Chapter 5: The Corporate Titan Revealed

Miles, his voice tinged with mocking humor, handed Xavier a glass of water. "You look like you've seen a ghost, Xavier. Have a drink," he drawled, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

Xavier stared back at Miles, the fear in his gaze palpable as he fumbled with the glass, his hands trembling.

"Don't leave me hanging, Xavier," Miles purred, his voice like silken thread wrapped around Xavier's throat. "I'd hate to have to remind you what happens to people who cross me."

With a trembling hand, Xavier raised the glass to his lips, his eyes fixed on Miles in a mixture of terror and disbelief. The water was cold and tasteless as it trickled down his throat, but it did little to quench the fear that had taken hold of him.

Miles' expression remained impassive, his eyes narrowed in scrutiny. "So tell me, Xavier. Why did you think it was a good idea to cross me? Surely you knew what would happen if you did," he said, his voice a dangerous whisper.

"Who are you?" Xavier asked, desperation dripping from his voice as he tried to confirm his suspicions. But Miles only smiled, the glint in his eyes chilling Xavier to the bone.

"He's a nobody, Xavier!" Logan shouted from the sidelines, his voice laced with distraction and irritation.

"Shut your stupid mouth!" Xavier snarled, turning to glare at Logan. But his outburst only exposed the cracks in his composure, his fear and uncertainty laid bare for all to see.

The room erupted into a chorus of insults directed at Miles.

"Logan is right! He's a loser!" one man cried.

"A useless waste of space!" another chimed in.

The jeering only made Xavier's grip on the glass tighten, his hands trembling with the tension that coursed through his veins. "Who are you?" he demanded again, his voice quivering with rage and fear.

But Miles' expression remained unchanged, his enigmatic smile taunting Xavier with its unyielding defiance.

“I am Miles Anderson, The grandson, of Old master Anderson of the Nile family. And the Heir of Nile.” Miles casually said as gasped filled the room.

Silence fell across the room as Miles' words echoed through the stunned crowd. "I am Miles Anderson, grandson of Old Master Anderson of the Nile family, and heir to the Anderson dynasty, The Heir of Nile" he declared, his voice calm and assured.

"That's a lie!" someone yelled, the disbelief palpable in their voice.

But another heir, their expression grave, quickly shushed the dissenter. "Shut up! The Andersons are nothing to be trifled with," they whispered, their voice hushed with fear.

Logan's denial was a stark contrast to the growing fear and realization among the other heirs. "This is impossible!" he yelled, his voice rising above the whispers of the crowd. "He's lying!"

Xavier, his face ashen, trembled as Miles' words sank in. "It can't be!" he whispered, his voice shaking with uncertainty.

“This bastard is fucking lying!”

Logan's frantic protests continued, but a warning glance from Miles' men in black silenced him. The air in the room seemed to thicken, heavy with the weight of Miles' presence and the looming threat of violence.

Miles' voice cut through the silence, his command ringing out like a gunshot in the hushed room. "Take this idiot away before I lose my patience," he growled, a glint of deadly intent flashing in his eyes.

Miles' elite security team moved with a precision that bordered on the deadly, their strength and skill allowing them to swiftly subdue Logan's men.

One guard gripped Logan in an iron hold, effortlessly lifting him from the ground. The others dealt with his men, dispatching them with a ruthless efficiency that left no room for resistance.

Xavier, terror and realization settling upon him like a shroud, fell to his knees, his hands trembling as they found purchase on the cold, marble floor.

"Master Miles, please, forgive me," he pleaded, his voice little more than a whisper, a pathetic wheeze.

Miles' eyes narrowed, a sinister smirk curling the corners of his mouth. 

The power he held over Xavier was intoxicating, and he savored the moment, letting the silence hang heavy in the air.

The young heirs, watching the scene unfold with a mix of horror and fascination, couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spines. The Anderson family was the stuff of legends, their wealth and influence extending far beyond  than anyone presently in that room.

Miles' gaze was unflinching, his voice cold and calculating. "Forgiveness is a luxury I cannot afford," he said, relishing the fear that gripped Xavier's every fiber.

Xavier, his face drenched with sweat, pleaded with Miles, his voice breaking as he begged for his life. "Please, don't kill me. Please.”

"Oh, but I must," 

Miles, reveling in the power he held over Xavier, allowed a cruel smile to grace his lips. This was who he was, who he had always been - a ruthless man who drew strength from the fear he instilled in others. In a world where goodness was a fleeting luxury, it was better to embrace the darkness that lurked within him.

Miles' voice was low and chilling as he spoke, his gaze never wavering from Xavier's cowering form. "You betrayed me,"

"It was the devil's doing, I swear! I was foolish, but I can change!" he cried, his voice shaking with desperation.

"Leave the devil out of this, Xavier. You're the one to blame," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Betrayers deserve nothing but pain, don't you agree?"

Xavier, his body wracked with shivers, remained silent, too terrified to utter a single word.

Miles turned to the young heirs, his gaze sweeping over the trembling group with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Well?" he asked, his voice a lethal whisper.

The young heirs, their voices quavering with fear, responded in unison, their words echoing through the room like a death knell.

"Yes, Master Miles. Betrayers deserve pain," they said, their eyes fixed on the floor, not daring to meet Miles' chilling gaze.

Miles' smirk widened, his delight in their terror evident in his expression.

"The people you were trying to impress, the people you betrayed me for, they want you punished. And I'm inclined to give them what they want."

Miles leaned forward, his eyes boring into Xavier's as he spoke in a low, dangerous tone. "Look at me," he commanded, his voice a sinister whisper.

Xavier, his face twisted with fear, struggled to obey, but eventually his gaze met Miles'. Tears streamed down his face, glistening in the harsh light.

Miles stared down at Xavier, his expression a chilling mask of contempt as he watched the heir sobbing before him. "Tsk! I don't entertain cry babies," 

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