Home / Fantasy / Heirs of Magic / Chapter Two - Knowing Magic
Chapter Two - Knowing Magic
Author: Diane Darya
last update2023-04-12 21:18:39

"For the next year this will be your room" explained the satisfied girl "this is the room for studying or for socializing, at the back is the kitchen with the pantry, the door on our right is the bathroom, the door on the left is the bedroom, and in it there are two closets and beds.

"Very good, then it means that I will share the room, doesn't it?" asked Merilda "who will be my colleague?

"I don't know yet, she should show up soon" the girl explained "but... what's the matter with you?

She looked at Aella who had her head down and depressed, Aella had not been able to stay in the same room as her cousin, and now she found out that she would not even stay in the same room, as guardian of the imperial princess she was failing miserably.

"Can't I trade with the person who will stay here? We're cousins, it's easier for both of us" asked Aella.

" Sorry but roommates are randomly chosen, it's the system here "the girl justified "unless the dean determines a change for some reason.

Aella once again became depressed, Merilda asked her to resign and go to her new room, after she was gone the princess turned her attention to the girl who helped her, she was a 5th year student at the academy, the seniors who already they were one step away from graduating and moving on with their careers.

"May I ask how your way here was?" asked Merilda "What did you think of this academy?

" There were times when I almost gave up, after the first year they test you nonstop "she replied "but nothing makes me prouder than reaching the 5th year, even starting now I feel that I will graduate.

Merilda asked the veteran for advice, she just laughed and said that she would get the hang of it soon, because for the veteran Merilda was someone destined for magic, Merilda thanked her for the trust and said goodbye to her, then went to examine her new room, it was good o enough for two people to live on for a year, and all for free.

" Excuse me..." said a voice at the door.

"Hello, you must be my roommate" said Merilda "I'm Merilda, nice to meet you"

" I'm Ashera, if you like you can call me Ash "he introduced"the young woman shyly "it's an honor to be here.

"Is your name elven? Now that I noticed your ears" said Merilda approaching "and looking all over "if it weren't for the ears nobody would notice the difference.

"I'm half"elf, as a half-breed I know I shouldn't be here but...

" What do you mean? If you can use magic, that's your rightful place "said Merilda "I know that mestizos are frowned upon in this country, but for me what matters is the character of the person!

Ashera was impressed with the person in front of her, wherever she went she was mistreated and belittled, almost all elves are capable of using magic, and her half-breed children almost always inherit this ability, so they were the reason for envy and revulsion, sometimes a mestizo was killed for no reason and nobody cared.

"Tomorrow our classes start, we're going to get along and do our best to pass" Merilda said "and I have a feeling it's going to be great to have a roommate like you!

" Me too! Please let us be friends! "asked Ashera almost crying with emotion.


"Her? Are you going to be my roommate?" Derek asked.

" Welcome, I'm Urick "the guy introduced himself cordially "and you don't need to introduce yourself, everyone knows who you are.

" I've barely started the year and I'm already vilified around there "said Derek sitting on his bed "is it so bad to use dark magic?

"Until today I've never heard of a good dark magician" said the other smiling "although you don't look like a psychopath, in fact you have a pretty face.

"Should I worry about that?" asked the other arching his eyebrow.

"Don't worry, if being beautiful was the only requirement I would have taken them all" he joked "I am attracted to what inspires me, that's why my path of magic is the path of inspiration.

"And how does that work?" the other was curious.

"Inspiration magic is the magic that comes from art, beauty and feelings" explained Urick "an inspiration magician can charm crowds, terrify enemies, increase the strength of allies, remove fear from the innocent... or simply gain a good money being an artist.

"This is amazing, it must be a very versatile spell" said Derek imagining the possibilities.

" And it can be used for evil too, I heard about a painter magician, he created a canvas that they call forbidden painting "informed Emílio "they say that everyone who looked at it was so fascinated that they asked for the soul, it is a work of art that needed to be hidden from the world.

"You know a lot for a rookie" commented Derek "Is your family wizards?

" You got it, I have three magician relatives, and one of them is an inspiration magician "replied the other "and since you don't know anything I imagine you're a commoner who was born lucky, isn't it?

"I wouldn't call my life lucky," Derek replied "and I wasn't born able to use magic, that came years later.

" Someone awakens Mana after being born? How unusual " observed Urick "I'm starting to take more interest in you.

"Please spare me this" asked Derek with a strange face.

" Let's do the following: after we graduate when you become a villain let me write your story "asked the other "I'm sure it will be an epic tale!

