The visit

"Father-in-law" Logan called trying to act as polite as he could and excused himself from their midst, leaving everyone except Daryl staring widely at his retreating figure. Father in-law? Did their boss get married by chance?

"Father in-law? Is that your way of greeting an elderly person?" Mr Charles Hilton yelled. Logan imagined him hitting the table while screaming his lungs out. Both him and his wife didn't say a word yesterday when Mr Hilton senior was low blowing him. 

"I am sorry for being impolite" Logan voiced out, at the same time rolling his eyes. 

"Keep the apology to yourself, I am only getting involved with the likes of you because of my daughter. You should be thankful to her!" Mr Charles Hilton razzed wildly. Logan suppressed a scoff, that should have been said the other way round. His daughter needs Logan more than the money she is giving to him which is as good as useless to him. 

"My daughter left the house because of you, I am sure you took her to a suburb area where she has never been before. Send me your location now, father and I will come see the wretched place my daughter is staying" Mr Charles Hilton added, the lividity in his voice didn't get overlooked by Logan. 

Their daughter just moved out yesterday and today, they want to come visit their home? The insult and humiliation precipitated to him isn't enough yet? 


"I want to see it now, don't try to give me excuses unless you have any bad intention on my daughter. If you don't send the address to me right now, I can't guarantee what will happen" he cuts Logan off as he was trying to complain and ended the call. 

Logan glanced at his phone with a sigh, again, wondering why he is taking this from this family. Ava's innocent looking face popped into his head and for a minute, he stilled. As much as she is rude, Ava has a lot of things to be liked for and has so many secrets under her sleeves that Logan want to rip them up in the open. 

But her family? What do they have against poor people? Even if he happens to be poor like they are thinking, what's so bad about it? Why would they hate him because they believe he is not in their status? 

Without having no alternative, he sent the apartment's address to his father in-law to avoid being further mortified by them. 

Logan put his phone back into his pocket, walked back in and sat down, his members not uttering a word. They have so much to ask but it's not in their position to do so until he tell them by himself. 

"I don't have enough time since I have something to attend to, no need to be worried about anything and just send me the details you have on the little rat, I will manage to take care of him.

 Also, Stephen asked me to come to the address I sent to you yesterday by 7pm, everything should just go as scheduled, nothing should be messed up unless we want to put the girls in danger" Logan explained to them. 

"Noted, I will see to that" Alfred replied, Logan nodded his head while standing up, ready to leave. Both Daryl and Alfred followed him to the garage.

"It seems the car dealer already delivered your car, it was faster than I thought" Daryl said, as he stared at his phone before looking around the garage to see a newly packed old modelled Mercedes. 

Both Logan and Alfred's attention diverted to the car also. 

"First time you've done something right, this looks good enough to use for the time being" Logan complemented. Daryl went to the car tire and bought out the car key, that's where the dealer told him to check since he didn't want to disturb them in the house. He handed the key to Logan who in turn, nodded his head at him. 

"I am leaving" 

"You haven't eaten Blue, the cook should be done with the cooking by now" Alfred chipped, trying to hide the fact that he is shocked beyond measure to see Blue riding in this kind of car that does not befit his status. 

"Yes, I thought you said you were hungry?" Daryl added. 

"I am very hungry but that can wait, my father and grandfather in-law should be on their way to my house. They do not fancy me that much, I guess you know what that means" Logan said with an eye roll while Daryl laughed. 

"Just why are you doing this? The person screaming at you through the phone a while ago was your father-in-law? Do you need us to teach him a lesson?" Daryl asked 

"Not yet, until I am done getting what I want, they should do whatever they want for now. I won't spare them in the future" Logan said with the tone of finality. 

"You really got married? How? When?" Alfred asked, looking at the two brothers bewildered. Logan on the other hand sighed, shook his head and left in his new car, he doesn't have time for that right now. The car is comfortable and easy to drive, this is his first time using this kind of car but it doesn't seem bad.

The little hold up on the road made him stayed longer on the road than he expected. When he arrived in his compound, a car was already parked there. It wasn't Ava's car so he assumed that his in-laws were in his house already. 

Logan wasn't wrong, when he got closer, he was met with his father and grandfather in-law going and checking around his apartment with a disgusting look on their face. For the umpteenth time today, Logan rolled his eyes at them. They are just exaggerating. Aside being small, the house is clean and beautiful. 

"You are so rude and impolite, how can you keep your father-in-law and I waiting outside your trashy home?" Ava's granddad's voice boomed. 

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