All Chapters of He Strikes Back: The Underestimated Heir of Nile: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
10 chapters
Chapter 1: Jailed
"You're going to rot in jail for this, Miles!" Miles Anderson's expression hardened as his boss spat venomous words, accusing him of fraud.“Sir, what’s going on?” Miles questioned, his eyes darting between Roger and the approaching guards. But before he could receive an answer, the guards closed in."You're a disgrace, Anderson," Roger sneered, basking in his false triumph. "I knew you weren't fit for this job, but fraud? You’re lower than I thought."Anderson's frown deepened as Roger continued his baseless accusations.“Fraud? Mr. Roger, you’re barking up the wrong tree!" Anderson retorted, his tone laced with disdain. "I’ve been a loyal employee for years, and you’re pinning this on me? I think someone’s got a vendetta, and it’s not me.”“Spare me the innocent act, Anderson. We both know the truth." Roger waved a dismissive hand, as if waving away Anderson's protests like flies. "You’ve been siphoning money from under our noses for months. How else do you think you’ve been able t
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Chapter 2: Pleasing them
“Why the hell did you bring me here?” Jessica asked, her tone sharp and unforgiving as she glared at Harper. The man leaned back in his chair, casually sipping on his cigarette, his posture exuding an air of apathy."Tsk," Harper muttered, his eyes darkening with contempt as he shifted his gaze towards his sister. As Jessica watched, the stripper who had been entertaining Harper stood up, obediently leaving at his command.“So disrespectful,” Harper scolded with a disapproving frown.Tears welled in Jessica’s eyes as she pleaded, "How could you do this to me?” Her voice trembled with anguish.“No princess, you did this to yourself.” Harper’s chuckle dripped with mockery. “You chose your delusions over reality.”“Why can’t you just support me?” Jessica cried out, her voice wavering with disbelief.Before she could finish, Harper’s hand struck her cheek, the force of the slap jarring her. Her face stung, her skin reddening as tears welled in her eyes and dripped down her cheeks.“You ar
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Chapter 3: Humiliating him
As the words left Miles' lips, the once-bustling club fell into an eerie silence. Heads turned in unison, all eyes riveted on the man who had uttered those words with a chilling malice.In the corner, Jessica's breath hitched, her eyes widening at the sight of Miles' cold, unyielding gaze. 'Miles?' she thought, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of the sudden tension in the air.“Or what? I will fucking tou…”Before the man could even finish his sentence, Miles' fist connected with his jaw, the sound of bone crunching echoing through the club. The man crumpled to the floor, stunned and humiliated as Jessica took a step back, a relieved sigh escaping her lips.“How dare you?” The man roared, spitting blood onto the club floor as he rose to his feet. But Miles, ever the picture of nonchalance, simply shrugged, a wry smirk playing on his lips.The man struggled to his feet, his pride more bruised than his face as he glowered at Miles.“How dare you punch me?” the man yelled, blo
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Chapter 4: The Billionaire's Shocking Return
Miles' voice cut through the air with a sharp, calculated precision, snapping Xavier back to the present moment.Shaking off his initial shock, Xavier regained his composure, although a hint of uncertainty still lingered in his eyes. The billionaire businessman couldn't deny the striking resemblance between Miles and the elusive Anderson Trillionaire Grandmaster, an uncanny similarity that left him unnerved."Familiar?" Miles repeated, a wry smirk playing on his lips as he observed Xavier's reaction.Miles, sipping his wine with an air of practiced nonchalance, observed the room with a shrewd eye. As more young heirs streamed in, their hushed whispers hinting at their eagerness to witness his supposed humiliation and possible death, Miles remained unfazed, his expression unmoved."How dare you disrupt our party?" Xavier growled, his voice low and threatening. But Miles' unflappable demeanor only seemed to amplify his own frustration."And here I thought you were here to join me for a
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Chapter 5: The Corporate Titan Revealed
Miles, his voice tinged with mocking humor, handed Xavier a glass of water. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Xavier. Have a drink," he drawled, a predatory gleam in his eyes.Xavier stared back at Miles, the fear in his gaze palpable as he fumbled with the glass, his hands trembling."Don't leave me hanging, Xavier," Miles purred, his voice like silken thread wrapped around Xavier's throat. "I'd hate to have to remind you what happens to people who cross me."With a trembling hand, Xavier raised the glass to his lips, his eyes fixed on Miles in a mixture of terror and disbelief. The water was cold and tasteless as it trickled down his throat, but it did little to quench the fear that had taken hold of him.Miles' expression remained impassive, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny. "So tell me, Xavier. Why did you think it was a good idea to cross me? Surely you knew what would happen if you did," he said, his voice a dangerous whisper."Who are you?" Xavier asked, desperation dripping fro