" I haven't even started yet and I'm already classified as a villain in tAellamento?" Derek ended up laughing at that "well, whatever, I'm not going to complain about what comes next as long as I get what I want.

"And what would that be?" asked Emílio, interested.

"I'll tell you when you come to write my story" replied the other laughing.

" hahahahahah we're going to get along very well from now on "said Urick "as long as you don't kill me of course.

"I won't kill you if you stop hitting on me" asked the other.

" Deal, at least if you don't show an opening "said the other extending his hand to him.

They shook hands, then immediately began to pack their things, Derek only had a bag of clothes to keep in the wardrobe, and inside he found an academy uniform, he was surprised to have one that fit him if no one consulted him about nothing, he imagined that this was another one of the spells that exist in this place.

"Finally I'm here" he said holding the uniform "I can't wait to get started!

"Don't get too excited, the first few months are practically all theory and exercises" explained Emílio "until the middle of the year we won't see the higher level spells.

" By the way, how is this about higher level magic? "asked the other confused "the person who told me about the academy said something about it.

" The teachers will explain this in tomorrow's class, that's what my relatives said "said Emílio lying down "they will show this in practice tomorrow, it will be impressive.

Derek looked at the clock, it said the 4th hour of the night*, classes would start right away at the 2nd hour of the day, seeing how much time she had she calculated how long she could sleep, in the end he left that aside and lay down"if too, he I just hoped I could sleep.


" My daughter will be in your care from now on "said the man projected in the image.

"We'll take good care of her, but we'll still treat her like any other student," Androuet replied, "just as she herself wished.

" My wife is crying even now, it cost a lot to fulfill our daughter's whim "said the emperor "many of the sages and advisers of the palace were revolted.

Androuet started to laugh, he knew the emperor from when he was still the prince, he was present at the princess's 10th birthday party (a special celebration among royalty) and now he received her in his academy, the other man was still in his palace, but thanks to magic they could talk to each other easily.

" You should be proud, your daughter came for wisdom, experience and quality learning " said Androuet " she will be a great empress when her time comes.

"I don't question the quality of teaching at your academy, the best magicians on the continent graduated there "the emperor replied "I question the individuals who will be around you, low-ranking people getting involved with my daughter.

" As for that she asked to keep her identity confidential, nobody but me and the main teachers know that she is the imperial princess "explained the other "she will continue studying like any normal student, for her rights and duties here.

The emperor thanked his old friend, undoing the image he returned to his duties while Androuet took a crystal ball, this had the function of showing him what was happening in the classrooms, and by that time the classes had already started.

"Okay, let's see the brilliant light mage and the mysterious dark mage are getting along" she said excitedly.

Through the crystal ball he saw the room full, 100 students sitting at their desks, the room had an arched shape and something similar to a stage at the front, the elevation of the room allowed even the students in the back to see everything, and at that moment the professor was showing a huge blackboard full of characters.

"The magic alphabet contains 100 syllables, they form the words of invoking magic that you will use "he explained "more than decorating"them, you need to carve"them into your souls, otherwise you will never be able to use magic.

The students began to copy what was on the board, they drew the symbol and next to it the corresponding translation, many had difficulty in pronouncing"them and asked the teacher to say"them out loud, he explained that it would be necessary to practice the pronunciation and writing until it becomes automatic for them.

"What I will do is just an example, but this is how you cast the spell" said the professor raising his hand "[may an arrow of fire pierce my enemy]

He said the sentence using the magic language and drawing the symbols with his finger, the symbols appeared in the air glowing red and forming the sentence in the magic language, when he finished writing a mass of fire formed in his hand, and when he threw "There the mass of fire turned into an arrow that hit the wall.

"This is a primary spell, a spell that doesn't require much Mana or effort" he explained "you need to activate your Mana while writing the summoning phrase, once the whole procedure is complete the spell will be created.

"Professor, my uncle can use magic, and he doesn't do all that" said one of the students.

" So your uncle has the intermediate level, he can invoke that same spell more easily "he explained "intermediate level mages can cast a spell by drawing a single symbol, like this.

He once again raised his hand and moved his glowing finger, he drew a single symbol in the air that was more complex than traditional symbols, but magic was invoked simply by uttering its name, a new arrow of fire appeared in his hand to then be thrown against the wall.

"A single symbol and a single word, is what the intermediate level mage needs to cast the spell" explained the professor "but that only applies to spells of equal or lower level than him, higher level spells are too complex for abbreviate.

"Can you show some magic like that, teacher?" asked a student, acting like a charm.

