228. Aftermath of Beast Disaster



The beast roared and thrashed, but their combined efforts began to wear it down.

"Ahhhhh... Judgment Fall... Booommn...!!"

Finally, with a final, desperate surge of energy, Aarav unleashed a powerful pillar of light that enveloped the beast in a radiant glow.

"Chiiichiiii... Pufff... Swooosh...!!"

The creature let out a deafening scream before collapsing to the ground, its body dissolving into ashes.

"Hufff... Huffff... Finally!!"

Breathing heavily, Aarav looked at the warrior, who was equally exhausted but victorious. "It's over," Aarav said, a mixture of relief and triumph in his voice.

The warrior nodded, wiping sweat and blood from his brow. "Thanks to you."

Galen wasn't in good condition. His left thigh had a deep gash, his stomach bore a claw mark, and he had multiple slashes on his back. He was bleeding from all over his body.

Aarav turned towards the clearing where Bishop Dominic and the injured knights were. "Before I get back to save them, let me heal you first
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