"They're coming!!" shouted a man at an observation post.
"Attention men, all in your positions!!" shouted the army officer "the future of our kingdom depends on us!!
A thousand men were organized according to their functions, archers positioned themselves behind, spearmen with shields in front, in the middle of this formation were the men who would fight with everything, it was a battle formation made to hold a true invasion.
Behind them a crowd of people fled, all headed towards the giant gate that was open, the gate of the wall was the only thing that would stand between them and what was fiercely advancing, was a line of defense to ensure a mass evacuation.
They were still far away but they could already hear their advance, thousands of demonic creatures were running towards the gate, the vast majority of the monsters were beings with more or less human form, little bigger than ordinary people.
There were huge demonic beasts, some as big as dinosaurs, a few winged ones carrying smaller creatures, and at least one giant that plodded along behind.
"We are only a thousand men, what can we do!? "said one of them crying "we are going to be quartered in a moment!
"Stop crying and raise your head, your family is on the other side of the gate!" shouted the commanding officer "each demon you kill out here is one less to attack your family!
With the officer's words the man wiped his face, he was still shaking but now he showed a firmer expression, everyone was there like him, a thousand men to stop a horde of demons, something impossible from any point of view.
" I'm going to say this at once: we are all going to die "said the officer "don't have any doubts that we are going to be killed in a terrible way, some faster than others, but we are all going to die.
All the men looked at the officer, he was the man responsible for leading the thousand man battalion from that gate, another 10 battalions had gone to the front line, the approaching demons were proof that they were annihilated in battle.
"We'll be dead whether we fight here or run inside, so why get killed without a fight?" continued the officer "I'm going to die too, but I'm going to take as many motherfuckers as I can with me!"
The men's eyes burned with will, if death was certain then why be afraid? The people behind them needed time to escape, they would guarantee that time with their lives, and maybe that way many would manage to escape.
"Fight to the end, if you can still lift a sword, fight until your arm is ripped off," continued the officer, "and after your arm is ripped off, bite the bastard who ripped it off.
" hahahahah I heard that demon meat tastes horrible " said the second in command.
"It's like burnt wild boar meat seasoned with dung," replied the officer "I know because I've bitten one once, when it bit my arm.
" And how did you make that comparison? "asked the other "have you tried the meat seasoned with shit?
" This is not the point now, what matters is that I will not allow each of you to die without taking at least 10 enemies with you "he said "whoever does not meet this goal will see me in the world of the dead!!
"Yes sir!!!" they all shouted in fury.
"Well, the men are motivated now" said the petty officer looking back "but is it the empire's mages? Will they come?
" They need to come, the bigger ones will manage to pass through the wall and the flyers will reach far away "said the other "if they are not stopped on that side it will be more difficult inside.
"At least they gave us all this magical equipment" said the relieved non-commissioned officer "a fully equipped warrior is worth more than 100 “naked” men
The demonic horde was approaching quickly, now that they were closer they were heading straight towards the open gate, the people who were still following through it began to run wildly, livestock ran away in various directions, people knelt on the ground and prayed, men Willing to fight, they picked up sticks or anything they could use as a weapon, the soldiers in formation prepared for battle.
The lesser demons arrived first, the officer thanked the fact that they didn't know how to use military strategies and just wanted to kill, when the first wave came into range the archers fired.
The enchanted arrows flew farther and faster, when they started to fall they glowed and activated the magic stored in them, some became engulfed in flames, others turned into lightning, some split into 100 equal arrows, a rain of magic fell on the first wave. from the horde.
" We did it! We ended the first wave! "celebrated one of the archers.
" Well, here comes the second one going over the first one! "said one of the men in front "prepare your shields!!
The soldiers in front wore the thickest armor and huge shields, when the second wave of monsters arrived they received the impact with their shields, thanks to the magic of the shields the weakest demons were thrown back, the men in front then attacked with their magic-enhanced spears, when they pierced they released power that exploded them from within.
Some demons were not killed, the men in the middle advanced and fought with swords, axes and magic spears, with the fury contained in them the remaining monsters were eliminated.
The officer and his companion fought a larger demon that approached, with his sword he concentrated the magic power and cut the creature in half, the other one who fought with a curved sword produced a wave that cut some smaller ones, they were combat mages , mages specializing in using magic to destroy.