"I'd love to, but higher level spells aren't meant to be used in the classroom" he said, getting a little embarrassed "their effects tend to be very large or complex, and they spend a lot of Mana.

The bell rang indicating that it was the 5th hour of the day, the class ended with the teacher asking the students to memorize all the magic syllables, in tomorrow's class he would explain what happens when you miss a syllable or don't follow other procedures, for today students were exempt from the theoretical class.

"you have two hours for lunch and rest, then you must go to your own path of magic class" he warned "you will find the correct room by following the signs in the corridors.

This was how classes would follow throughout the year, in half of the day students would have theoretical classes and basic magic exercises, in the other half they would learn about the specific magic that each one would follow, many were eager to meet the higher level teachers .

" We split up here Ash, you're going to study nature magic, aren't you? "said Merilda.

"Yes, and you will follow the magic of light, won't you? You are incredible Merilda "said the other enchanted one "it is the noblest magic that exists.

"Derek wait a minute, I need to talk to you" said the professor.

Derek was leaving the room when he heard the teacher call him, the other students still in the room looked at him as if they were looking at the worst delinquent, Merilda watched that boy trying to understand what led someone to follow the path of darkness, Ashera felt chills and came out followed by Merilda.

"Are you really going to follow the path of dark magic?" asked the teacher, arranging his material.

"It's the best thing for me, isn't it? Following the indicated path allows you to reach the maximum of your potential" Derek replied.

" I've been a teacher here for 12 years, 8 years ago the only student of the dark path graduated "he warned "in all these years I've never seen the teacher who teaches dark magic, he doesn't show up at meetings or other events, some say it's a real demon.

Derek wasn't intimidated, he didn't care who taught him magic, as long as he could learn it, seeing the student's face the teacher sighed in defeat.

"The dark path classroom, it's not on any map" he explained "you'll find it in the basement of the academy, I'll draw the path for you.

"Thanks for the help" thanked Derek seeing "him drawing a little map" and don't have to worry about me, I've seen a real demon.

" And is still alive? You are very lucky "said the teacher.

"Maybe I'm the unlucky one" Derek replied with his head down.

The teacher did not understand what he meant by that, he handed the paper with the map drawn on it and released the student, he put the paper in his pocket and went out to eat something in the cafeteria, there was a free simple lunch and other better ones that were paid , after picking up his plate he sat down at an empty table and began to eat.

"So that's the student of the path of darkness... doesn't seem like a big deal," said Aella, watching him from afar.

"Leave" him alone, while he doesn't do anything, there's no reason to treat "him that way" asked Merilda "but it's a fact that all dark magicians are evil, does the dark magic corrupt them? Or because they are evil ones who inherit the magic of darkness?

"Just keep your distance from this guy please" begged Aella "and what's your roommate like?"

"A sweetheart, although she seems traumatized by mistreatment as a mixed race," Merilda said, "she will be a good user of nature magic.

"A half-breed? What an outrage!" said Aella, burying her face in the table.

"Don't tell me you're one of those prejudiced people?" asked Merilda, disappointed.

" I just believe that each race should stay in its place "answered the other "when they start to mix it creates chaos.

" I admit that some races should never have existed in this world, but there are many good races out there "said Merilda "the elves for example are noble and cultured, even living in harmony with nature.

And in the end, they were all enemies of the demons, Merilda believed that if everyone joined together, the battle against the demons would end faster, but racial intolerance on all sides made an alliance impossible, even if they eventually had business like trades and sales.

"At least a half-breed is not worse than a dark magician" said Aella looking again at Derek isolated in her corner "after all, why is there a dark magic course in such a respectable place?

"Good question, I'll ask the dean the next time I see him," said Merilda "I'm glad dark wizards don't come out every year.

Merilda and Aella took their empty plates and took them to the basket where they were deposited, the two saw students who were paying some punishment taking care of the dirty dishes, others washed and scrubbed the floor, some people joked that half of the gym's employees were students from punishment.

"I was told that if you break the rules once you get a warning, and that if you break a second time you get a punishment like that" explained Aella "if you do it a third time you'll fail a year, and if it happens again you'll be expelled from academy.

"Don't worry, I intend to leave here with a clean slate" said Merilda "I'm more worried about you, since you tend to fight over anything.

" and" and "I won't do any of that! "she said red.

The two followed the corridor together until it split into different paths, the combat magic class was open air, many students headed to the open area in the middle of the tower, after leaving her cousin there Merilda went to her room.

The room where light magic would be taught was beautiful, it had several crystals floating all over the place, crystals of different colors, sizes and shapes, the biggest one looked like a diamond and was in the center of the room, there were several tables and some students, Merilda counted 11 people, 3 of them had a badge showing they had failed last year.

