The father in-law

Logan didn't know that a lot of time has passed by while he was having that conversation with Stephen. It was already past nine when he got home. He noiselessly opened Ava's door to see her sleeping peacefully in the bright room, how can she comfortably sleep with her lights on? Is she scared of darkness? Whatever it is, he is grateful he met her sleeping. 

Entering into his room, he pulled out of his wears, grabbed a towel and entered into the bathroom, took a cold bath. That's what he needs right now! 

Once he was out, he put on his night wears and climbed on the bed. He texted Alfred and Daryl the address Stephen wrote for him, asking them to meet tomorrow morning since they have a mission to complete urgently.

It will be a stressful day tomorrow! 

The next day.... 

Logan came out of his room, dressed in a suit. He met Ava in the living room and they exchanged greetings! She was already dressed for work, she look astonishing in her work attire. 

"I am not used to doing wife duties so I didn't make breakfast, do you want noodles? That's the only thing I can prepare without making any mistake" she admitted to him. Logan raised a brow at her, his wife is emphatically a Daddy's girl who gets everything done for her by maids. 

She doesn't know how to cook? 

"Don't worry about that, I will eat on my way" he replied. 

"I guess you are going out" she asked, pointlessly nodding her head. 

"Yes, I need to start job hunting" he lied, Ava believed him since they already discussed it a day before. Logan already scheduled a meeting with the members of Blue Carter, that's exactly where he is heading to from here. He will figure out a place he will pretend to work when the job at hand is done. 

"Okay, I will be going to work too" she said. 

"I will see you later then" Logan replied. 

"Come to the company later. I want you to get something for me and again, I lost the paper you wrote your account number the other day, send it again. I will wire the money to you" Ava mentioned. 

"Okay" both husband and wife went their separate ways right after that. Logan had to wait a few walks away from the house for Daryl to come pick him up. His thought occupied with how commanding Ava sounded a while ago, she's not planning on turning him into her puppet is she? 

A few minutes later, Daryl halted his car in front of him. 

"Is the wealthiest billionaire that commands power wherever he enters stranded because of a woman?" Daryl mocked playfully. 

"Shut up" Logan said, entering into the car while Daryl laughed. 

"Get me an average car tomorrow, it shouldn't be too expensive. You can get me a fairly used if possible" he instructed 

"Noted, but why are you doing this? You don't want her to find out your identity? Do you like her?" Daryl questioned. 

"I don't know why I am doing this, I know I don't like her either" Logan confessed. He never really thought about the reason why he accepted to marry Ava. 

"When are you introducing me to her?" Daryl queried while Logan rolled his eyes at his dramatic brother. 

"How can I introduce you when she thinks that I don't have any family?" he asked. 

"What of your friend, I can be introduced as your friend till you are ready to tell her the truth. I just want to meet her" Daryl whined like a little boy who got his candy snatched away from him, no one will think he is the second in command to the mafia king with his kind of attitude. 

"Fine, fine, I will introduce you to her. Will you drive peacefully and let me rest now?" Logan asked 

"Yes Blue, please have a nice rest" Daryl replied playfully instigating Logan to shook his head at him. They talked about random things till they got to the main mansion were the gang members reside. 

"Welcome Blue, good morning" Alfred came out to greet the brothers. Daryl smiled and Logan on the other hand waved his hand instead of replying to the greeting. 

"Is everyone gathered inside?" he asked. 

"Yes Blue, everyone is waiting for you" 

"Okay, tell the cook to prepare something for me. I haven't had my breakfast" Logan instructed, his dear wife doesn't know how to cook, he is not a fan of noodles either. So will he be the one doing the cooking? Hiring a cook will be very obvious that he has money. 

"I will do that right away" when they got inside, they were greeted by the rest of the members. Among his group, Logan is liked and at the same time feared by people who are familiar with him. He has so much power and the most dangerous connections any one can ever think of. He doesn't forgive so easily, likewise, he can make anyone and their entire family disappear from the face of earth. He can ruin just anybody within a blink of an eye if he wants to. 

But fortunately, Logan only go after those who gets on his nerves, those trafficking women and engaging in child abuse and introducing them into vice crime. He hates those who makes life unbearable for people and also him. That's how dangerous Logan Weston is! 

"I am not going to waste time on this operation, Stephen sent the time I am to come over to where he is hiding the girls. We will just do as we have planned before, there shouldn't be any mistake. Remember, our priority is to ensure the safety of everyone under the captive of Stephen. Do we get it?" Logan announced. 

"Yes Blue" they replied in chorus. 

"Any news on the rat messing around with my database?" he questioned. Just like that, everywhere became dead silent. It's taking them so much time to get just one guy, just how good is this person with computer?

"We are still on—" 

"Send every information you have collected about him and also the login details of the email he reply us with whenever he likes, I will deal with this myself" Logan cuts in when Alfred was about responding. 

Logan used to be a very skilled hacker and good at everything that has to do with computer. At that time, he could find just anyone even if they hide themselves in Mars. He was so good that big companies sort after him but all of a sudden, he stopped touching anything related to computer, aside his phone. This is attributable to the incident that occurred five years ago! 

"Will you be okay?" Daryl phrased, the rest of them nodded their heads in agreement to his enquiry. Logan was nearly replying when his phone beeped, taking his attention from the members. 

He brought out his phone to see that was an unknown number. The first thing he heard when he picked up was a loud scream. Like a new york minute, Logan shifted the phone from his ear, checked the caller again before placing it back. 

"Hello" he said skeptically. 

"Why the hell did you take time to pick my call? Are you being disrespectful to your father-in-law on top of you being such a disgrace to the Hilton family because of your poor background?" On hearing that, Logan picked up immediately that Ava's father is on the phone with him. How did he get his number and why is he calling him?

A frown formed on his face as he gritted his teeth together. That was a welcome greeting from his supposed father in-law. Is he going to hurl more insults at him? What makes this family so bold? Their wealth? The one Logan can destroy? Even their lives are in his hand. 

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