The men at the top of the gate were not left out, with a huge catapult they fired an energy ball that flew far, it hit one of the giant beasts exploding its head, they would need 5 minutes to fire another one, so they would only use it to shoot down the bigger ones arrived.
Most of the lesser demons were eliminated, but the bigger ones were coming, even the smallest one was twice human size, some had distorted shapes like tentacles and blades, there was one that rode an even bigger creature like a knight, seeing that the soldiers again feared, it was now that they would die.
"That's my order to the gate team" the officer was saying "begin to close" it.
" But there are still thousands of people trying to get to him! "said one of the soldiers.
" The evacuation was very late, we can't do anything "said the officer "if we don't close the gate those who have already passed will be caught, it's sacrificing thousands to save millions.
With great regret the gate team did the procedure, upon completing it the gates would close completely in a minute, seeing the gate being closed people ran with more despair, the soldiers then retreated closer to the gate, the people who stayed behind Behind them they begged for mercy, begged them to let them in.
"This gate will not open anymore, this is for the good of those on the other side" said the officer "I will not ask for forgiveness, because I will die with you too, but I chose this to guarantee time for you.
" We have common swords and spears here, I suggest you take them "said the non-commissioned officer "take these weapons and use them to defend yourself while fleeing, go as far away from here.
People realized that there was no escape, some gave in to madness and killed themselves with the weapons they took, some parents armed themselves to protect their children, following parallel to the wall they fled away from the battle, but they knew that eventually the demons would they would chase and be caught.
" Mates, I was your captain for 5 long years " said the officer " I hate half of you, and the other half owes me some money.
"Aren't you going to forget about it even now?" asked the non-commissioned officer indignantly.
"But if I'm going to die in this hell I want to be by your side" he continued "let's make our names with the blood of these demons!!
All the soldiers screamed, some men who were desperate were caught up in the excitement and joined the battle, without the fear of death they fought like demons, and thus surpassed the quota of 10 enemies, some even killed 50 of them, all the soldiers and civilians in the battle died exactly as the captain said, but the number of enemies slaughtered became almost legendary for a single battalion, the battle of the gate was recorded as the greatest act of resistance against demonic invasion, and their names were etched in history. .
(in the present)
" Welcome to my humble academy " greeted a man sitting in his armchair " imperial princess Merilda.
"I thank you for your reception, but I ask you not to call me the imperial princess" the young woman before him asked "and also don't be so modest, your "humble" academy is simply the greatest institution of teaching magic on the continent.
She was right, there was no institution of higher learning than this one, a huge tower where magic was studied in every possible way, laboratories and workshops working non-stop to create new spells or magical instruments, a city that lived off of it was built in around the institution over the centuries, people came from all over the continent to learn the use of magic.
" You turned 15 and you're here, does that mean you came to sign up for classes? "asked the gentleman "but you should have the best private tutors at your disposal...
"Certainly as the emperor's daughter I would have such a privilege" she said "but I want to study here, a very dear person said that private lessons will never replace the experience you gain here.
The bearded old man smiled in satisfaction, a princess who wanted to learn like other people was rare, it showed that she had great wisdom and could become an excellent empress.
" Can you tell me why? "he asked interested "why do you want a superior experience?
" The great invasion is approaching, I want to be prepared for it "replied the young woman "I will not be the empress who will let her kingdom fall.
The great invasion occurred every 200 years, when the black star eclipsed the sun and rained hundreds of thousands of demons on the world, the black dot in the sky that was the black star could already be seen, and over the years it would become closer and closer to the fateful date.
"In the previous battle the kingdom was almost devastated, the deaths are countless even today" she said "even knowing the exact day of the invasion the evacuation was delayed, and it took us almost 10 years to clean up the kingdom, I do not intend to repeat the mistakes of the emperor of that era.
"That poor man, he was a great leader but he was surrounded by incompetents "lamented the lord "the person who governs the kingdom at the time of the invasion is always the most unhappy.
" I intend to change that, of course I will not be on the throne when the invasion arrives, but I will help my father "she said "for that I need to master magic, I will become the most powerful magician in the empire, I will fight for my father protecting the kingdom.
"And I will be by your side Princess Merilda" said the young woman behind her.
The young woman was the same age as the princess, wild red hair, she behaved almost as if she were a military woman, when questioned she said she was the princess's cousin, her name was Aella.