" Hello, my name is Merilda "he introduced himself"she politely "were the 2nd year tests very difficult?

" No kidding, when we entered the academy there were 28 light users "explained one of the veterans "12 did not pass the 1st year and were thrown out, in the final test of the 2nd year the teacher wanted them to...

"Enough about my exams" asked a voice that Merilda couldn't find the owner "and I was so good last year...

The voice came from the table at the end of the room, sitting on the table was the teacher, in fact she was invisible using light magic to not be seen, she was there the whole time and only now she became visible.

When she became visible Merilda was surprised "she was surprised, the teacher had pink hair that almost glowed, her clothes showed many parts of her body and that made the new students almost drool, she smiled when she noticed the look of the young people and the contempt of the two other girls besides Merilda.

"For this year's rookies I'm teacher Izora, it's a pleasure to teach you light magic "introduced"if she "about the content of the tests don't bother to research, we usually change the final tests every year.

Merilda scratched her head in embarrassment and sat down, the teacher announced the start of class, the young woman then asked if she would wait for the other students.

"There are no others, you are all students who will study light magic this year" she explained "much less than last year and the year before, what a pity...

"So few?... but I've seen hundreds go to the combat magic class" said Merilda "and the other classes are also full...

" That's how it is, in the best debut year we had 58 light users "she explained "and in the best graduation year we had 11 graduates, it's not easy to be born destined for the light.

Merilda knew this, she herself was born with this element because she was the daughter of two users, but outside her family she never saw another, yet finding only 8 new students besides her was disappointing.

"Light magic is the primordial magic of our world, it gets stronger during the day and weaker at night" the teacher explained "it is the magic that deals not only with sacred energy but with light in general, it was with her that I could turn invisible, I was actually distorting the light around me.

"Professor, what's the best thing you can do with light magic?" asked one of the new students.

" It depends on your point of view, but the best thing you can do is kill demons "she explained "other types of magic have reduced effectiveness, but light magic hurts them like fire burns paper, it is also possible to purify bodies and much more, light magic is quite versatile.

The teacher moved her hand drawing words with her finger, luminous letters appeared in the air forming a sentence that circled around her, with that all the crystals in the room started to shine, a rainbow was formed and coated everyone leaving "the multicolored ones .

"For me, light is the maximum expression of beauty, so let's make this world more beautiful "asked the teacher "let's clean the darkness of this world.

"By the way, we have a dark student this year, don't we?" asked one of the repeaters "Have you seen who teaches dark magic? I didn't see him at the 1st year graduation.

" I already saw him, and for the sake of that boy I hope he doesn't even find the classroom "said the teacher looking at nothing "the last one didn't come back.

"Huh? But I heard that a student graduated from the path of darkness 8 years ago" said Merilda.

" Something came out of there, but it wasn't a student "said Izora remembering that time.


"It must be here, this is the most disastrous place in the academy" said Derek looking at the corridor in front of him.

The corridor before him was completely different from the rest of the academy, it had walls of old and irregular rock, it was like the walls of an ancient dungeon, and at the end of the corridor a rusted iron door, indicating that it had not been opened in years, the dust also meant that no one was coming to clean the hallway.

"I know that dark magic is a demon thing, but they don't need to take it so seriously" said Derek going to the door.

He knocked on the iron door and heard the knocks echo inside, he didn't hear any response even putting his ear to the door, Derek didn't give up and knocked harder, when he got no response once again he lost his patience and forced the doorknob, it was really rusty and stubborn to open, even unlocking he still needed to push the door.

" It would be at this point that someone would shout "hey! Don't open that door!" and a monster would come out the other side" he said pushing the door.

He managed to push the door and enter the room, except for the light that entered through the door there was nothing else, just a terrible darkness and outlines of things, Derek warned that he was entering and went into the room, and once again he felt who was in a dungeon.

"Is anyone here? I'm the new student this year" announced Derek "I'm sure I'm in the right place...

The door behind him closed leaving him in the deepest darkness, looking back he saw a pair of eyes glowing in the dark, those eyes were certainly not human, as he had only seen eyes like that on beasts.

" "Oh shit, I was just kidding about having a monster in here!" "he thought "hello, I'm the new student, are you the dark magic teacher?

"No" replied the person with the pair of eyes "I'm just a dog.

The voice was definitely female, but it had a tone that gave him the impression of sadness or suffering, the eyes that stared at him strayed and disappeared somewhere, Derek tried to follow her but tripped over something, he cursed a lot with the pain, it was so dark that he couldn't see his own hand in front of his face.

