Meeting the in-laws

Just as predicted by Logan, at exactly fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the apartment. The both of them looked around the place. To Logan, it looks ordinary just like he wanted and to Ava, the apartment is too small. 

Logan entered the code and they stepped into the living room. Ava looked around, it's really small but so neat, it's hard to believe that someone lives here because of how clean it is. 

"There are four bedrooms in here, the first one is mine and the rest are empty. We can go check them out and you can also choose anyone you like" Ava nodded her head and followed him to the rooms. 

There were no much things in his room but it's tidy enough, Ava didn't end up picking someone that can't take care of himself and his environment, she is at least grateful for that. 

The other rooms are somehow spacious. 

"What do you think?" Logan questioned

"Compared to mine, your place is way too small but not stuffy. I have never stayed in a place like this but I can try adjust, it's livable" she replied with sincerity. Although she's not comfortable, she can't force him to move into her place that's bigger. The both of them are benefiting from this marriage but she gets the most out of it. 

"I am glad you think that way" Logan said with a smile on his face. 

"I can change some things right?" Ava asked. 

"Of course, the place is ours, not just mine" Ava nodded her head in understanding. 

"Then it's all good" she responded while checking her time. 

"I have a meeting in a few minutes, I will come pick you up tomorrow to go see my family. I will text you the time too" she conveyed. 

"Noted" Logan walked her to her car and watch her leave before going back in. He sat on the couch with a relieved expression on his face. Just as Ava left, Daryl drove into the compound. 

"What is happening? I saw a car driving out of the compound, why did you ask me to buy you this place? Do you now want to live an average life? Hope you are not planning on leaving the gang? You will create more enemies for yourself and I am not ready to be a leader" Daryl inquired on stepping into the living room. 

"You talk and ask too many questions, I am not leaving the gang" Logan replied with a chuckle. Daryl has always been inquisitive right from their childhood, Logan basically raised him up since they lost their parents at an early age. 

"Then what's going on?" he debriefed.

"I got married today" Logan dropped while Daryl choked on nothing. 

"What? Are you kidding me right now Logan? Married? How? You never really dated anyone" he said his eyes dilating in disbelief. Logan shrugged his shoulders. 

"It just happened and she thinks I am poor, I don't have any family and equally jobless. That's why I bought this place because we will be staying here henceforth" he explained to Daryl who was trying to process what he just said. 

"You are not the type to joke so why?" 

"I don't know either, there's something about her I am interested in. That's all I can tell you, so how did the party go yesterday at the club?" Logan asked with the intent to change the topic. 

"Ugh! I don't want to talk about it right now" he said with his face flushed red. 

"This is about a girl" Logan concluded and he was not entirely wrong but Daryl wouldn't admit to it. 

"Definitely not, I am going to get water" Daryl said and quickly stood up to the kitchen leaving Logan who was laughing at him behind.

The next day.... 

Dressed fully in a suit, not at all expensive. It cost not more than $200. This is the first time he is wearing a dress that's not even up to ten thousand, to adjust to the world he is going to pretend to live in, he need these kind of dresses so he bought a lot of casual wears in numbers today. Logan stepped out of his room and just in time, Ava's car drove in. 

"We don't have a lot of time, let's get going" she persuaded not getting out of the car since Logan was already outside. He quickly locked his door and entered into the car. 

Once he was inside, Ava's gaze dropped on him, he's putting on a casual suit that's not up to her standards or that of her family but he managed to look extremely handsome and breathtaking. She couldn't take her eyes off him immediately until Logan pressed the car hon to bring her attention back. 

She looked away and composed herself before starting the car. 

"I told my family about our marriage, so they are just expecting my husband. It's not going to be easy, my grandfather won't like you so soon" she announced in advance. Logan already knew that, when their daughter was supposed to get married to a rich CEO, she came back with someone that is not in their class, they won't welcome him with two hands and he knows that. 

"Don't worry about that" he said while nodding his head. Ava's family house is about thirty minutes drive from the apartment so it took them a while before arriving at the Grayson's mansion. 

The mansion is big and beautiful but compared to Logan's mini vacation home, the Grayson's mansion is small. It's just like half of his vacation house space. 

They have so many workers. He observed as he followed Ava out of the car and into the mansion. It was like everyone was basically waiting for them because when they entered into the living room, all the Hilton family members were there. 

Their attentions turned to him the moment Logan came in. He glanced around and studied everyone's face, they held different expressions on them. 

"Grandpa, Dad, Mum, this is Logan Weston, my husband" Ava introduced while Logan bowed his head trying to be polite. Everyone took in his look, their faces squeezed after noticing the clothes he is putting on is cheap. 

"So you are my granddaughter's husband?" the Hilton's senior member asked with a disgusting look on his face. 

"Yes Sir, I—" 

"What made you think that you will be welcomed into this family just because you are married to my granddaughter?" Grandpa Hilton cuts in revoltingly. Logan was forced to raise his head in a swift, the Hilton family are going to be hard for him to deal with.

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