235. Carnage Scene in the Streets of Capital



"Hmnn... What’s with them? Why are they suddenly showing such messy expressions?" Aarav, advancing towards the Moonshroud Family with slow and steady steps, noticed their emotional turmoil reflected on their faces.

Aarav wondered if these bastards were having second thoughts now after coming this far with their greedy and selfish actions.

Curious about their next move, he continued to put pressure on them while walking slowly, giving them an opportunity to rethink before he put these losers out of their misery.

Aarav would have no mercy for these idiots who thought they could get away after betraying their god Elandor, who had given them everything.

Even their family prestige and status were bestowed upon them by God Elandor.

How could these traitors forget that? Ungrateful shits.

Aarav already knew the punishment he wanted to give them.

Aarav paused in his steps, seeing one of them approaching with a firm look on his face, as if he had made up his mind about something
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