"What the fuck! Somebody turn on a light in here" he begged "or open a window, it smells of morpho in here!

"I don't like light" said another female voice.

"Are you the dark magic teacher?" asked Derek looking around.

"And you are the new student, how long has it been since the last one? About 10 years?" asked the voice.

Derek was completely confused, the voice sometimes seemed far away and other times almost on his side, he turned looking for the source of the voice, but all she could do was trip over something or hit a column, the voice laughed at him as if it were watching a comedy show.

"What the hell, I should have gotten used to this darkness by now" he said, closing and opening his eyes.

"Are you scared? Do you want to leave?" the voice asked "if you manage to find the door, you can run away if you want.

" Who here is going to run away!? "he shouted stretching his arm in one direction.

He felt he grabbed something soft and the voice made a sound of surprise, Derek felt what he touched and felt that it was something he shouldn't touch, yet it was irresistible to squeeze more, until he felt a hand squeezing his, a hand strong that seemed ready to crush his bones.

"You're pretty bold for a rookie, grabbing a woman's chest like that" she said "I don't know whether to kill you or congratulate you on finding me.

" hehehe don't underestimate the sense of smell of a country boy "he said "and you have a very hard chest there, but what about that strong hand!?

"It's not mine, it's my dog's," she said, "but I also have a strong grip.

"I'll leave the meaning of this to the imagination" he said "are you the dark magic teacher?

"You got it, my name is Onyx and this is my classroom as well as my home" she replied "you can loose"lo Napilla, apart from the fact that he is a pervert he is harmless.

Derek felt the hand letting go of him, he rubbed his hand that was sore and strained his eyes to see something, now he could see the teacher's eyes, they were red eyes like blood, he could also see some close contours, but nothing to see anything really .

"It's going to be hard to talk to you like this, so I'm going to do you a favor" said the teacher, touching his forehead.

Derek felt his forehead tingle and soon after his vision cleared, in fact he began to see in black and white as if the world had no colors, it was uncomfortable but better than not seeing anything.

And finally he saw the teacher, he could tell she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, but she had pointy ears, little wings on her back and sharp fangs, Derek thought she was one of the monsters he read about in a book, something called vampire that matched the image before him.

"I'm not a vampire, I'm a succubus, the most wonderful thing you'll ever see before you die" she said sitting down "at a table" and I didn't read her thoughts, that's just what everyone thinks when they see me.

"You sure are wonderful, but I have no intention of dying here" he said "I came to attend your classes, to learn dark magic.

" hahahahahahahah and you think you can handle you brat? Dark magic is not for everyone "she said laughing "she always takes something from you, I doubt you can pay the price!

" I already paid in advance, so it's your turn!" he said pointing to himself.

" Kid... it's not the first time you've seen a demon, is it? "she asked curiously "let me guess: a demon killed your whole family?

He said nothing, and his expression remained firm, with that Onyx was very interested in him, she got up from the table and went to him getting a few steps away, the closer she got the more Derek's heart accelerated, his hands were shaking as if they wanted to grab her, looking at her lips Derek felt he could spend all day sticking his tongue in there, and as if he sensed his intentions Onyx smiled in a sexy way.

"You have a good spirit, like the last one who left here" she said "you didn't even hesitate when you knew I was a demon, and you don't show hatred towards me.

"I don't give a shit if you're a demon, as long as I can learn your magic" he said "that's just what I'm here for.

"Very well, I will teach you my magic" she said "I will not reproach you either, but in return I will make you my toy.

" I feel that this is good and bad at the same time, but I pass "he replied "I don't want half-assed classes and not even pass for free, I have something I need to do and for that I have to become a master of magic of darkness.

"A master you say... Don't go regretting this kid" she said licking her own finger "Napilla, get the magic books.

Now that Derek remembered that there was someone else in the room, he looked to the side and saw that Napilla, she was a young woman who looked the same age as him, but she had animal ears and tail, by the shape he imagined they were wolf or dog , that explained why she was called a dog, another thing he noticed is that she only wore rags like a slave, but she had a beautiful body.

"Napilla is half human and half Feral, I bought her from a far country" said Onyx "she cleans, tidies and cooks, is an excellent toy, and very good in bed too.

" “Ah damn, now this won't get out of my head” "he thought, imagining the two of them in bed ""she's doing it on purpose, I know she is!”

"Let's start your classes, and the first thing I'm going to teach you is the magic to see in the dark" she said "if you don't get that by the end of the week I'm going to have Napilla rip your throat out with her teeth.