" I will sign up together with the princess, I intend to protect" her while I'm here "explained the other "and at the same time become useful to the princess in her Aellado.
" I'm sorry, Aella is the daughter of the head of the imperial guard "said the other embarrassed "since she was 10 she has been studying to serve in the army.
" It's great to see young people so enthusiastic, this year will be very interesting "said the bearded gentleman "but since you'll become a student we won't be able to give you special treatment or perks, you'll have to follow the rules like all other students.
" It couldn't be different, in fact I don't want to be recognized as a princess here "she said "I will hide my identity, I will behave like all the students, and you can't call me or treat me like a princess, do you hear Aella?
"As you wish my lady" she replied.
" And don't call me ma'am, you're my cousin "said the other sighing "let's try to forget our positions here.
" hahahaha youth is so beautiful... oops, it's almost time "he said getting up "it's almost time for the opening ceremony, see you later.
He took a cloak and a hat typical for wizards, with them he simply disappeared from the room, the two had already seen this type of magic before in the castle, but it was no less impressive, the secretary then guided the two to where the ceremony would be carried out.
" Damn it, I'm going to be late! "said the young man running.
He ran desperately towards his goal, there were many obstacles on the way to reach the academy, but luckily the gates were already in sight, but the inspectors were about to close it.
"Wait! I'm coming! "shouted the young man running faster.
The inspectors paid no attention and kept pushing the gate, the young man nevertheless managed to jump and pass through the middle of the gate before the two halves closed, he fell and rolled on the ground to laugh later.
" hahahahahha it wasn't this time! "he said pointing to the two inspectors.
"This one has a guy who's going to leave here in a month" said one of them making an ugly face.
The young man got up and took his things, he went to where he saw a lot of people gathering, it was the courtyard of the academy that was already prepared for the opening ceremony, a new year began for the academy and new students arrived.
"Rookies line up, we need to count you all" said a senior senior.
Everyone lined up, there were people from all over the continent, people of all ethnicities or races, nobles and commoners, the only requirement to become a student was the ability to use magic, something that only 10% of the population could currently, a commoner to be born with that ability was a blessing, and that's why Derek was here today.
"Oh man, just how many people are here?" Derek said looking around.
" Every year 3,000 new students arrive at the academy "explained someone next to him "congratulations on having received the gift of magic.
Derek looked to the side, he saw a young woman with silver hair and eyes, even without confirmation he could say that she was a noblewoman, someone who was sure she was born destined to use magic.
" I'm Merilda, what's your name? "she asked.
" Huh? I'm Derek, I come from the manor of Arven "he replied "you look like you came from the capital.
" hehehehe... you got it right..." she laughed without grace.
"Mistress Merilda, you shouldn't talk to these commoners" asked Aella whispering very close.
"I have to learn to converse with the common people" she replied in the same tone "if I intend to govern one day I need to know all my subjects.
" Please, take this crystal ball "asked the veterans who were passing by and handing it "keep it with you until the end of the ceremony.
The crystal ball little bigger than an orange was delivered, all the new students held it trying to imagine what it would be, some who came from families of magicians already knew, so they were "eager" Derek just kept it in his coat pocket .
" I apologize for making" you wait "announced a voice out of nowhere "we will now begin the opening ceremony.
An old man wearing a starry robe and hat appeared, he introduced himself as the Dean of the Academy, his name was Androuet, a veteran mage who was once a student and later a teacher, behind him all the teachers of the academy were gathered. .
"Another year begins for our world and also for the academy, and it is magnificent to see this courtyard full every year" he spoke "you were blessed with the ability to use magic, some by blood inheritance, others by fate, and some by accident, but they're all the same once they're here.
Derek vibrated inside, he received his ability through an event in his life, and intended to master magic to fulfill his ambition, he heard about the academy of magic and that anyone was accepted, so he made a long journey to reach the your destiny.
" Classes officially start tomorrow, the rest of today will be for you to know your places in this academy "explained the dean "we have accommodation and all the necessary facilities, several classrooms to accommodate all of you.
He made a gesture with his staff and magic lines appeared on the floor, the lines divided the students into groups of 100, each group would be in a room and would have a different number.
"Looks like we'll be in different rooms" said Merilda looking at the line separating her from her cousin.
" And I was right by your side..." she said, lamenting with her head down.
