234. Overwhelmed with Divine Presence



"Brace yourselves!" Thaddeus Lumara called out, warning his men to keep their stance steady and resist the pressure.

He could see the strain in his men's eyes, but he also saw their unyielding spirit. They would not let the Moonshroud Family break through, not as long as they had breath in their bodies.


The battle raged on, the street filled with the sounds of clashing steel, magical explosions, and the unending clash of willpower. The Lumara Family stood firm, their barriers shining brightly even as they began to show signs of wear.

Thaddeus Lumara was beginning to wear himself out, and he saw that his men couldn't hold much longer as they were out of Half-Divine Tools to deploy the barriers. He just hoped they could hold on a little longer.

Morn, sensing the last struggle of the Lumara family defenders, redoubled his efforts. "Press the attack!" he roared. "We break through now, or not at all!"


Each barrier
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