"That's fine with me, send it over teacher" he said snapping his fingers.

" But first you need to know the darkness, it seems that you already have some experience "she said "but to awaken the magic of darkness you need to sink into it.

"Okay, but how do you do that?" he asked.

Onyx smiled and grabbed him by the collar of his uniform, she pulled him and before he realized it their lips were glued together, he felt her tongue invading his mouth, it was so good that he felt his mind numb, but soon he felt his body cool and your mind going blank, plus the feeling of something being sucked into your mouth.

" I just sucked all the Mana out of your body, to the point of leaving" you at death's door " she said licking her lips "at the same time I filled you with my darkness.

Falling to the ground Derek felt a sea of ​​darkness inside him, he fell into this sea sinking fast, and as he sank he relived the hell he had gone through 5 years ago, remembering that hell he started crying and screaming, Onyx had fun with it and sat down in an armchair watching the show, if Derek's mind wasn't destroyed by it he would be one step away from dark magic.

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    "Did you hug a tiger by any chance?"asked Urick lying on the bed.Urick looked at Derek's bare back, the marks of the lashes were there like ugly scars, even though the wound was done two nights ago they looked like they were old."If it had been a tiger it would have hurt less" joked Derek putting on the shirt "come to think of it, a tiger would have ripped my throat out and eaten my guts, so I'm out on the profit."Let me know if the scars bother you, I'll be happy to put ointment on your back" teased Urick."I'm sure you would, I would be another story" Derek replied with a wan smile on his face "thanks for the offer anyway."It's time to prepare breakfast" said the other one getting up "last night I made cake, I hope you like sweet potatoes too.Derek thanked him and promised to clean the room this afternoon, the two together drank coffee while talking about the previous day's class, Derek was happy for not having missed anything vital for his learning, and that today would be an

  • Heirs of Magic   Chapter Six - One Step From Falling

    "Do you know an Geva from your course?" asked Derek looking at himself in the mirror."Pretty girl but kind of dark, she likes to write poems to the gods" said Urick "I think she is a worshiper of Lhuna."The goddess of the moon? Who rules the night but brings light at the beginning of the year?" asked Derek" They say that if a dark magician worships some god she is the first choice."There are worse gods to worship, but why the interest in her?" asked the other."Actually, she's the one interested in me, she asked me out" replied Derek "I've never gone out with a girl before, what do I do?""You're going to spend all day with a girl? And you just tell me now?" asks the other "I can't let this turn into a disaster!Urick ran to his wardrobe and grabbed his backpack, inside it perfectly folded sets of clothes were waiting, he separated one set and handed it to Derek who looked confused."You only have your uniform and the old clothes you arrived in" he said "Here's one for you to wear

  • Heirs of Magic   Chapter Seven - Revolt and Suspicion

    (one month later)"[Light that guides my path, appear before me]" said the students in arcane language.With the conjuring phrase and the arcane writing the magic took effect, the mystic letters came together in the shape of a globe of light, the size varied for each student, the globe also floated above the head about a meter or so in front of the chest in others, but Merilda was already able to make it orbit around her body."Soon you will be able to control your movements" said teacher Izora."Merilda is always one step ahead of us" said one of the other students "so it's true that light magic runs in her blood."It's true that she has light magic user parents, but I never knew that made it easier to master her" said Izora "magic is not something you inherit for free, your talent is yours alone."But professor, is it true that your grandmother was the previous dean, isn't it?" asked one of the students "and also that she was a user of light, were her parents too?"No, my father was

  • Heirs of Magic   Chapter Eight - Assassin

    "Is this some joke?" Derek asked."I have a sense of humor, but if this was a joke it wouldn't be funny" replied Androuet "so I ask you again, did you kill that boy?"Of course not! I wish I could but it wasn't me!" answered Derek" all I did was punch him in the face, I used the magic Onyx gave me but it's still not that strong!Derek looked at the back of his hands, a magic seal was tattooed on each one, this seal allowed invoking a specific spell just by pronouncing its arcane name, the {Dragon Fist} increased the strength of the punch by 5 times but would not do the damage that Androuet mentioned."Can you tell me exactly what happened?" asked the dean."I was coming to class, there was no one there as usual" explained Derek "then this idiot appeared out of nowhere already pissing him off, he looked drunk."Drunk? Just looked like it or really was?" asked the old man."I didn't pay much attention to the details, he slurred and staggered, I thought he had flipped them all" replied D

  • Heirs of Magic   Chapter Nine - Hunting.