The dean continued explaining, most of them were about schedules and rules, how classes would be recognized and how progress would be made, students who failed the 1st year were expelled from the academy, those who failed in the following years were regressed one year.
" We usually say that every year that goes by eliminates half of the students, that means that of the 3 thousand new students only about 200 will get to receive the diploma "explained the dean "for these the future will be guaranteed, there will be no lack of work for a magician trained in this academy.
"That's what I wanted" said Derek excitedly.
"Did you come for the money?" asked Merilda interested "Trained magicians can get any job anyway.
"Money is just a means to an end" he replied "I'm after something I can only achieve with magic.
" In my case I'm preparing for the future "she said "to fix past mistakes too.
The dean explained that the students would have general magic classes in the morning, and in the afternoon they would attend a specific course, the courses were divided into the 8 main types of magic taught in the country.
"Each of you has the talent for one of the 8 types, following this path is the best way to maximize your abilities "explained the dean "now all of you hold the crystal ball you received, it will show you which group you belong to.
Quickly all the students held the crystal ball, the dean ordered them to concentrate on it and the ball would do the rest, it would manifest a reaction according to the type of magic that its possessor had, for some it started to vibrate, for others it became cloudy, some developed spikes, others pulsed like a heart.
"As I imagined, I am a combat mage," said Aella, seeing her crystal ball spark, "and your lineage asserts itself once more.
She looked at her cousin's crystal ball, it shone with a beautiful white light, that meant she was a magician of light, Merilda already expected that because both her father and mother inherited the same path.
"The perfect magic to face the demons, they won't do well this time" she said proudly "and you too Aella, as a combat mage I expect great deeds from you.
" I'll do my best "she said proudly.
"Hey! Look at that!" someone shouted, scared.
Everyone looked at Derek, the crystal ball he was holding turned black as pitch, this indicated that he used the very rare magic of darkness, if light magic was perfect to fight demons then darkness magic was the magic of demons themselves .
"hoho looks like we have a dark wizard over there" said Androuet "when was the last time we saw one?
"The last one to go through the academy was 8 years ago" replied the secretary next to him.
" Oh yes, I remember him, he became a professional killer " he said smoothing his beard " I liked him.
Everyone looked at Derek who seemed surprised by the result of his magic, some took steps backwards instinctively retreating, the dark magicians almost always made pacts with the demons, Aella touched her cousin's shoulder as if asking her to step aside, but Merilda seemed pity" Derek.
"So that's how it's going to be? Fuck you fucking demons" he said looking at the crystal ball.
"Derek, I'm sure it's possible to avoid this path" Merilda was saying "I mean, even if it's more difficult you can still go to the other courses.
" Don't worry, if they want to play like that I'll join their game "Derek started smiling confidently "I don't care if it's dark magic, I'll use it!
Everyone saw the expression he made, it was someone who seemed to have received a great gift, with that everyone was sure he would become a terrible villain, Merilda seemed to be seeing someone who had fallen into sin of their own accord, but Derek himself seemed to be feel victorious.
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Heirs of Magic Chapter Two - Knowing Magic
"For the next year this will be your room" explained the satisfied girl "this is the room for studying or for socializing, at the back is the kitchen with the pantry, the door on our right is the bathroom, the door on the left is the bedroom, and in it there are two closets and beds."Very good, then it means that I will share the room, doesn't it?" asked Merilda "who will be my colleague?"I don't know yet, she should show up soon" the girl explained "but... what's the matter with you?She looked at Aella who had her head down and depressed, Aella had not been able to stay in the same room as her cousin, and now she found out that she would not even stay in the same room, as guardian of the imperial princess she was failing miserably."Can't I trade with the person who will stay here? We're cousins, it's easier for both of us" asked Aella." Sorry but roommates are randomly chosen, it's the system here "the girl justified "unless the dean determines a change for some reason.Aella on
Heirs of Magic Chapter Three - Past
"Master, the dean is here" announced Napilla."How wonderful, help me dry it off" she asked, getting up from the bathtub.The young half-beast took the soft towels and began to rub her master, she smiled as she felt her hands on her body, in addition to imagining what brought the dean to see her, "once her body was dry she wrapped it up" in the towel and continued anyway.She appeared in what was the living room of her rooms, as soon as she saw her the dean smiled and greeted her, adjusting his hat, he didn't take his eyes off her who almost paraded to sit in front of him, Napilla remained standing behind her."Beautiful as always Onyx, and your shamelessness is charming" he praised."You are very well too, you haven't come to visit me for so long" she said "I thought you had forgotten about me."Ah my dear Onyx, it is impossible to forget you" she said "one way or another, and I see that Napilla is still well, despite what you do to her."She's the best toy I've ever gotten, she's to
