The contract

"What?" Logan asked unsure of whether he heard her right or not. If she just asked him to marry her, then she's loose in the head. 

"Don't get me wrong, it will be a contract marriage. Your pay will be nothing less than fifty million dollars, you can negotiate if you want. I won't ask you to be my contracted husband if it's not important, you don't have money but you are good looking at least" Logan watch her verbalize her opinion with kin interest. 

If only she knew that he is capable of providing the money she is offering to him in ten thousand places, if only she is aware of how powerful he is, she wouldn't be able to stand in front of him and even bat her lashes. But then, he began to wonder why she will want to go into a contract marriage with a stranger at that. 

"I don't even know you, what makes you think that I will go into that kind of contract with you?" he asked out of the blue. 

"You need money, please just help me out. I don't think I can cope with this anymore, I really need you right now. I just can't deal with this" for the first time, she begged almost at the verge of tears. It didn't initially get to Logan but then, he became curious, curious to know things about her like why she is doing this. She look all elegant but then, it feels like he can see through her like an open book. What is she trying to run away from? 

"Let's get married then" he blurted before he could stop himself without having any particular reason why he said that but somehow, he find her interesting. 

"What? Do you mean it?" she asked, her eyes glistening in delight. 

"Should I take that back?" he questioned back and she shook her head in a precipitous manner. 

"Of course not, we can go register our marriage today by 2pm right? I will send the contract to you before then" she preceded. The unmistakable smile on her face makes her more bright. Logan took a southward look at her, she's wrapped in the bedsheet and also barefooted. She didn't bother dressing up before coming to talk to him. 

"That's okay by me" although it's too soon, he decided to go with the flow. She nodded. 

"It's only right we exchange names, I just know that you do not have a job and not doing financially well, plus you don't have any family. Anyway, I am Ava Hilton" she introduced, stretching her hand forward for a handshake. 

"Logan Weston" he stated taking her hand. Her palm feel soft and moist like princesses in novels and movies who does nothing but sleep all day because they are privileged to grow up with rich parents. 

"And your number too, I can't contact you without that"

"Right" he replied, collected her phone and inputted his phone number. 

"I will message you" that said, Logan left the room. Once he was out, he brought out his phone and dialed someone's number. 

"I spent the night with someone, her name is Ava Hilton. Find every information you can about her, nothing should be left out" he said before the other person could greet him. 

"Yes boss, it can be done within twenty minutes at most. I will get back to you shortly" 


Instead of going straight home, Logan asked someone to bring his car to him. He need to meet with some of his members for some unfinished business they were supposed to do yesterday. 

The car rolled up in a mansion, a few of the Blue Carters stays in here. The Blue Carter is a gang name for the members of Logan's mafia family and since he's the founder, he is mostly addressed as that. 

"Why are you here so early Blue? I can finish the work alone without having to stress you again" Alfred spoke on seeing Logan. 

"I just feel I should be here, did you get the location? Who was behind the incident?" he asked while Alfred cleared his throat. 

"Right now, his IP address is changing every now and then which is confusing. His aim is to distract us so we can't find his location that easily. I must admit, he is a real computer genius. Although, I already got an expert that will help us fish out his real address" Alfred explained. 

A week ago, someone messed with their database. The database contains almost all the vital information of their rivals and all the weaknesses of every rich person they've worked with or tried to take down and also those who wants Logan six feet below them. Because he has so many secrets of people, Logan gained himself a lot of enemies aside those that are unto him because of the position he holds as the mafia king.

"Keep me posted on that, we need to get him as soon as possible. You know what it means for someone else to have our information" Logan voiced 

"Very well, I understand that. You have nothing to worry about Blue, if the person had wanted to do anything with it, he would have done that before now. I am sure he is on to something else" Logan was about replying to that when his phone buzzed. It was a message from his private investigator whom he called earlier regarding Ava Hilton. 

"You can go inside, I will meet you in a short while" he instructed Alfred and went back to enter his car before opening the mail.

Ava Hilton, 25years old, vice chairman of Gray Co. Gray co is a popular manufacturing company and they produce literally everything, ranging from beverages, electronics, cosmetics, skin care products, raw foods, clothes and the likes of them. As much as it's big, they don't make that much money because of shares. 

They sold most of their shares to the public but then, they still have enough money which makes Ava Hilton a rich heiress being the only child of her parents. 

Her grandfather arranged a marriage for her with Alex David, the CEO of Hermes but she turned it down because she had a past with the man she is supposedly to marry. That alone is causing deep problem in the family because no one disobeys the senior of the Hilton household. He basically dictates their lives and everyone has to live by his rule. 

There were lots of information about her and Logan didn't miss a detail out. After going through it, he realized that she wants to get out of the arranged marriage even at the expense of getting married to a stranger. What could have been the past she's hiding and what's her relationship with Alex David? 

As he was about stepping out of the car, his phone buzzed again. This time around, it was from an unknown number who identified herself as Ava Hilton! Logan's mouth curved up. 

"This is getting interesting" he silently muttered. 

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