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Chapter 6: Retribution for the Fearful
“My life is important to me, Miles, please…” Xaveir was still on his knees begging like never before.Miles stood before Xavier, a triumphant smirk spreading across his features."Really? Your life is important to you?" Miles mocked, his tone laced with disdain. "I'm sure it is. But what makes you think it's important to me?"The young heirs in the room exchanged glances, some snickering at Xavier's pathetic display. Miles' lips curled into a cruel chuckle."Please, Miles, I'm begging you!" Xavier beseeched, his voice cracking with desperation. "Forgiveness is not in my vocabulary, Xavier. Eye for an eye. That's how my family operates." Xavier's gaze shifted to the ground, his heart sinking deeper.In a desperate plea, he silently prayed to God to spare his life, or at the very least, his limbs.A glimmer of hope flickered within Xavier's eyes, his desperation taking hold. "Anything you want! Anything at all. Money, cars, hotels, just name it! I'll give you whatever you desire, just
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Chapter 7: Redemption and forgiveness
Xavier's mind raced as he stood before Miles, sweat beading on his brow, his knees threatening to buckle under the weight of fear. Desperation fueled his plea, as his allies had been defeated with ease."Please, Miles, I beg you. Spare me. I will do anything to make it up to you, in any way you want me to," Xavier implored, his voice trembling with each word.Miles regarded Xavier with a cold, calculating stare.Xavier's gaze shifted, his eyes darting around the room as he attempted to craft an interesting offer. "I-if you let me live," he stammered, "we can form a powerful alliance in business. We could dominate the business world, you and me, side by side."Miles, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes, allowed a low chuckle to escape his lips. "Do you know what the funny thing is?,""No, no, what?" Xavier asked, a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead.Miles took a step closer, his voice razor-sharp. "You see, people are fickle creatures. They wrong others, forgetting their o
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Chapter 8: True identity
Miles walked out of the nightclub, his dark aura swirling around him like a cloak of vengeance. But the moment his eyes caught sight of his wife Jessica and daughter waiting outside, his expression softened. A chill breeze blew across the street."Miles!" Jessica's voice sang out, and she rushed towards him, her eyes glittering with affection. Miles enveloped her into his embrace, his arms a fortress of protection as her gentle touch soothed his heart."Are you alright, darling?" Miles asked, his voice laden with concern as he patted Jessica's back with gentle caresses, his fingers soothing away the tension that radiated from her.Jessica looked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over. "No, I should be the one asking if you're okay," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "After what happened in there...I was so worried."Miles brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender and loving.Miles placed a gentle kiss on Jessica's f
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Chapter 9: Old master’s Ultimatum
As the helicopter touched down on the helipad atop the hospital, a team of white-clad nurses rushed forward, stretcher in hand.Jessica remained quiet, lost in her own thoughts as Miles lifted their daughter into the waiting arms of the medical staff. He noticed her silence, the gears in her head turning as she tried to process this new information about the man she had married.He smiled at her gently, understanding that she needed time to absorb this revelation. "Take her to the best doctor in the hospital," he instructed the nurses, his voice firm and commanding. "Spare no expense.""I want only the best doctors for her," Miles instructed, his voice authoritative and assured. The nurses nodded in understanding, ushering Mia into a private room for treatment.Jessica remained rooted to the spot, her eyes fixed on the door where her daughter had disappeared into.Miles sensed the worry churning inside her."She'll be fine," he said, his voice tender and filled with conviction. "We ha
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Chapter 10: Keeper
“Just because I choose not to takeover doesn’t make me a coward!” Miles stated, firmly."I never said you were a coward, son," Old Master Liam said, his voice dripping with disappointment. "But walking away now, in the face of danger, is not the Andersons way."Miles, fists clenched in frustration, fought to control his rising temper. He felt a gentle pressure on his arm, Jessica's reassuring touch, and he took a deep breath, trying to quell the storm within."I'm not turning away from danger," he said, his voice tight but even.In that moment, he knew there was only one choice to make, despite the weight of the consequences."Fine," he said, his voice carrying the weight of his resignation. "I will take back my position as head of the family."The Old Master's face lit up in a triumphant grin, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Miles had taken the bait, and now the fate of his family, and the legacy of the Anderson name, rested on his shoulders once more."You're serious about this
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