Heirs of Magic Chapter Four - Guilt and Punishment
"And these are all the groups of spells that we know in our kingdom" explained the professor.He used a wand to draw information on the board, a few gestures were enough for all the text to appear, not just text but figures, students thought it was very unfair to have to copy in the traditional way to the notebook."In our kingdom, magic is divided into the 8 schools that you know, and within each of them there are several subtypes "he said "sometimes a subtype is part of two different schools, like illusion magic, it is part of both light magic as well as mind magic."Professor, aren't there subtypes within dark magic?" asked Derek.Everyone looked at Derek, he didn't open his mouth in the classroom in those three days, hearing his voice made everyone alert, some wondered how they could forget his presence." Ah well, I confess that I don't know anything about dark magic "said the teacher a little embarrassed "I even read some things in books, but I wouldn't know how to explain it, a
Heirs of Magic Chapter Five - Mastering the Magic
"Did you hug a tiger by any chance?"asked Urick lying on the bed.Urick looked at Derek's bare back, the marks of the lashes were there like ugly scars, even though the wound was done two nights ago they looked like they were old."If it had been a tiger it would have hurt less" joked Derek putting on the shirt "come to think of it, a tiger would have ripped my throat out and eaten my guts, so I'm out on the profit."Let me know if the scars bother you, I'll be happy to put ointment on your back" teased Urick."I'm sure you would, I would be another story" Derek replied with a wan smile on his face "thanks for the offer anyway."It's time to prepare breakfast" said the other one getting up "last night I made cake, I hope you like sweet potatoes too.Derek thanked him and promised to clean the room this afternoon, the two together drank coffee while talking about the previous day's class, Derek was happy for not having missed anything vital for his learning, and that today would be an
Heirs of Magic Chapter Six - One Step From Falling
"Do you know an Geva from your course?" asked Derek looking at himself in the mirror."Pretty girl but kind of dark, she likes to write poems to the gods" said Urick "I think she is a worshiper of Lhuna."The goddess of the moon? Who rules the night but brings light at the beginning of the year?" asked Derek" They say that if a dark magician worships some god she is the first choice."There are worse gods to worship, but why the interest in her?" asked the other."Actually, she's the one interested in me, she asked me out" replied Derek "I've never gone out with a girl before, what do I do?""You're going to spend all day with a girl? And you just tell me now?" asks the other "I can't let this turn into a disaster!Urick ran to his wardrobe and grabbed his backpack, inside it perfectly folded sets of clothes were waiting, he separated one set and handed it to Derek who looked confused."You only have your uniform and the old clothes you arrived in" he said "Here's one for you to wear
Heirs of Magic Chapter Seven - Revolt and Suspicion
(one month later)"[Light that guides my path, appear before me]" said the students in arcane language.With the conjuring phrase and the arcane writing the magic took effect, the mystic letters came together in the shape of a globe of light, the size varied for each student, the globe also floated above the head about a meter or so in front of the chest in others, but Merilda was already able to make it orbit around her body."Soon you will be able to control your movements" said teacher Izora."Merilda is always one step ahead of us" said one of the other students "so it's true that light magic runs in her blood."It's true that she has light magic user parents, but I never knew that made it easier to master her" said Izora "magic is not something you inherit for free, your talent is yours alone."But professor, is it true that your grandmother was the previous dean, isn't it?" asked one of the students "and also that she was a user of light, were her parents too?"No, my father was
Heirs of Magic Chapter Eight - Assassin
"Is this some joke?" Derek asked."I have a sense of humor, but if this was a joke it wouldn't be funny" replied Androuet "so I ask you again, did you kill that boy?"Of course not! I wish I could but it wasn't me!" answered Derek" all I did was punch him in the face, I used the magic Onyx gave me but it's still not that strong!Derek looked at the back of his hands, a magic seal was tattooed on each one, this seal allowed invoking a specific spell just by pronouncing its arcane name, the {Dragon Fist} increased the strength of the punch by 5 times but would not do the damage that Androuet mentioned."Can you tell me exactly what happened?" asked the dean."I was coming to class, there was no one there as usual" explained Derek "then this idiot appeared out of nowhere already pissing him off, he looked drunk."Drunk? Just looked like it or really was?" asked the old man."I didn't pay much attention to the details, he slurred and staggered, I thought he had flipped them all" replied D
Heirs of Magic Chapter Nine - Hunting.