    (a bit before)"Great, you're all here," Ashiok said with satisfaction."I can't believe I let you talk me into this," said Geva, quite irritated."What's wrong? If it works you become a hero" he said "I'm sure you could make a poem out of it."Geva sighed dissatisfied, the first time besides being inspiring it was fun, but now she was taking too many risks, as an artist she should shine in front of an audience, not die like the others."I'm the one who's surprised to be here" said a girl with her arms crossed "if the dean finds out he'll expel me for sure!"Don't complain, Brian paid you handsomely to let Geva out of the dorm and help us" he said "same for the guy who paved our way.The girl was a 4th year student, Ashiok looked for her because he needed a specific spell for that plan, he couldn't turn to the teachers, so he looked for someone who was within his reach."I would have called someone from the 5th year, but they are all away on training" he justified "you are the only on

  • Heirs of Magic   Chapter Ten - Truth Revealed

    Androuet did not expect to have to make so many pronouncements in a single month, since this crisis began he had already called the students several times, always bearing bad news or trying to clear up misunderstandings.But today he was happy, during the night the teachers Izora and Miu Ziam stopped the mysterious killer, and the dawn brought a new safer and more peaceful day for the students."And so I declare the end of emergency measures" announced Androuet "the curfew will still persist for another week, but you can now rest assured.The students applauded the dean, and right behind him the hero teachers, Izora waved to people laughing a little shyly, Miu Ziam raised his hand waving with strength and smiling at the girls, many already in love with him."Still I will apologize, I apologize for the terror you have lived these past few days" Androuet said seriously "I apologize for the lives lost, friends who are gone and will not return, I also apologize to Derek for everything he

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  • Chapter Thirty-two - The Dark Lords

    " This is a mess here " Onyx said appearing in the academy square."Miss Onyx, I wish you wouldn't be teasing the students," Brenda asked." Taunting? But I didn't do anything " she said confused." You don't have to do much to provoke them " said the secretary, looking at her crookedly.Onyx had her artificial body to walk around the gym, the problem is that she was wearing very sexy clothes, the mini"skirt mainly revealed almost everything leaving all the students drooling over her, and the girls dying of anger and envy." Just so you know, your succubus powers don't work in that body, do they? Brenda asked." Ah dear, if I needed my powers for these children I would retire " she replied " but since my clothes bother you I'll do something about it, dear Napilla, bring me a different set ok?" It's for now, master! " She replied running very fast.While Napilla went to get the clothes, Onyx watched the scene, people crowding in every corner, people praying alone or in groups, and

  • Chapter Thirty-one - The King of Destruction

    A very suspicious group approached a building in ruins, as far as they knew it was a castle destroyed at least a century ago, no one could say who owned the castle, or why it was in a place like this, nor did they know could tell how it was destroyed.The group made up of 14 people saw the light of a bonfire inside the ruins, this fact called attention because everyone believed that the ruins were cursed, certainly whoever was there could only be a traveler.Approaching carefully the group then spread out in several directions, and thus surrounded the only man who was sitting before the fire roasting a large piece of meat, the man in question appeared to be a knight with straw hair, dressed in gray armor. but very well wrought, and at his waist a single short sword.After surrounding the knight and blocking all escape routes, they appeared imposing morale, the knight seemed not to care about it and continued to hold the stick where the meat was skewered." What bad luck for your frien

  • Chapter Thirty - Call of Darkness

    (a week later)" Really? Farand Ravi? " asked Merilda in surprise " your cousin?"My mother said so, so it must be true." warned Aella.Aella conveyed to her cousin Merilda what she had heard from her mother, that her fiancé had been chosen a short time ago and he came from the Ravi family, Merilda only knew her future fiance only by name since she had never seen him, even Aella who was her Cousin had also only seen him a few times in her life." The official announcement will be postponed, your father decided not to interfere with your studies " explained Aella " but you can be sure that when you graduate you will officially be his fiancée." Well, I was already aware that I would have to assume this commitment, sooner or later " said Merilda upset " but getting married out of obligation… what a ridiculous thing.She thought what it would be like to marry someone she loved, but royalty did not work based on feelings, marriage had the sole purpose of creating bonds of convenienc

  • Chapter Twenty-nine - Decisive Year

    The throne room was not full, but the people present were of the highest status possible, a large red carpet extended to the carpet that ended at the steps of the throne, standing next to these steps was the royal guardian named Stephenand his wife Trixs.Sitting on his majestic throne was Emperor Shidic, to his left was his wife Marylwho was extremely happy, she looked at her brother who nodded, and he gave orders for the double door to be opened.The door was opened and a very elegant young man in noble clothes walked imposingly, his main distinctive physical feature was his red hair that almost glowed, his gaze was fixed towards the throne but he also paid attention to the guardian, if he made a discreet gesture he should stop walking and kneel right there, as long as this gesture was not made it meant that he could continue approaching.As the gesture was not made the boy walked to the maximum distance allowed to approach, which was exactly close to the steps that led to the thron

