Live-in son in-law

Logan paused, he briefly took a glimpse at the two older men right outside his door then walked hastily towards them. 

"I am sorry, I was out when you called and I tried to be here as soon as possible" he said, coming forth to get the front door opened for them to enter. 

After looking around like two lost puppies, they both looked at each other before glaring at Logan who didn't understand why they did so. 

"This is the place my granddaughter is living? Do you know how precious she is to us? Staying in this place feels like you are being confined" Logan almost scoffed on hearing that, this place? Confined? A spacious living room like this is confined to them? 

"No way am I allowing her stay in this God forsaken place, she has made her choice but I haven't made mine. How will I know that you are not planning on murdering her and running away with her wealth?" Mr Hilton senior added, Logan couldn't hold it, he passed them a disrespectful look. 

"I won't do that for any reason, I don't plan on doing that either" he replied plainly while tightening his jaw, feeling the need to teach this family a lesson but restricted himself when Ava's face popped into his head. The look she had on her face that day remained imprinted in his head. 

If he didn't find any need to help Ava or have an iota of interest in her, he wouldn't be tolerating this from her family. Logan will let them do whatever they want while it lasts. So if they wouldn't want him to stay here, will they give him a bigger place or what?

Both his father-in-law and grandfather in-law sat down on the couch. 

"I am not sure if drinking in here is healthy, so let's get to why we are here and on that note, I am giving you two options" the old man intermitted, crossed his feet before continuing. 

"It's either you move in to the Hilton family house with my granddaughter or I will make sure you don't get to see her ever again" he announced. 

"What?" Logan questioned, shock evidence in his voice. He wants him to move in and stay as a live-in son-in-law? Does that still happen in this digitalized society? 

"That way, we will be able to keep an eye on you so that you won't bring any form of disgrace to the family"

Logan also sat down, looking at the man opposite him. What do they even know? What makes them think that he can't turn down their offer? Living in his in-laws house? Logan has never thought of that for himself before. 

Should he reveal his identity to save him this stress? If they get to know his identity, they will be the one to worship him but that will jeopardize his plans. He needs to find out Ava Hilton's secret and that's all he is interested in. He is interested in his wife but it's very unimportant to him, he will choose to leave! 

Right at that point, Ava's words flashed in his mind. ' I can't do this anymore ' 

Those words held so much meaning that picked Logan's interest, even if it's just for a while, he wants to stay by her side and get to know her more! 

"I will move into the Hilton family's mansion with my wife" Logan blundered out. It was too late by the time he wanted to reverse his words. 


"You did what? Why did you agree to that? Did I ask you to? You just signed the contract, have you forgotten that you are supposed to discuss anything related to my family with me before taking any action? Do you think they will make life bearable for you if I move back in with you?" Ava vociferously yelled in anger. 

She has been annoyed since she got the information about Logan agreeing to move into her family house 

"Should I have chosen to leave you? That would have been better? I did that for you Ava, the desperate look on your face yesterday couldn't leave my head, 

all I wanted to do at that time was to help you escape whatever it is you want to run away from" Logan replied maddened, Ava didn't say anything for a while after Logan's outburst, for some reasons, he is right. Now that it has come to this, he could have chosen to leave but he chose to move into his wife's family house. 

"I have somewhere to be, why did you ask me to come to your company?" Logan asked, changing the topic to give her time to rethink everything. 

"Oh, I already told my secretary to get them instead. Since you don't want to work in the company, I wanted to give you this file containing some jobs that isn't too low and does not require you to provide your credentials but I don't think there's a need for that anymore " Ava said trashing a file in the bin but Logan collected it from her. 


"Grandpa will make you do whatever he wants since we are moving in with them" Ava gave a quick reply. Of course, Logan was aware of that before accepting to live with them. He won't back down now. 

"Oh" he muttered, acting like he didn't know that before. There was silence between them afterwards which gave Logan the opportunity to look around her office. It's very big and beautiful. He wasn't expecting anything less anyway.  

"I almost forgot" he said placing the box he brought with him on her table. 

" I thought you might have not eaten, so I brought lunch for you" Logan added, earning a swift movement of her head from Ava. She looked from her laptop to him and then the box on the table. Many thoughts were running through her mind but she chose not to say anything, not even a thank you. Logan got just a nod. She's so proud! 

"Alright, I am leaving. I have something to attend to" he announced, standing up from the chair. 

"We will talk when I get back" she replied. Once Logan entered his car, he brought out his phone and dialed Daryl's number. He'd be the one to do a perfect job on this. 

"How are you doing with your in-laws? Are they giving you a hard time?" Daryl's voice echoed in the phone. 

"That's unimportant Daryl, I need you to do a background check on Gray co. On all their products and fish out their weaknesses by all means"

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