Chapter 6: Retribution for the Fearful

“My life is important to me, Miles, please…” Xaveir was still on his knees begging like never before.

Miles stood before Xavier, a triumphant smirk spreading across his features.

"Really? Your life is  important to you?" Miles mocked, his tone laced with disdain. "I'm sure it is. But what makes you think it's important to me?"

The young heirs in the room exchanged glances, some snickering at Xavier's pathetic display. Miles' lips curled into a cruel chuckle.

"Please, Miles, I'm begging you!" Xavier beseeched, his voice cracking with desperation. 

"Forgiveness is not in my vocabulary, Xavier. Eye for an eye. That's how my family operates." Xavier's gaze shifted to the ground, his heart sinking deeper.

In a desperate plea, he silently prayed to God to spare his life, or at the very least, his limbs.

A glimmer of hope flickered within Xavier's eyes, his desperation taking hold. "Anything you want! Anything at all. Money, cars, hotels, just name it! I'll give you whatever you desire, just please...spare my life."

Miles cocked his head to the side, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Anything, you say?”

Miles backed away, his gaze piercing into Xavier's soul as he spoke, his tone dark and calculating. "Let's be honest, Xavier. I have more cars and money than I know what to do with. Your offerings are simply...lackluster."

"However," Miles continued, "there is one thing you can do for me..." His smile grew, the corner of his mouth twisting into a sadistic smirk.

"A-anything," Xavier stuttered, his voice trembling. "I'll do anything you want."

Miles nodded, signaling for one of his men to hand him a gun. Xavier stared in shock as the weapon was thrust into his shaking hands.

"Take it," Miles commanded, his voice cold and firm.

"Stop acting like a child who hasn’t held a gun before, Xavier," Miles scoffed, a look of disgust on his face. "You've killed before, we both know it brings you pleasure."

Xavier's face twisted into a mask of shock. "W-what should I do with it?" 

"Shoot yourself," Miles stated flatly, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

Xavier's eyes widened to the size of saucers, his breath catching in his throat. "Sh-shoot myself?" he stammered, the gun suddenly feeling heavier in his hand.

"What?" Xavier cried, his voice shrill with fear.

Miles' expression turned steely, his smile vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. "You did say you would do anything, didn't you?" he growled. "I don't tolerate people who break their promises."

"But I can't!" Xavier protested, his entire body trembling. "You want me to kill myself, that's freaking crazy!"

"Pathetic," Miles sneered. "You're nothing but a coward, aren't you?"

Xavier's hands shook uncontrollably as he pressed the gun to his temple. "P-please," he begged, his voice breaking.

Miles' eyes narrowed into slits. "One," he began, the threat hanging in the air like a noose. 


Xavier's breath came in ragged gasps as he stared down the barrel of his own destruction. He could feel why they called Miles ruthless, why they said he had no mercy.

"Please, Miles, please..."

But Miles was unmoved. "Three," he said, his finger resting on the trigger.

Just then, a deafening bang echoed through the hall as the door crashed open. Men in black suits flooded in, their movements swift and lethal.

"Let him go!" one of the men barked, his gun leveled at Miles' chest.

"Let our boss go," one of the men demanded, his tone firm and unyielding.

Miles cast a nonchalant glance at the intruders before turning his attention back to Xavier, who appeared poised to kill.

"Haven't you been taught that interrupting is rude?" Miles asked, his voice dripping with scorn.

"Listen," the man responded, his patience clearly waning. "We don't care. Let our boss go, or else..."

Miles' chuckle was deep and ominous. "Or else what?"

Miles stepped back, motioning for his men to hold their fire.

"You know what? Come and get him." Miles' words dripped with mock generosity as he positioned himself behind Xavier, still kneeling on the ground.

Xavier's eyes widened in shock, confusion written across his face. "Huh?" he murmured. Miles' change in demeanor left him stunned, unsure of what was happening.

"I said come get him," Miles repeated, his voice calm and collected.

The guard who had been doing the talking, apparently the leader of the team, nodded to two of his men. 

They advanced on Xavier, who had now risen from his knees.

The men began to pull Xavier away, but before they could make their exit, a sickening thud echoed through the hall. 

One of the guards, standing to Xavier's left, collapsed to the ground, a bullet hole marring his temple.

Xavier's eyes widened, his gaze fixed on the fallen guard's lifeless form.

Fear gripped the room as everyone froze in place. Before the other guard could react, Miles seized him by the collar, pulling him close before launching a brutal punch that sent him crashing into the wall, his face already a mask of blood.

The remaining men who had come for Xavier reached for their weapons, but Miles' men were quicker, their bullets piercing through the guards' legs, causing them to fall to the ground in agony.

Miles' men quickly overpowered the remaining guards, taking them captive. Xavier watched the scene unfold with horror, unable to comprehend how quickly the tide had turned.

Miles unleashed another savage assault on the intruders, reducing them to quivering wrecks on the blood-spattered floor. His movements were swift and deadly, each strike delivering bone-crushing force that left Xavier paralyzed with fear.

Xavier watched in terror as the young heirs attempted to flee, their desperation only met with Miles' merciless blows. With each blow, Xavier's realization of Miles' power and strength grew, seeping into his very being.

Once Miles had finished dealing with the guards, their battered and bloodied bodies sprawled across the floor, he straightened himself, an air of icy composure settling over him. Xavier and the other young heirs could only stare, their hearts pounding in their chests, their minds reeling from the display of Miles' unbridled ferocity.

Xavier, now fully aware of the devastating power Miles wielded, trembled at the realization that he had narrowly escaped death.

"Next time, none of you will be so lucky to leave with your life.”

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