  • Chapter Twenty-eight - Hatred And Corruption

    There was a commotion in the female dormitory, several girls watched from the corridors the strange movement that started at night.A forbidden place for men suddenly received a visit not only from the dean but also from the professor of white magic, without saying anything they went straight to one of the rooms on the 3rd floor, and when the girls thought to investigate the guardian who watches over the building blocked the path." Go back to your rooms, there's nothing to see here " said the robust and serious lady." Madam Irma, it's not a new crisis is it?" asked the girls, they still remembered the incident involving Nira."That's not something for me to decide, let Mr. Androuet handle that," she replied.The woman dispersed the girls who hesitantly went back to her room, after they left Irma turned her attention to the corridor behind her, more specifically to the room in the middle of it." Was Merilda cursed?" asked Aella and Ashera at the same time." This is not a disease, n

  • Chapter Twenty-seven - The Curse

    "We're back," announced Derek, opening the dungeon door.As soon as he opened the door, Napilla ran in and jumped into Onyx's arms, the demon welcomed her as she always did with a smile that seemed almost motherly, but Derek found it strange when he was in a good mood, as it usually means someone was going to get hurt. ." Did you have fun my puppy?" Onyx asked." Too much!" I got on a horse, swam in a lake and took a hot bath " she reported excitedly " ​​and I also stayed with the master, it was really cool!"" She also destroyed a ball, hit it too hard and hit Ashera in the face " said Derek " she was unconscious for two hours.Napilla laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world, but there Derek scolded her a lot saying that she needed to control her strength, besides it wasn't nice to cause pain to others, he just thought she didn't understand that part yet." Here for you " said Derek putting something on the table " Merilda sent it to you." For me?" How kind of her " sai

  • Chapter Twenty-six - The End of the Vacation.

    " It's good to see you again my father " said Angelo bowing with dignity." You look good my son " replied someone with a powerful voice that seemed to echo " is this the guest you mentioned?"" Yes sir, he is Karias Ehmam, my first subordinate " replied the other.Karias didn't even pay attention to what the other said, he was more concerned with the being who was lying comfortably on several large pillows and served by two maids.The being had the standard humanoid shape, but its robust 2m body was clad in thick leather and blue scales, an armored tail swung slowly like a pendulum, its head did not resemble a human at all, it was definitely a reptile with a bony horn on the back. forehead.The creature that Angelo called his father was a Draconis, a variant of the original dragons that had an approximately human shape and size, unlike the original dragons these were numerous and not as powerful, but they were still far above the human race or any other humanoid , they could be said

  • Chapter Twenty-five - Vacation In Paradise

    " Look, there are more people arriving " said a guy looking at the portal open.This man, as well as many others, saw the portal open and more people pass through it, this time 25 men and women arrived through the magical passage that closed afterwards.With that more than 100 people were gathered in the place, an abandoned temple on top of a mountain, normally magic portals are not so accurate to hit the target, but two marking stakes were planted in the place, the caster only needed to point the magic in that direction and the stakes would do the rest, even so the dimensional mage needed to be of high level to reach such a far away location." Did you also accept the offer?" asked a woman who had just arrived." It is not obvious?" 100,000 Eris each is an incredible offer!" said the mercenary " and look at how many people are already here, whoever is promoting this must be a billionaire!"" Mages of any class, mercenaries... there are even some beasts over there " said a wizard look

  • Chapter Twenty four - Solutions To The Problems

    " Just to clarify, can you explain better what you said?" Derek asked." I want to get rid of a guy, his name is Bron Freethorne from the creation magic course " replied Aella." That's what I thought, and can you tell me why you want to get rid of him?" Derek continued." He's threatening Merilda, I'd like to avoid giving more details " said the other one, unable to face him." When you say "threatening" it sure isn't something physical, because you could protect her " said Derek " which means he's blackmailing Merilda, in a way that you want to silence him.Aella couldn't hide the shame she felt, after thinking carefully she could only come up with this solution, and on top of that she sought out the Derek who had already helped Merilda so much, she felt ashamed that she thought he might get his hands dirty for his selfish desire. ." It doesn't make sense to ask what he's using against you, because it would be one more person knowing that " he said " but I have to ask, is what he's

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