(a bit before)"Great, you're all here," Ashiok said with satisfaction."I can't believe I let you talk me into this," said Geva, quite irritated."What's wrong? If it works you become a hero" he said "I'm sure you could make a poem out of it."Geva sighed dissatisfied, the first time besides being inspiring it was fun, but now she was taking too many risks, as an artist she should shine in front of an audience, not die like the others."I'm the one who's surprised to be here" said a girl with her arms crossed "if the dean finds out he'll expel me for sure!"Don't complain, Brian paid you handsomely to let Geva out of the dorm and help us" he said "same for the guy who paved our way.The girl was a 4th year student, Ashiok looked for her because he needed a specific spell for that plan, he couldn't turn to the teachers, so he looked for someone who was within his reach."I would have called someone from the 5th year, but they are all away on training" he justified "you are the only on
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Chapter Thirty-two - The Dark Lords
" This is a mess here " Onyx said appearing in the academy square."Miss Onyx, I wish you wouldn't be teasing the students," Brenda asked." Taunting? But I didn't do anything " she said confused." You don't have to do much to provoke them " said the secretary, looking at her crookedly.Onyx had her artificial body to walk around the gym, the problem is that she was wearing very sexy clothes, the mini"skirt mainly revealed almost everything leaving all the students drooling over her, and the girls dying of anger and envy." Just so you know, your succubus powers don't work in that body, do they? Brenda asked." Ah dear, if I needed my powers for these children I would retire " she replied " but since my clothes bother you I'll do something about it, dear Napilla, bring me a different set ok?" It's for now, master! " She replied running very fast.While Napilla went to get the clothes, Onyx watched the scene, people crowding in every corner, people praying alone or in groups, and
Chapter Thirty-one - The King of Destruction
A very suspicious group approached a building in ruins, as far as they knew it was a castle destroyed at least a century ago, no one could say who owned the castle, or why it was in a place like this, nor did they know could tell how it was destroyed.The group made up of 14 people saw the light of a bonfire inside the ruins, this fact called attention because everyone believed that the ruins were cursed, certainly whoever was there could only be a traveler.Approaching carefully the group then spread out in several directions, and thus surrounded the only man who was sitting before the fire roasting a large piece of meat, the man in question appeared to be a knight with straw hair, dressed in gray armor. but very well wrought, and at his waist a single short sword.After surrounding the knight and blocking all escape routes, they appeared imposing morale, the knight seemed not to care about it and continued to hold the stick where the meat was skewered." What bad luck for your frien
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(a week later)" Really? Farand Ravi? " asked Merilda in surprise " your cousin?"My mother said so, so it must be true." warned Aella.Aella conveyed to her cousin Merilda what she had heard from her mother, that her fiancé had been chosen a short time ago and he came from the Ravi family, Merilda only knew her future fiance only by name since she had never seen him, even Aella who was her Cousin had also only seen him a few times in her life." The official announcement will be postponed, your father decided not to interfere with your studies " explained Aella " but you can be sure that when you graduate you will officially be his fiancée." Well, I was already aware that I would have to assume this commitment, sooner or later " said Merilda upset " but getting married out of obligation… what a ridiculous thing.She thought what it would be like to marry someone she loved, but royalty did not work based on feelings, marriage had the sole purpose of creating bonds of convenienc
Chapter Twenty-nine - Decisive Year
The throne room was not full, but the people present were of the highest status possible, a large red carpet extended to the carpet that ended at the steps of the throne, standing next to these steps was the royal guardian named Stephenand his wife Trixs.Sitting on his majestic throne was Emperor Shidic, to his left was his wife Marylwho was extremely happy, she looked at her brother who nodded, and he gave orders for the double door to be opened.The door was opened and a very elegant young man in noble clothes walked imposingly, his main distinctive physical feature was his red hair that almost glowed, his gaze was fixed towards the throne but he also paid attention to the guardian, if he made a discreet gesture he should stop walking and kneel right there, as long as this gesture was not made it meant that he could continue approaching.As the gesture was not made the boy walked to the maximum distance allowed to approach, which was exactly close to the steps that led to the thron
