Married to a pauper

"Grandpa please" Ava pleaded but it fell on deaf ears. 

"I know you married her because you are interested in my family's wealth, do you also think that I will make you run my companies in the future just because you are holding the position of a husband? You don't even have a background" the old man screamed at Logan who was trying so hard to control himself. 

He doesn't have a background? What a joke! He had expected this kind of reaction from the beginning but Logan didn't know that they will despise him this much. 

"You don't even have a job, you are just a poor orphan who is after nothing but the money he didn't work for. You don't have a life young man, people will talk about my family if my granddaughter gets married yesterday,

and I ask her to file a divorce the next day, that is the only reason I am not sending you away but do not think of running away with my family's money, you won't be in charge of anything that's huge to the company" he added loathingly then turned to Ava. 

"He is the reason you refused to marry the eldest son of the David family? The young man is financially buoyant and we can always run to him and his people for help but this?" he paused pointing at Logan.

"You married a pauper who have nothing to offer. How do you expect him to help you manage the company? I am sure his educational background is also a mess. I can't send him away because he is already in the family but then, I do not like anything about him" Grandpa Hilton stood up and left in fury while Ava's parents also stood up after giving him a distasteful look. 

Logan ran his hand through his hair after they left both him and Ava in the living room. He has never felt this insulted in his entire life, how can they hate him this much because they think he is poor? He can make their entire business disappear in seconds if he wants to. So what if he came to them as a rich person? Would they have treated him differently? 

Calming himself down, he sat down on the couch. He had been standing all the time they were all seated. He will leave them to do whatever they want for now but then, they will either cower upon hearing his name or be at his mercy in the future. 

Ava sat down too, holding her head in her hand. She doesn't like Logan either but seeing him being disrespected by her family annoyed her and she can't do anything about it. Nothing makes her more mad than that. 

"You didn't expect them to like you right? I hope my grandpa's words didn't get to you?" she asked instead of apologizing but Logan didn't mind. Ava is just the same as them but then, a little bit better. 

"I will get used to it" he replied casually gesticulating. 

"I think we should leave, I will just go pack my things and be back" she said to him and rushed upstairs. Logan took a deep breath as he look around the living room wondering why he is tolerating this. Why does standards matters to them so much? And who is Alex David? 

Just as he was lost in thought, Ava came back dragging two heavy bags. He stood up and collected them from her. 

"Thank you, take them to the car please. I still have a few things to bring with me" she instructed. Logan nodded his head in response, walking out to the garage where her car was parked. 

He just dropped them by the boot since the car wasn't opened and went back inside to see Ava coming down with more of her things. 

"I will just go with these for now, I will come back to pick anything if I need them" she said to him as they walk back to the car. 

She entered after telling him to hop in. She didn't bother telling anyone that they are leaving, they probably heard her packing up and they might be watching them right now. Her grandfather will be mad at her for a while, she will just give him sometime to calm down.

They drove out of the compound. Logan helped her with unpacking her things in the room opposite his. 

"Thank you" Ava muttered

"You can have some rest if you are not going back to work today again, what do you want to eat? Let me order us something, I am hungry" he said to her. 

"Pizza will be enough for me" 

"Pizza it is, I will come call you when it's here" she nodded while he left the room, brought out his phone and ordered for two boxes of pizza before going into his room. 

Getting there, Logan threw himself on the bed. It's going to be a new start, starting from today. He stood up, entered into the bathroom and had a quick shower. He picked up a simple shirt and trouser from his wardrobe and put them on. 

As he was about climbing in the bed again, the doorbell rang. No one needed to tell him that their pizza has arrived. 

He went outside, got the pizzas then, left to call Ava. Not wanting to intrude, he knocked on her door instead of opening it on her. She opened the door and came out. Ava also changed into a short gown nearly reaching her knee revealing her well moisturized legs. 

Logan took in her appearance but looked away after a few seconds, how can she wear something this short when she knows he's in the house with her? 

"The pizza is here" he informed. 

"Okay" Ava replied, closed the door behind her. She began walking to the dinning, she sat down, picked one of the boxes, opened and began eating without waiting for Logan who went to the freezer get them juice. 

Logan fetched the juice in a cup for her and one for him too before finally sitting down. 

"I know you will think I will be a burden since I have nothing to do but by tomorrow, I will go for job hunting. I will get a job so that I won't have to bother you" Logan expressed sounding as sincere as he can. 

"What kind of work do you want to go and look for when you don't have suitable credentials? My grandfather will hate you even more if you start doing petty jobs" Ava said blatantly. She paused, took a slice of pizza in her mouth, taking a bite. 

"There is a position for you in our company, that's the only place you can get accepted" 

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