
'Hi, this is Ava and here is the contract. You can go over it, if there's anything you don't like, we can change it. Do not forget, we will be meeting at the city hall to register our marriage by 2pm' 

That was the message she sent to Logan with a file attached to it. After going through it, everything was fair enough to him but their living arrangement wasn't mentioned. 

'got it' he replied back. They will probably talk about it when they meet, it's not something he should waste his time on right now when he has things to do. 

Once he was done, he placed his phone in his pocket and got out of the car, walking majestically into the house. 

"So is there anything you need to report to me?" Logan asked Alfred on getting inside. 

"De Coster is still fuming about the new rules you adopted, I learnt that he is planning on an attack in form of protest. Should I take care of him before then?" Alfred asked and Logan shook his head. He had been targeted many times in the past, nothing of such can freak him out. He didn't put so much effort into becoming who he is today to be a weakling. 

"Until he makes a move, let's leave him to enjoy his time. Just keep a close watch on him" he injected. 


"We should have a meeting with everyone this weekend, inform others" Logan glanced at his timd and stood up ready to leave. He still have few hours before the time to register his said marriage. 

"Right away, I will do that now"

"I am leaving, call me if there's any issue" that said, he left. Right now, he needs to take a cold shower and have a good sleep. He entered his newly acquired latest brand of Lamborghini and drove straight home. Logan gets latest brands of cars of any product at all whenever they are released, that makes him own a lot of luxurious cars. 


Few hours later, Logan dressed up nicely in a suit, one that is not noticeably expensive. Ava already sees him as a poor jobless young man, that's how it should be for now.

In order to avoid being seen by her when he enter the city hall in an expensive car, he asked his driver to stop him a few meters away from their place of meeting. 

Ava was already waiting for him when he came. 

"You are late, did you trek here?" she asked in a displeasing tone. 

"I took the bus, there was a little traffic on the road" he lied. 

"You don't have a car?" she questioned again making Logan to crease his forehead. 

"I am planning on buying a small car soon" he replied while Ava huffed. She didn't say anything again and they entered into the registrar's office. Registering their marriage didn't take a lot of time, they were done within ten minutes and just like that, Logan status changed from being a bachelor to a married man. 

"So what's next?" he asked. 

"We will go and tell my family by tomorrow about our marriage, they will get angry but that's it" she announced while Logan nodded his head. 

"About our living arrangement, I am not going to live in your father's house right?" he asked

"Of course not, I already bought a house for us. We will move in right after we see my family tomorrow, it's only right since we are already married. We are supposed to live together anyway" Ava said with a shrug. 

"But I have a house, it might not be as big as yours but it's comfortable" Logan defended with a frown, she bought a house for them to live in? Who does that?

"You own the house? How big?" she queried.

"The house is not initially mine, I pay monthly rent. Well, if you don't mind, we can go see my place from here but we will have to eat first, are you not hungry?" he asked. Making them eat first will buy him enough time to get a house and move a few of his things there. 

"I have to go back to work but I can spare two hours" Ava said. 

"That's enough for me" 

"Okay, let me get my bag. I think I left it inside" 

Logan brought out his phone and dialed Daryl's number the moment she was out of his sight. Thankfully, he picked after a few rings. 

"Bro, where did you go to yesterday? I got tired waiting for you at your place" Daryl said the moment he picked up. 

"That's not important right now, there's something urgent I want you to do for me" Logan said in a desperate tone. 

"Alright, what should I do for you?" 

"I need you to buy an average apartment of at least two bedrooms and three bedrooms at most within an hour and also help me move a few of my things, just make it look ordinary. I don't have enough time, an hour and half should be enough for you to do that" Logan instructed. 

"What? Why do you want to buy a small house when you have mansions? You–"

"Just do what I asked you to, I will explain to you later. Text me the address when you are done, remember, I will be there probably in an hour and half time so help me sort everything out before then" Logan ended the call immediately he sighted Ava coming out. 

"You can drive right?" she asked, throwing her car key at him after unlocking it. He watch as she entered into the passenger side without sparing him a glance. Sighing, he entered, ignited the engine and drove off. 

"I know of a fancy place, their food is very good too. I am sure you will like it" he said trying to start a conversation with her. 

"I am fine with it as long as the standard is okay" 

"Okay" the car became silent after that. No one spoke but somehow it was comfortable. 

About thirty minutes later, they arrived at a restaurant. Just like he said, the place is beautiful and inviting. It has to be since it's owned by him. Aside being a mafia boss, Logan has a lot of other businesses as other sources of income. Ava looked around the place with a satisfied look on her face since it will be okay for her to eat here. 

Thankfully, there was a table left. The manager ran outside the moment he saw Logan while the employees bowed their heads in respect whenever he pass them by. Logan wanted to scream at them to stop doing that but he couldn't, he was just grateful that Ava's mind didn't go there. She probably thinks that the staff are well trained. 

"Sir Lo–" Logan shook his head with a signal, he should have texted him earlier but Ava was right beside him in the car. 

"Welcome Sir, ma'am. You didn't make a reservation but luckily, there's a space left, please come this way" Logan sighed in relief, glad that this man got his message. 

They sat down, made their orders and they waited for about twenty minutes before it was ready. 

"I hope you like it" Logan asked seeing Ava take a spoon of the omelette in her mouth. 

"It's nice" the both of them ate in silence after then till they were done. The bill was already brought to them so Ava took it to take a look at the amount, she was ready to pay until Logan held her hand. 

"What do you want to do?" he asked. 

"Pay of course" 

"I was the one that brought you here, I will be the one to pay" he uttered. 

"The bill is much, can you afford it?" she asked politely. 

"I might not have much money but I can definitely afford this, you also paid me for my service yesterday" Ava's face turned red on hearing that. She left the bill for him without saying anything. 

"Now let's go check out my place" Logan said. Just at that moment, Daryl sent him the address and information about the house and also the passcode. Does Daryl ever listen? Logan told him three bedrooms at most but he got an apartment of four bedrooms instead? Although it doesn't make any difference, as long as it's small and ordinary. 

Ava stood up, this time around, she allowed Logan to get the door opened for her. The place should be ten to fifteen minutes drive from where they are now. Logan entered into the car, ignited the engine and drove off. 

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