Chapter Twenty-eight - Hatred And Corruption
There was a commotion in the female dormitory, several girls watched from the corridors the strange movement that started at night.A forbidden place for men suddenly received a visit not only from the dean but also from the professor of white magic, without saying anything they went straight to one of the rooms on the 3rd floor, and when the girls thought to investigate the guardian who watches over the building blocked the path." Go back to your rooms, there's nothing to see here " said the robust and serious lady." Madam Irma, it's not a new crisis is it?" asked the girls, they still remembered the incident involving Nira."That's not something for me to decide, let Mr. Androuet handle that," she replied.The woman dispersed the girls who hesitantly went back to her room, after they left Irma turned her attention to the corridor behind her, more specifically to the room in the middle of it." Was Merilda cursed?" asked Aella and Ashera at the same time." This is not a disease, n
Chapter Twenty-seven - The Curse
"We're back," announced Derek, opening the dungeon door.As soon as he opened the door, Napilla ran in and jumped into Onyx's arms, the demon welcomed her as she always did with a smile that seemed almost motherly, but Derek found it strange when he was in a good mood, as it usually means someone was going to get hurt. ." Did you have fun my puppy?" Onyx asked." Too much!" I got on a horse, swam in a lake and took a hot bath " she reported excitedly " and I also stayed with the master, it was really cool!"" She also destroyed a ball, hit it too hard and hit Ashera in the face " said Derek " she was unconscious for two hours.Napilla laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world, but there Derek scolded her a lot saying that she needed to control her strength, besides it wasn't nice to cause pain to others, he just thought she didn't understand that part yet." Here for you " said Derek putting something on the table " Merilda sent it to you." For me?" How kind of her " sai
Chapter Twenty-six - The End of the Vacation.
" It's good to see you again my father " said Angelo bowing with dignity." You look good my son " replied someone with a powerful voice that seemed to echo " is this the guest you mentioned?"" Yes sir, he is Karias Ehmam, my first subordinate " replied the other.Karias didn't even pay attention to what the other said, he was more concerned with the being who was lying comfortably on several large pillows and served by two maids.The being had the standard humanoid shape, but its robust 2m body was clad in thick leather and blue scales, an armored tail swung slowly like a pendulum, its head did not resemble a human at all, it was definitely a reptile with a bony horn on the back. forehead.The creature that Angelo called his father was a Draconis, a variant of the original dragons that had an approximately human shape and size, unlike the original dragons these were numerous and not as powerful, but they were still far above the human race or any other humanoid , they could be said
Chapter Twenty-five - Vacation In Paradise
" Look, there are more people arriving " said a guy looking at the portal open.This man, as well as many others, saw the portal open and more people pass through it, this time 25 men and women arrived through the magical passage that closed afterwards.With that more than 100 people were gathered in the place, an abandoned temple on top of a mountain, normally magic portals are not so accurate to hit the target, but two marking stakes were planted in the place, the caster only needed to point the magic in that direction and the stakes would do the rest, even so the dimensional mage needed to be of high level to reach such a far away location." Did you also accept the offer?" asked a woman who had just arrived." It is not obvious?" 100,000 Eris each is an incredible offer!" said the mercenary " and look at how many people are already here, whoever is promoting this must be a billionaire!"" Mages of any class, mercenaries... there are even some beasts over there " said a wizard look
Chapter Twenty four - Solutions To The Problems
" Just to clarify, can you explain better what you said?" Derek asked." I want to get rid of a guy, his name is Bron Freethorne from the creation magic course " replied Aella." That's what I thought, and can you tell me why you want to get rid of him?" Derek continued." He's threatening Merilda, I'd like to avoid giving more details " said the other one, unable to face him." When you say "threatening" it sure isn't something physical, because you could protect her " said Derek " which means he's blackmailing Merilda, in a way that you want to silence him.Aella couldn't hide the shame she felt, after thinking carefully she could only come up with this solution, and on top of that she sought out the Derek who had already helped Merilda so much, she felt ashamed that she thought he might get his hands dirty for his selfish desire. ." It doesn't make sense to ask what he's using against you, because it would be one more person knowing that " he said " but I have to ask, is what he's