited for me outside with our daughter," he instructed, his voice level and assured. "My secretary will accompany you."

Jessica, her concern evident on her face, couldn't help but ask, "Will you be alright?"

He flashed her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me, princess. Out of all the people in this room, I am the one you should be the least concerned about."

She returned his smile, and he shifted his attention to his secretary, giving him a subtle nod.

“Take her safely with you,” Miles commanded, his voice stern and authoritative. His secretary nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, Master," he replied, escorting Jessica, who was now casting anxious glances back at the chaos, out of the room and towards the hotel exit.

On the floor, Logan, his face contorted in rage, struggled to get to his feet.

"You!" he spat, his eyes seething with hatred.

"How dare you try to ruin a party that we paid for!" Logan shouted, his grin reflecting the malice in his tone.

Miles, his own smirk creeping across his face, retorted, "Were you trying to have some fun with a married woman?"

"Shut up!" Logan yelled, relishing in the tormenting of Miles. "You're the one who ran away from your wife three years ago!"

A faint frown crossed Miles' features, a hint of annoyance flitting across his otherwise impassive expression.

Another man's taunting laughter rang through the air, adding to the jeering chorus. "So the useless husband is back to save the day? What a joke!"

Miles' voice was laced with venom as he hissed, "Why don't I start by snapping your neck?"

Logan's laughter, cold and mocking, filled the room. "Bullshit! You can't do anything! You're useless, remember?"

He continued, his smirk growing more malicious by the second, "And what makes you think you can crash our party and get away with it? You think you're invincible or something?"

Miles' chuckle was dark and self-assured. "Haven't I already done that?" he retorted, his smirk widening. "Ignorance is a disease..."

"And what am I ignoring?" Logan asked, his tone laced with mockery.

The laughter of the other men echoed around them, spurring Logan on. "Your uselessness? Or maybe your failure as a husband?" he sneered.

"And guess what," Logan continued, his smirk turning malicious, "the Vale Young heir will be here soon..."

Miles' expression remained unperturbed. "Oh really?" he asked, his tone coolly disinterested.

Logan's voice rose, his hatred palpable. "Yes! And you'll be cut into pieces, right in front of our eyes. Then you'll see who's really useless!"

Miles, his composure never wavering, simply raised an eyebrow, his smirk deepening.

"And your wife..." Logan snarled, his voice venomous, "she'll become our plaything. Our little toy to do whatever we want."

Miles, a sardonic laugh escaping his lips, replied with a cool composure. "Tell him I'm waiting for his call. Or better yet, tell him to meet me at the hall."

With a dismissive wave, he turned on his heel, the men's taunting shouts fading behind him as he strode away.


"That idiot had no right to barge in and ruin our party!" Logan seethed, his words directed towards the elegantly-dressed man standing before him.

The air of anticipation was palpable as they awaited the arrival of the young Master of Vale, the man who would, they believed, deal with Miles once and for all.

Xavier, the young Master of Vale, leisurely sipped his whisky, his expression impassive as he listened to Logan's complaints.

"Is that so?" he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

"The nerve of him!" another man chimed in, his outrage palpable.

Xavier's eyes narrowed, a sinister glint shining through the frosty facade. "I'm here now. That dog will pay for his audacity."

Logan, his face still displaying the remnants of the punch from Miles, let out a sinister chuckle. "Perfect..."

Rising from his chair, Xavier spoke with a chilling resolve. "I'll ensure he doesn't leave this place alive."

As he stepped out of the room, he pulled out his phone, his hand moving with a decisive precision as he contacted his guards. "He's at the hotel hall," he informed them, a dangerous gleam in his eyes as he made his way to the scene of the impending confrontation.

As Xavier entered the hotel hall, he was greeted by an unexpected sight: Miles, seated casually in his chair, a look of serene nonchalance etched across his features.

For a brief moment, Xavier's composure faltered, his eyes widening in surprise. "You..."

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