Stephen Cole

Logan almost cringed on hearing that, how will it feel working in your in-laws company? Especially the ones that doesn't like you at all. They will turn him into a puppet. 

"I will have to decline, don't worry, I definitely won't do menial jobs that will belittle your family's status" he replied confidently. Logan doesn't need to work in the first place, he only said that to put her mind at ease. 

"Okay" Ava replied and they ate silently without any of them talking until they were done. 

"We have to create house rules so that no one will trespass against each other, in other words, you should write list of the things you hate and like and I will also write mine. We will review them tomorrow but right now, the only thing I want to do is sleep" Logan glanced at his wrist watch the moment he said that. It was just 6:21pm, how can she want to sleep this early? 

"Okay, that's a good night then" he said to her, she nodded her head and left. After clearing the table and not having anything else to do, Logan went into his room only to meet his phone ringing but before he could pick, the call already ended. 

It was from Alfred and knowing that he doesn't call unless it's important, Logan called back instantaneously. 

"Blue" Alfred called from the other end. 

"Yes, why did you call?" Logan asked. 

"Stephen Cole is back in town, we might be able to save the kids in his custody" Alfred said. That was enough to pick Logan's interest, that fucker won't have it easy with him when he gets the chance. 

There's nothing he hates more than those who abuse women and children because they are vulnerable to them. He despise those two faced fools, Logan doesn't perceive himself forgiving Stephen. He will break his bones and make him go through what those children are going through. Compelling young teenage girls into child labour and prostitution against their Wills? That's what Logan hates the most! 

"Did you get his location?" Logan asked. 

"Of course, right now, he is in favourite bar, drinking himself to stupor" Alfred announced with a low chuckle. He doesn't need to mention it before Logan know where the place is. Stephen only drinks at the Hudson's Bar. 

"Great, I am hanging up" Logan said, threw his phone on his bed and changed into something more comfortable, something that will at least give him a commanding aura. He doesn't know what will happen to those kids if he choose not to make a spry decision. 

Putting his phone in his pocket, he came out, glanced at Ava's door as he contemplates whether to knock her door or not. In the end, he concluded on leaving a text for her. A text completely full of lies. 

Glancing at the garage, Logan sighed. He has wholly forgotten that he doesn't live in his mansion anymore and there is no single car of his in the parking lot. He should really get an average car at least. 

Since he saw Ava dropping her car key on the living room table, he wasted no time in going back inside, picked it up, entered the car and drove off. It's going to be a long night. He'd definitely apologize to his dear 'wife' later! 

About 17 minutes later, Logan pulled up at Hudson's Bar. It was easy to locate Stephen amidst the people that were in the bar because they've been keeping tabs on him for months now, he stays in his best loved VIP place meant for people like him. 

Logan got the most expensive wine available at the bar, also got a glass cup then walked straight ahead to where Stephen and his crew were playing with innocent girls. 

Walking up to them, Logan put on a fake and deceiving smile on his face. 

"Can I sit with you? It'd be nice sitting down with the likes of me, enjoy wine together and also some women. What do you think?" he began a conversation with Stephen who was squeezing a girl's butt as if he is doing that to an orange. 

The young girl have an exasperated look on her face, no need to look at her twice before knowing that she is scared to death and she is not here because she wants to. Logan balled his hand in a fist but still tried to maintain the smile on his face. 

Stephen raised his head up and the first thing his eyes landed on was the drink he was holding. His eyes almost bulged out of its sockets. Stephen won't dare buy that kind of expensive wine because it will cost him his entire fortune but then, someone just afforded it without blinking an eye. 

"Please sit, I can't keep someone like you standing" Stephen said politely, slightly taking his attention from the girl. With a look at his aides, they stood up and left sluggishly, leaving both Logan, Stephen and his little prey behind. 

"I am Stephen Cole, it's nice meeting you" he introduced. 

"I am Jordan Mac" Logan lied smoothly, no way he is letting this asshole to know his real name. Stephen nodded his head! 

"Would you like me to pour you a drink from mine?" Logan asked, studying his expression. He needn't to be told, he saw an elated look on his face. 

"I can't turn down that kind gesture you know, it'd be a pleasure. Now tell me, what kind of women do you want? I will get as many as you want for you" Stephen said lifting his glass up, Logan poured a drink for him. 

"I like them young, just like her" he countered. Stephen was forced to look at the beautiful girl beside him who sat there with shaky hands. Her body is probably shaking from intense apprehension. 

"Oh, she is my personal girl, I would have loved to give her to you but I have lots of young females you can pick anyone you want from. You know, I have different types of them. You should also know that there will be a price attached, I mean it's business" Stephen stated with an irritating laughter. 

At that moment, Logan wanted nothing than to cut off his mouth remove his eyeballs and place them in his hands but he settled for silence. 

"I have as much money as you want, a hundred million? Two hundred? Or more?" Logan replied cockily bringing out his customized card, purposely turning it in front of Stephen. Stephen mopped unstoppably at the card, dewy-eyed. 

"You are ready to pay that much for a few girls?" he asked, his body jolting in excitement. 

"I will double any amount we agree on if you add her to the list of girls I will get from you, I am finding her interesting" Logan said pointing at the girl beside Stephen once again who pretended not to hear their conversation as she stayed mute while Stephen kept groping any part of her body he wants. 

"You can't choose from other girls? This one right here belongs to me" Stephen announced, his mouth curled up, revealing a displeased smile. 

"Oh well, if she won't be among them then, I am not interested. I take it that you don't want to have a deal with me" Logan expressed feigning to stand up. Before he could make a move, Stephen held him back, gesturing him to sit down. 

"I will let her and nine other girls go to you if you pay three hundred million dollars" he enunciated, exhilaration bubbling inside him. 

"I will add extra two to it, I will make it five hundred million dollars" Logan's declaration made Stephen choke on his drink. 

"Deal" he replied hastily thinking that Logan might change his mind. 

"So can I come and pick the ones I want tommorow?" Logan questioned, he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible. 

"Of course, I will write down the address where I usually keep my girls. You can select anyone then, I hope any time is okay by you Jordan?" Stephen asked. 

"Absolutely fine by me, I know your kind of business and I also won't want to leave any trace behind. I will come with the money tomorrow, in cash" Logan articulated, standing up from his chair. 

"That is so thoughtful of you" 

"I guess we are done for the night" Logan said, picked up the paper Stephen scribbled the address on and smiled sinisterly. 

"Have a safe trip back home" with one last look at the little girl, Logan turned and left. By this time tomorrow, Stephen Cole will either be begging for his mercy or already dead by his hand. 

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